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Article on PBM - wavelength, influence, penetration depth and applications

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Article on PBM - wavelength, influence, penetration depth and applications

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) utilizes the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum (600-1200 NM) for non-invasive medical and cosmetic treatments. It exploits the biological effects of light to improve healing, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. This article goes into Lllt's specific wavelengths, their impact, penetration depths, target tissue and the implications of different heart rate frequencies.

Wavelength -specific effects and applications:

600–700 nm (red light)
Primary absorption: hemoglobin
Effects: Improves blood flow and cellular function
Indications: Arthritis, muscle pain, wound healing, hair growth
Specific wavelengths: 660 nm for pain reduction and anti-aging
Red light affects superficial skin and tissues, stimulates blood circulation and improves skin metabolism. It is effective in treating skin -related conditions and promoting hair growth.

700–900 nm (near-infrared light)
Primary absorption: cytochrome C-oxidase
Effects: Increases ATP production and cellular repair
Indications: deeper muscle/joint conditions, nerve generation
Specific wavelengths: 700-750 nm and 810 nm for deeper penetration and wound healing
This area reaches deeper tissues, helps with muscle and led declors, and is beneficial for conditions such as arthritis and tendonitis.

900–1200 nm (infrared light)
Primary absorption: water molecules
Effects: Improves cell membrane permeability
Indications: Deep Damage, Neurological Conditions
Specific wavelengths: 900-950 Nm, 980 Nm and 1000-1200 Nm for deep tissue treatments
Infrared light penetrates in the deepest, affects muscles, bones and nerves, and is used for more serious injuries and neurological conditions.

Penetration depths and target tissue
600-700 nm: superficial skin and tissue
700-900 nm: deeper muscle and joint tissue
900-1200 nm: deep muscle, bone and neurological tissue

Heart rate frequencies and their effects
10 - 1000 Hz: For acute conditions and pain relief
1000 - 10,000 Hz: Helps in chronic conditions and deeper tissue repair
10,000 - 100,000 Hz: For deep tissue treatments and cellular stimulation

Clinical applications and studies
Lllt has shown effect in promoting hair growth, especially in androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and alopecia areata (AA). Wavelengths such as 632 Nm, 655 Nm and 780 Nm have been effective in increasing the number of hair and density.

Security and treatment considerations
Security: Generally safe with minimal side effects
Treatment Regime: Requires a variety of treatments

Further benefits

  • Mitochondrial Health: Improves mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis
  • Diabetic wounds: helps cure diabetic foot ulcer
  • Dermatological conditions: treating dermatitis, psoriasis, acne
  • Cosmetic applications: Used in skin rejuvenation and anti -age treatments
  • Pigmentation disorders: Effective by vitiligo treatment

    Lllt, red light therapy and PBM in general provide therapeutic benefits across visible light to near-infrared wavelengths. The efficiency depends on choosing the right wavelength and heart rate frequency for the specific condition, tissue depth and therapeutic target.

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