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Elektromagnetiske miljøforbedringer

Electromagnetic environmental improvements

(21 Products)

At Uno Vita AS we offer more products that enhance the electromagnetic environment including innovative solutions from Spinor International and Pranan, as well as earthing and shielding products. These technologies are designed to protect the body from the potentially harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation without blocking or reflecting signals in the traditional way.

The spinor technology, led by Professor Anatolii Pavlenko, reduces the effect of wireless radiation by means of appliances and "labels" for mobile phones, as documented in research. This technology affects the electromagnetic radiation by modulating it so that the body is less affected, creating a more balanced electromagnetic environment. Spinor products have been shown to reduce fatigue and stress both during driving and workplace, where electromagnetic exposure is more difficult to control.

Pranan technology Takes another approach by modulating the potentially harmful electromagnetic fields of frequencies that are beneficial to the body. Instead of shielding or blocking electromagnetic signals, the pranan devices convert these into natural frequencies that the body can benefit from. This is done through the use of specific geometric structures that enhance the health -promoting frequencies from the environment, which helps to balance the body's electromagnetic systems.

In addition to these technologies we also offer earthing products, that restores contact with the Earth's natural electric frequencies, as well as shielding products That effectively blocks electromagnetic fields from wireless devices. With these solutions you can improve the electromagnetic environment around you, whether at home, at work or on the go.

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