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Funksjonsevaluering - Uno Vita AS

Functional evaluation

(4 Products)

Functional measurements 

Diagnostic and scientific equipment
The human body is an electrical system where errors and weaknesses should be applied to loosely electrically, according to the clinic. UNO Vita specializes in electromedicine in an integrated medical understanding frame and uses appliances that send electrical pulses into the body to restore the balance and increase the cells' electrical charge.

Examples of appliances that can be used diagnostic:

A modernized further development of what was called Kirlian photo (used for so -called aurafoto). Biowell measures electrical activity in the body and its electrical radiance. Related software provides a visual representation of where there are imbalances in the body's energy system. The technology provides extensive information about the client at both physical and mental/emotional level.

Mineral and heavy metal testing based on the spectrophotometry technology. The oligoscan/spectolabo analyzes which parts of the light spectrum from the machine are absorbed by the body. This is done by sending electromagnetic waves into the tissue of the hands - a method that provides a cross reference for the entire body. Different substances have different absorption of electromagnetic waves, and using this technology can be mapped mineral status and identify the presence of heavy metals in the body.

Timewaver Medical
Timewaver Medical is based on the principle of information fields. This technology makes it possible to read out information about patients and what remedies will be useful to them, without having direct contact with the device. Quantum -physical studies have shown that human consciousness directly affects matter. Some German doctors use the machine as the only tool during the initial consultation to assess which treatments and analyzes a patient should perform.

Scenar Biofeedback device
Scenar Biofeedback device is an advanced interactive neurostimulation tool. The unit adjusts real -time treatment based on the body's response by measuring the skin's electrical activity and adjusting the impulses accordingly. This ensures optimal pain relief and promotes healing by balancing the body's energy system.

ANS Professional HRV is an advanced system for analysis of heart rate variation (HRV). By comparing variations in the heart rate, this unit provides insight into the function of the autonomic nervous system. HRV analysis can reveal the body's response to stress and the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which is invaluable for understanding the body's reaction to both mental and physical strain.

With these advanced diagnostic tools, UNO Vita offers a comprehensive approach to health, which allows you to identify imbalances and optimize the body's function in a safe and effective way.

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