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Pulserende magnetfeltterapi - Uno Vita AS

Pulsating magnetic field therapy

(12 Products)

Pulsating magnetic field therapy (PEMF): A natural approach to cell health and well -being

Pulsating magnetic field therapy (PEMF) represents an advanced, non-invasive technology that uses low-frequency electromagnetic fields to support the body's natural processes. By stimulating the cells' electric and chemical functions, PEMF can help improve the body's ability to regenerate, reduce discomfort and promote general well -being.

How does PEMF therapy work?

PEMF therapy generates pulsating electromagnetic fields that penetrate deep into the body without being absorbed by the tissue. This technology affects the transmembran potential of the cells, which is crucial to their ability to communicate and maintain the balance between ions, nutrients and waste. The result is improved circulation, increased oxygen supply and support for the body's natural regeneration processes.

Benefits and effects of PEMF

  1. Reduced pain and inflammation
    PEMF can support the body's ability to handle inflammation and help relieve discomfort, which is especially relevant to people with chronic muscle and joint pain.

  2. Improved sleep and relaxation
    By affecting the autonomic nervous system, PEMF can contribute to deeper relaxation, reduced stress level and better quality of sleep.

  3. Support for bone health
    Technology is often used in a medical context to promote bone healing after fracture and to support the bone mineral density of people at risk of osteoporosis.

  4. Increased energy production at cell -level
    PEMF stimulates the activity of the mitochondria, which can support the energy production of the cells and their ability to perform important functions.

  5. Support to the immune system
    By promoting circulation and oxygen supply, PEMF can contribute to the body's natural immune response and healing processes.

Scientific documentation

Studies have shown promising results for the use of PEMF in various health areas, including support for pain relief, improvement of circulation and inflammation reduction. Although the technology is well documented, it is important to note that the effect can vary from person to person, and users should consult health professionals before using PEMF therapy.

UNO Vita AS: Experts on PEMF technology

Uno Vita AS offers advanced PEMF solutions designed to support cell health, energy level and general quality of life. Our systems are developed with a focus on accuracy and ease of use, and we work with reputable manufacturers to ensure high quality and power.


Uno Vita AS does not claim that PEMF technology can cure diseases. All use of appliances and treatments is done at their own responsibilities, and we recommend that users always consult a qualified health care provider before they start treatment.


Pulsating magnetic field therapy (PEMF) is a promising technology that can support the body's natural processes and contribute to improved well -being. Through stimulation of cell functions, technology can have a positive impact on energy levels, sleep, pain relief and general regeneration. Uno Vita AS offers reliable PEMF solutions tailored for individual needs and quality of life.


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