Hydrogen and human health and biology
Hydrogen and human health and biologyHydrogen is the atomic element that forms organic molecules and transmits chemical energy by vibration, tunneling and resonance. It is also an important part of...
Hydrogen and human health and biologyHydrogen is the atomic element that forms organic molecules and transmits chemical energy by vibration, tunneling and resonance. It is also an important part of...
Hydrogen water: Health benefits and research Hydrogen water, also known as molecular hydrogen water, has taken the world by storm in recent years, and attracts a lot of attention because...
Hydrogen water Basic for all medicine? Regular intake of hydrogen water can provide major health benefitsIf we neutralize the profits of free radicals, we will preserve a beautiful skin anymore...
CO2 and Carbondioxide in Medicine and the Wellness IndustryCarbon dioxide (CO2) is an intriguing molecule with a wide array of roles in human physiology and medicine. This article explores the...
CO2 and carbon dioxide in the medicine and wellness industryCarbon dioxide (CO2) is an exciting molecule with a wide range of roles in human physiology and medicine. This article explores...
Protocol: Sars-Cov-2 virus (Covid-19), long covid and side effects The protocol is developed for an ever-increasing number of people struggling with the effect of COVID-19 infection or vaccines. It is...
The secrets behind electromagnetism, light and your invisible realityBy Jan Fredrik Poleszynski - Uno Vita & Clinic for Integrated Medicine - 2023 Nature is my "religion" and wizardThe sun is...
The health benefits and effects of intake of structured waterStructured water is water where the molecules are organized in a particular geometric shape, usually a hexagonal structure. This structure is...
Dr. Hering's Law of Cure in an integrated and electromedical perspectiveA holistic and integrated approach to health Hering's basic laws on healing of chronic disorders No. 1 - Hering's first...
Health benefits by using molecular hydrogenMolecular hydrogen: For optimal health and well -being IntroductionMolecular hydrogen, the smallest element in the period system, offers a variety of health benefits. Researchers consider...
Molecular hydrogen: for optimal health and wellness IntroductionMolecular hydrogen, the smallest element in the periodic system, offers a variety of health benefits. Scientists consider it a "master regulator" because of...
Fulvic acid - nature's most perfect mineral mixture? How does full -wine acid work?Fulvic acid has the ability to split, dissolve other molecules and form new substances. Also, it attracts...