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Sars-COV-2 (Covid-19) and radiation's protocol

Uno Vita AS |

Sars-COV-2 (Covid-19) and radiation's protocol

Introduction. It is a challenge for the population to deal with the effect of covid-19 infection and side effects of the vaccines, as well as increasing concern about the negative effects of electromagnetic and radioactive radiation. These three elements have several common features both in terms of effects/side effects and how to handle the challenges. Therefore, we have written this document if desired can be used as a tool to strengthen the body's even to restore naturally good function.

Sars-COV-2 (COVID-19) and the protocol described below, could contribute to a reduction in negative effects and side effects. Effective safe detoxification is an essential key and thus reducing oxidative stress, as well as the ability to tie and transport heavy metals and waste out of the body, contribute to good oxygenation of the tissue, contribute to good blood circulation (counteracting the lumping of the blood) and more.

Limited product information. We note that products have limited a description of the area of ​​use and functionality due to the EU and Norwegian rules that are enforced by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. In order to provide medical effects for one dietary supplement in Norway, the active substance or product must have so -called approved health claims. As of today, one few natural active substances have this. Until there are approved health claims for the product of the Food Safety Authority in Norway, the product the information will be limited.

Protocol for the use of dietary shoots
The protocol is intended to be used in two situations: Acute, when sick, infected, have symptoms, are exposed to viruses, toxins or high radiation levels. Maintenance When the situation is not acute or you experience negative effects on the body, and you think preventively to contribute to good health and well -being in one long -term perspective. All the proposed grants have good scientific foundations and studies are available from Pubmed, Google Scholar and other search engines and medical databases for those who want more detailed insights.

Nano soma (metadichol) mouth spray

Nano Soma Spray with Metadichol® is made of natural, food -based ingredients. It has a particle size of less than 60 Nm. Acute Use: Five sprays in the mouth four times per day. day. For viral infection, you can fill it on nasal spray and take a spray in per page four times per day. day. For skin problems spray directly at 2-3 times per day. day.
Maintenance: Five sprays in the mouth once per day. day
Nano soma Link to studies

Liposomal vitamin C
Liposomal vitamin C is sodium ascorbate wrapped in microscopic double layers made of essential phospholipids that transport the vitamin into the blood and cells. The recording is significantly better than powder or tablets.
Effective, documented proven brands are Altrient / Livon Labs and Quicksilver Scientific. Acute use: 6-12 grams per day, spread out during the day. Not with food (hold in your mouth for 20-30 seconds before swallowing).
: 2-3 grams per day
Liposomal vitamin C
Link to studies

J. Crow's® Original Lugol's Iodine
Lugol's iodine, also known as strong iodine solution, is a solution of potassium iodide with iodine in water. Acute use (used with caution): 10-40 drops per. day in water (a drop is about 2.5 mg iodine, so forty -eight drops (about 120 mg). The dosage is Only suitable for an acute dose by exposure to radioactive iodine. Start with ten drops. If you experience high heart rate, high blood pressure or other unwanted side effects, you do not increase the dosage.
Maintenance: 3-4 drops per. day in a glass of water in the morning
Iodine Link to studies

Life Extension Liquid Vitamin D3 - 50 mcg (2000 IU)
Kolecalcipherol, also known as vitamin D₃ is a type of vitamin D made from the skin when exposed to sunlight; It is also available in some foods and can be taken as a dietary supplement. Acute use: 10 drops per. Day (20000 IU or 500 mcg, directly in the mouth) with or without food for the first 3 days.
Maintenance: 2-3 drops per. day
Vitamin D3
Link to studies

N-acetyl cysteine ​​(NAC) is a supplementary form of cysteine. Consuming adequate cysteine ​​and NAC is important for a number of health causes, including to fill up the most powerful antioxidant.
Acute use: Four capsules per. day with water.
Maintenance: One tablet per. day
Link to studies

Life Extension Potassium with Extend-release Magnesium
Potassium plays a role in nerve impulses, metabolism and blood pressure. Magnesium plays many important roles in the body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production.
Acute use
: Four capsules per day with water.
Maintenance: Two tablets per. day with water
Link to studies
Link to studies

