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Hydrogen water Basic for all medicine?

Uno Vita AS |

Hydrogen water Basic for all medicine?

Regular intake of hydrogen water can provide major health benefits

If we neutralize the profits of free radicals, we will preserve a beautiful skin anymore

When the apple turns brown, it is when iron rusts, it oxidizes.
We do not want our cell membranes to be exposed to this process.

What is hydrogen water?
Hydrogen water should be purified water supplied to molecular hydrogen (H2). This can be done with infusion of hydrogen gas, by a special form of electrolysis or using "soda tablets" in the drinking water. The amount of molecular hydrogen (H2) is often stated in mg per. liters or parts per million (ppm). Hydrogen is the smallest of bioavailable molecules and the most energy -rich we know of. Many people know hydrogen in combination with oxygen as bright gas because it slams when turning on it and forming water (H2O). The energy yield in combustion is as much as 34.2 kcal/g, while gasoline and long fatty acids only provide about 10 kcal/g. Sugar and protein give no more than about 4 kcal/g.

The hydrogen molecule has two available electrons that can neutralize free radicals with water (H2O) as the final product. A basic effect when consuming hydrogen water is the ability to counteract inflammation in the body. The health effects are confirmed in clinical trials and controlled experiments.

Basic properties:

  • Anti -inflammatory (whole body)
  • A selective antioxidant
  • Supports natural gene expression
  • Counteracts allergies
  • Counteract cell death (healthy cells)
  • Counteracts the aging process
  • Reduces pain
  • Protects the skin
  • Increases the combustion
  • Regenerates other antioxidants
  • Counteracts muscle matters
  • Reduces the occurrence of lactic acid by physical load
  • Counteracts diabetes
  • Counteracts the growth of cancer cells
  • Affects our ability to think, intellectual and mental performance
  • Helps protect DNA and RNA
  • Counteracts radiation damage
  • Unmarried regardless of intake without known side effects

Other known effects
Daily intake of pure hydrogen water has shown to be able to improve mood, promote weight loss (for those who need it), reduce blood sugar, counteract cancer, protect the brain, promote good functioning in the eyes, joints, provides nicer skin, counteracts muscle temperature, increases the life length, promotes wound healing and contributes to better acid/base balance in the body. More and more athletes drink hydrogen water for increased performance. Positive health effects are reported on almost all the body's important organs such as the brain, eyes, lungs, liver and heart. 

Studies and documented health effects:

  • Reduction of muscle extras by intensive exercise
  • Reduction of oxidative stress after radiotherapy
  • Positive effects on people with insulin resistance
  • Positive effects on people with type 2 diabetes
  • May act preventive against Parkinson's and other neurological disorders
  • Can have a positive effect on the mood
  • Has anti inflammatory (anti -inflammatory) effects
  • Contributes to increased energy conversion and thus to weight reduction
  • Can help protect the mitochondria and increase ATP production
  • Daily bathing of the face in hydrogen water reduced the extent of wrinkles significantly in 3 months
  • Contributes to faster wound healing
  • Can counteract overactive bladder
  • Can improve heart function
  • Can counteract hair loss
  • Can reduce allergic reactions
  • Can help reduce the effect of poisonings

How to get much more molecular hydrogen
You can drink and swim in hydrogen water and breathe in hydrogen gas. Accessibility and finances can be a limitation for most of us. At UNO Vita we investigate all opportunities and will make our way as many as possible access. For practical reasons, it is per. Easiest and most sensible to drink hydrogen water. You can acquire a hydrogen bottle (quality and functionality are important), hydrogen whirling machine or hydrogen machine you can connect to the water filter or allow it to soak up cleaned water from a container. The advantage of the latter is that it has no delay, but produces as much hydrogen water as you just want on "kicked".

Different ways to produce hydrogen water.
If you do not see microbubbles in the water, the system does not produce hydrogen gas. There are basic 2 variants (there are several ways to produce hydrogen on) hydrogen water generators on the market.

1. The best/safest. Professional hydrogen water generators produce hydrogen gas (H2) that can emit electrons and is an antioxidant. Exhaust gases (any residue of chlorine, ozone, oxygen, etc.) are separated into their own outlet and are not mixed in the water. The hallmark is that these have a PEM diaphragm (proton switching membrane) that is able to simply drop H2 to the water.

2. Good that requires completely clean water (well cleaned). These generators use a simpler form of electrolysis where hydrogen gas is separated and produced in the water. It also works just fine and it is the same hydrogen (the same quality), but it is even more important with these machines that the water is completely clean (use one of our filter with ultrafilter (UF) before production.

3. Bad solutions. Many people want to sell hydrogen water and, for example, claim that so -called ionization machines are hydrogen machines. Most of these devices divide the molecules into the water and it is primarily produced oh-, a hydroxyl radical, an oxidant Not an antioxidant Like H2 but also some hydrogen gas. This assumes that there are minerals present in the water (for example, we do not want extra calcium in the water).

Ionization machines make in simultaneous alkaline water (high pH, ​​basic) that are not recommended for several reasons (own article on this is coming). Manufacturers often advertise with high negative reduction potential (- ORP) but this reduction potential has no antioxidant effect in contrast to the negative electrical potential pure hydrogen gas has. On a single measuring device (an ORP meter) you can apparently get equal results (negative - ORP), but it is essential what has caused negative ORP as explained.

You can drink as much pure hydrogen water as you want. 
If you have no water cleaner or filter system, you need to boil the water and cool it down before making hydrogen water, otherwise chlorine compounds in the fountain can destroy the positive effects. Hydrogen machines contribute to increased real negative reduction potential (-oR). One tip is to use the "pushing method" (English push) because it is usually produced hydrogen in the gut, there is always some free hydrogen in the blood. If you take a large glass of freshly made hydrogen water and drink quickly (not cold, room temperature) you get high H2 levels in the blood that immediately neutralize oxidative stress at the high -speed cell level! This is undoubtedly the most effective way to use hydrogen water.

There are continuous free radicals that we want to neutralize, hydrogen is an effective way to do it

If you have any questions about the text or products, are you welcome to send an email to

Jan F. Poleszynski: janp@unovita.com and/or to sales@unovita.com. More information and new products are and will be at shop.unovita.com.


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