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Eteriske oljer og andre oljer - Uno Vita AS

Essential oils and other oils

(12 Products)

Organic oils and essential oils. Essential oils are considered by some as the hormones of the plants, and carriers of their vitality. They can be used to treat a wide range of physical, mental and psychosomatic disorders. The scent of them can affect both one's mood and mental state. In order to have a good therapeutic effect, essential oils must be of the best quality. That is, they should come from plants that either grow wild in nature, or which are grown without the use of fertilizers and pesticides. The fact that the plants are grown organic is important, as pesticides and substances from artificial fertilizers can join the oil. The height above the sea and the soil at the growing site is also important for the quality of the oil. Essential oils have a very complex molecular structure and can contain many hundreds of chemical substances. The most common types of ingredients are alcohols, esters, ketones, phenols and aldehydes, and it is these substances that are best examined for therapeutic effects. Aroma therapists believe that the essential oils penetrate the body and affect the mind and body, both through the smell organs and directly through the skin. It is believed that the essential oils affect the central nervous system when inhaled and that they need through capillaries and cell tissue when applied to the skin. The text is taken from the herbal source (http://www.rolv.no) with their permission.

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