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Altrient - Livon Labs

(4 Products)

The story of Altrient and Livon Labs

In 2002, Les Nachman's bad news received from his doctor. If he did not get the heart transplant, he would die. Following the advice of a cardiologist and recognized virologist / epidemiologist, he left his life and began with intravenous vitamin C treatment three times a week. The results were nothing less than "miraculous". After 35 years in the dietary industry, Read was convinced that it was an easier, less expensive way to get high doses of vitamin C without the major stomach problems that come with traditional oral pills and powder. The answer turned out to be liposomal enclosure technology.

After two years of development with recognized researchers and producers, Les and his wife Cindy finally had a product that delivered high dose of vitamin C to the cells. They founded Livon Labs in 2004 with Cindy as president on a goal of healing the "world" using liposomal vitamin C, which had a similar citation as her husband read. The products caught the attention of Dr. Thomas E. Levy (one of the foremost vitamin C researchers and authors in the world), who said that comparing "all other oral vitamin C delivery with your oral liposomal delivery is like comparing a spray gun to a fire hose. " Since then, Livon Labs and Altrient have received a number of prices for high quality and effect and admission etc. Thorough studies. Altrient is the European brand name and is distributed in Norway and Scandinavia by Uno Vita AS

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