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Bio-well analysis technology

(6 Products)

What is Bio-Well (GDV)?
Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on electrophonic image treatment or Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV. Kirlian effect) made specifically for a "fast" assessment of a person's energetic state. The interpretation of the scans is based on the acupuncture point concept, Auyrveda and many scientific and clinical studies done over 20 years. The system is fast, visually, reliable and easy to use. Bio-Well has been developed by an international team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, the product consists of a "desk camera" and associated software.

The technology: GDV Techniquegdv Technique is data registration and analysis of electro-photonic emissions of various objects, including biological (especially the human fingers) as a result of placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field of the unit's lens. When a scan is performed, a weak electric current is applied to your fingertips for less than a millisecond. The object's response to this stimulus is the formation of an electronic discharge. The electron emission stimulates gas discharge (glow) that is captured by the camcorder and then translated and transferred back into graphic representations for further analysis.

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