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Research on possible negative effects of electromagnetic radiation

Uno Vita AS |

Research on possible negative effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMF)

Background.There is increasing debate and concern about the effects of long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields, wireless radiation such as Wi-Fi, mobile (3G, 4G and now 5G), radar, emergency networks, magnetic fields from electrical cables and equipment and more. In public debate, one can get the impression that there is no good peer -reviewed research shows several documented negative effects of wireless radiation. Negative effects of i.a. Wireless radiation has been well known since the early 60's when the US embassy in Moscow was "bombarded" with high -intensity mobile radiation, which meant that the employee often became ill, felt unwell and returned home for a short time in service. In other words, it began to use wireless radiation as a weapon over 50 years ago.

The research is clear, only the market forces are trying to blow the facts
Over the past 30 years, nearly 40,000 scientific studies have been made in which strong leads were notified and serious side effects. Increased risk of brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immundyysfunction, altered brain development, damaged reproductive ability, sleep changes, hormone changes, hyperactivity and memory problems. Common symptoms are headaches, tremors, dizziness, forgetfulness, poor concentration and sleep disorders.

Below we refer to some scientific studies for those who want to read the documentation themselves:

  • Environmental Health Trust on EMF and Health, click here!
  • Google Scholar about EMF and health, click here!
  • Pubmed about EMF and health, click here!
  • Microwave News about EMF and health, click here!
  • Research on electromagnetic hypersensitivity, click here!
  • Research on sed quality/sperm and radiation, click here!

    Despite all documentation, it is tried to create the impression that wireless radiation and other EMF are harmless. One can speculate on the causes of this and the obvious is that it is much cheaper to develop wireless networks than and lay cable (which does not stick) and that it is convenient and easy to use wireless technology. The result is that many ignore the warnings and operators/suppliers can continue their development and make good money. It is up to you if you want to be the lead and reduce exposure and protect you to the best of your ability (there are several relevant technologies that are showed effective).

    There is a lot you cannot decide on, but your local environment and your use habits can be done!

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