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  • Naturen er min religion - Uno Vita AS

    Nature is my religion

    Nature is my religion, And this is my view of life. The author believes it is a continuous process to go from faith to knowledge. He wants change to become...

  • Hydrogen og menneskers helse og biologi - Uno Vita AS

    Hydrogen and human health and biology

    Hydrogen and human health and biologyHydrogen is the atomic element that forms organic molecules and transmits chemical energy by vibration, tunneling and resonance. It is also an important part of...

  • Hydrogenvann: helsefordeler og forsking - Uno Vita AS

    Hydrogen water: Health benefits and research

    Hydrogen water: Health benefits and research Hydrogen water, also known as molecular hydrogen water, has taken the world by storm in recent years, and attracts a lot of attention because...

  • En guide til magnesium - Uno Vita AS

    A guide to magnesium

    A guide to magnesium - understand its crucial role in your health!By Jan Fredrik Poleszynski - Clinic for Integrated Medicine - Copyright 2024 Magnesium is a superhero among minerals. Essential...

  • Zeolitt for avgiftning: Tro, fakta og effekter! - Uno Vita AS

    Zeolite for detoxification: faith, facts and effects!

    Zeolite for detoxification: faith, facts and effects! What are zeolites?Zeolite is a rare natural mineral formed by a chemical reaction between volcanic ash and seawater. The crystalline structure is porous...

  • En funksjonell integrert medisinsk forståelse av helse - Uno Vita AS

    A functional integrated medical understanding of health

    A functional integrated medical understanding of health What is illness?The word "disease" stems from the North "sick" (worried/grieving) and "dómr" (creature/behavior). Thus, we can interpret it as "a concerned behavior",...

  • Er jording farlig? - Uno Vita AS

    Is grounding dangerous?

    Error information on grounding and grounding products Order occurs when the technical equipment or human body (or other material) that conducts current is connected directly to the soil (ground) via...