Life Extension Zinc Caps 50 mg
Zinc is necessary for immune function, wound healing, blood clots, thyroid function and much more. Zinc is normally not used acute but preventive in maintenance. Maintenance: One tablet per. day of water before the main meal. A good alternative is Dr. Carol Deans Pico Zinc This applies to all basic minerals pico minerals are very well absorbed, but relatively expensive.
Zinc Link to studies

Life Extension Super Selenium Complex
Selenium is a nutrient that plays a key role in maintaining thyroid metabolism and DNA synthesis and protecting the body from oxidative damage and infection. Recommended Dalig intake as maintenance.
Maintenance: 1 tablet per. day with food
Selenium Link to studies

Life Extension Super R-Lipoic Acid
Lipoic Acid (LA) plays an important role in glucose metabolism and energy production. LA is both fat and water -soluble. Studies indicate that LA can support the body's antioxidant defense etc.
Acute use: Three capsules per. day with water. If you experience detoxification symptoms or feel unwell, stop using the supplement for 2 days and start with a low dose on a capsule per. day.
Maintenance: 1 tablet per. day
R-ala Link to living rooms

Zeobent with® detox ultrafint powder (210g, medical device)
Zeolitis can absorb toxic elements and remove them from your body and free up the immune system to focus the energy on other important problems. Can be used to clean water and taken with food to absorb and transport heavy metals, toxins and core molecules out of the digestive system.

• Heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium) and radioactive metals.
• Ammonium
• histamine

Simple water cleaning. Cook the crane a liter of fresh and cold tap water for five minutes. Let it cool to room temperature. Add +- 5 grams of zeobent with and pipes. When the fluid becomes quite clear and the zeobent powder is at the bottom (give it 30 minutes or so), you can use a single coffee filter and slowly pour the water into a water mug (leave the residues on the bottom). If you prefer, you can now cool clean water and drink as needed. This is an easy and effective way to remove toxic metals and other compounds of the water.

Acute use: a measuring spoon of 250 ml (large glass of clean water) with all meals in one day. Maintenance: A measuring spoon of 250 ml of water, with food once per day. day
Link to studies
Link to studies

Comment. The acute subsidy period should normally not last more than three four weeks (for all supplements). It is also advisable (unless one is sick or acute exposed to pathogenic substances) to Start with maintenance dosage and build with 2-3 new supplements per day. day.

If there are unpleasant experiences or heavy detoxification reactions continue with lower dosage for two to three days before proceeding to acute dosage. The supplements the protocol would be good for most adults to use regularly to avoid health problems and reduce the risk of chronic illness. If you use R-Lipoic Acid, it makes sense to use Zeobent to catch toxins and transport them out of the digestive system. After a period of detoxification, you have a break from R-Lipoic Acid and Zeobent for three months. Most people will benefit from having a periodic detoxification protocol with breaks.

Recommended addition to the protocol

1. Stay grounded and use earthing mats, sheets, etc. daily. Proven to reduce blood cloths, reduce inflammation, reduce pain and much more. Micro -current frequency treatment is related to grounding and recommended.

Micro -current therapy. Many report good benefits of regular use.

2. Drink cleaned water with hydrogen (using a hydrogen generator). Proven to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, reduce the effect of radiation, improve intestinal flora and much more. Inhalation of medical hydrogen gas has proven effective in a wide range of diseases and is recommended.

3. Get sunlight and/or use infrared and near infrared technology.
Proven to have a number of health effects included increased energy, better circulation, improved detoxification, reduction of pain and much more. Infrared sauna (increased body temperature) will help to release toxins and improve the immune system response.

4. Use Professional Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF).

Proven to increase circulation, oxygen distribution, recovery time and much more.

5. Have physical exercise regularly.
Make sure you do not sit all day without using muscles, heart and lungs. If you are sick, you need to adapt the lowest level, but still make sure you move regularly (at least one per hour is recommended to avoid negative effects from sitting or lying still during the day).

The information and statements in this document have not been evaluated by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Food and Drug Administration or similar organizations internationally and nationally. The protocol and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness. All use of supplements is done at its own risk and should be done in consultation with health professionals. Consult a doctor or health care provider if in doubt. Acute dosage is estimated for adults over 16 years. Consult your doctor or treat in relation to the use of supplements for children, pregnant and seriously ill.

Author Jan Poleszynski - Uno Vita AS - Clinic for Integrated Medicine - 2022

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