Dog Mix - 100 grams Nutritional Support for Dogs
kr 243 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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kr 314 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Pets Health: Diet, Diseases, and Supplements
Common diseases in pets
Both dogs and cats are exposed to several diseases that are common in humans, such as cancer, heart, liver, and kidney diseases. Research indicates that the occurrence and types of these diseases are remarkably similar in pets and humans.
Nutritional benefits for pets
Alfa-liponic acid can improve the glucose change and acts as a powerful antioxidant, beneficial for both active and older animals. TMG (trimethylglycin) supports liver and renal health by improving methylation and production of glutation. Carotenoids that lutein strengthen the immune system by increasing the number of T cells.
Plants such as medicine
Substances such as apigenin (found in parsley) and lutolin occur almost as drugs with severe antioxidant and anti-cancer effects. Apigenin can inhibit cell growth and angiogenesis, while lutolin blocks harmful enzymes and protects against radiation and damage induced by chemotherapy.
Long life and diet
The oldest registered cat, Grandpa Rex's Allen, lived to the human equivalent of 150 years. His unique diet not only included premium cat food, but also vegetables such as broccoli and asparagus, suggesting that a plant -based diet can offer extra health benefits.
Our pets can certainly benefit from supplements and dietary practice we follow. Attention to diet, enriched with essential nutrients and plant -based substances, can improve not only human health, but also the health of our dear pets.
Dog Mix - 100 grams Nutritional Support for Dogs
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Uno Vita AS
Phone: (+47) 22 09 18 80 - Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss, Norway
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Helt supert for smertebehandling. Jeg har kun brukt det for mine smerter så langt da det er det som plager meg mest. Har fibromyalgi og flere prolapser i ryggen, spesielt i øvre del, og med behandling à 20 minutter 2 x pr. dag så har jeg halvert bruken av smertestillende. Anbefales på det sterkeste!
Viktig produkt for rensing av nyrene Jeg bruker et F-Scan apparat som kan scanne kroppen og ser at dette kosttilskuddet fungerer veldig bra for nytene
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Jeg har brukt dette produktet tidligere IG er veldig fornøyd ned det. Holdt meg frisk i hele periode. Jeg brukte det. Det samme nå.
Helt supert for smertebehandling. Jeg har kun brukt det for mine smerter så langt da det er det som plager meg mest. Har fibromyalgi og flere prolapser i ryggen, spesielt i øvre del, og med behandling à 20 minutter 2 x pr. dag så har jeg halvert bruken av smertestillende. Anbefales på det sterkeste!
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