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Protocol: Sars-Cov-2 virus (Covid-19), long covid and side effects

Uno Vita AS |

Protocol: Sars-Cov-2 virus (Covid-19), long covid and side effects

The protocol is developed for an ever-increasing number of people struggling with the effect of COVID-19 infection or vaccines. It is the author's clear belief that everyone will benefit from the protocol and most will experience clear or complete improvement in their symptoms within 6 weeks after the protocol has started. The information attached is extensive as we consider an important thing that users understand the purpose of the individual grants.

The protocol is developed on the basis of the best known knowledge about themes and especially degradation (degradation) of spike protein. The spike protein, which is the protein on the surface of the Sars-COV-2 virus, may have a number of negative health effects for humans. Here are some of the most important challenges the spike protein can be:

  • Vascular injury: The spike protein can damage the inner cell layer in the blood vessels, which is the inner layer of the blood vessels. This can cause inflammation and blood clots.
  • Immune oppression: The spike protein can interfere with the production of type I interferons, which are proteins that play an important role in the immune system. This can make it more difficult for the body to fight infections.
  • Neurological damage: The spike protein can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain. This can lead to neurological damage, such as disorders in cognitive functions and memory loss.
  • Heart Charge: The spike protein can damage the heart muscle. This can lead to heart failure and other heart disease

      It is important to point out that the author style = "text-decoration: underline;"> does not claim to know all the effects of the vaccines and not SARS-COV-2 virus infection. Furthermore, I make reservations about errors and new information that may come out. The document is written and bases available research and acquired knowledge and aims to help those who have developed late effects or damage after the infection or vaccines such as fatigue and various damage to organs and cells. Furthermore, it is important to make effective detoxification so that any foreign substances and metals, as well as other accumulated toxins in the body are cleaned out to the best of their ability to get the best effect. The protocol is holistic and extensive, but worth the effort. It is the author's conviction that by to Follow the protocol for a minimum of 6 weeks, most people will experience significant improvement or be symptom -free. Of course, it is advantageous for several reasons to continue another period (including detoxification generally takes time if you want lasting results), but if you have to note clear improvement after 6 weeks and for many this is enough. The dosage mentioned below should be high enough to give good effect, lower dosages may produce the desired effect, but it is more uncertain.

      Supplements and how they can be used for the purpose
      In general, there may be other brands and grants that can be used, but many grants have poor recording, containing excipients you do not want in the system and more. It is therefore proposed that grants we know have high quality, are well taken up and do not contain harmful substances.

      Recommended natural mulitiveitamin supplements:
      Whole Food Plant Based Multi Vitamin 100% (Time Health)
      Plant-based multivitamin (Life Extension)
      Dosage and use: Taken with food with stated dosage

      K2 Vitamin: Vitamin K2 is important for the bone building, heart and blood vessels. It helps to transport calcium to the legs and prevents calcium from depositing the blood vessels. Vitamin K2 can also reduce the risk of blood clots.

      Recommended Product: Super K (Life Extension)
      Dosage and use: A capsule a day with food.

      Vitamin C: This is a well -known antioxidant that supports the immune system and helps neutralize free radicals. Vitamin C can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress caused by the spike protein. It can also increase the production of antibodies against Sars-COV-2. Vitamin C supplementation is recommended for both the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

      Recommended Product: Quick Silverscientific Liposomal Vitamin C
      Dosage and use:
      A baby spoon x 3 (6 by illness) in the mouth per. day. Hold for 30 seconds before swallowing for food.
      Acquire from the start 3 bottles and supplements before plot
      Comment. It is possible to use other forms of vitamin C, but larger doses are more often required, that you take it more often and the chance of loose stomach is greater. For powder types, the dose will be up to 10 grams per day. day distributed evenly over. Professional liposomes have significantly better recording and rarely provide loose stomach.

      Nightochinase, an enzyme from the Japanese fermented soybean Natto, has several health benefits:

      • Improved blood circulation: breaks down fibrin, a blood -coagulating protein, which improves circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots.
      • Lowered blood pressure: Increases the production of nitric oxide, a vasodilator that expands the blood vessels.
      • Reduced cholesterol: Increases HDL cholesterol ("good cholesterol") and reduces LDL cholesterol ("bad cholesterol").
      • Improved heart function: Increases coronary blood flow to the heart.
      • Reduced risk of stroke: prevents the formation of blood clots in the brain.
      • Nattokinase has also been shown to break down the spike protein on the Sars-COV-2 virus, which can prevent viral infection.

      Recommended Product: Nightochinase capsules (2000 fu - 100mg - 60 capsules)
      Dosage and use:
      Two capsules per Day (200 mg), taken with one glass of water morning and evening. Not with food as the recording in the blood is reduced and the desired effect fails.

      Serrapeptase: Serrapeptase, a natural enzyme from silkworms, has been shown to have health benefits, including the ability to influence the spike protein and the COVID-19 infection. Its beneficial properties include:

      • Reduction of inflammation: can help with conditions involving inflammation, such as arthritis, sinusitis and bronchitis.
      • Promote healing: Can assist in the healing process by breaking down scar tissue and promoting the growth of new tissue.
      • Circulation improvement: Helps improve circulation by breaking down fibrink lumps.
      • Strengthening the immune system: can increase the production of white blood cells, important to combat infections.
      • Pain relief: Anti -inflammatory properties can help reduce pain.
      • Effect on the spike protein and Covid-19: Studies suggest that serrapeptase may degrade the spike protein, suggesting that it may help reduce the virus's ability to infect cells. It has also been found that serrapepta can reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms in patients, by reducing inflammation and improving lung function

      Recommended Product: Serrazym (Dr. Reinwald)
      Dosage and use:
      Two capsules per day with good with water. Not with food as the recording in the blood is reduced and the desired effect fails (minimum 30 minutes before meal or at least 2 hours after meal that applies to all enzymes mentioned here)

      Bromalain: Bromelain, a natural enzyme from pineapple, offers various health benefits, including the potential for handling Covid-19 and related conditions.

      • Reduces inflammation and pain: Effective against conditions such as arthritis, sinusitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
      • Respiratory health: helps break down mucus, beneficial for bronchitis and chronic respiratory diseases.
      • Digestive support: Assists in digestion.
      • Heart Health: Can improve heart health.
      • Wound healing: accelerates the healing process.
      • Covid-19 and prolonged covid
        Reduces viral load: Can help reduce the severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms.
      • Degradation of spike protein: The potential to break down the spike protein to Sars-COV-2, which reduces the virus's ability to penetrate cells.

      Recommended Product: Bromelain Capsules - High Strength (Hour health)
      Dosage and use:
      One capsule (500 mg) per. day with good with water. Not with food (minimum 30 minutes before meal or at least 2 hours after meal)

      QUCETIN: Quercetin is a plant flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. It can be useful in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and long-lasting covid. Quercetin can block the entry of the Covid-19 virus into cells and reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines. It can also block the binding of the Covid-19 virus spike proteins to ACE2 receptors, which are the receptors the virus uses to enter cells.

      • Quercetin can help reduce symptoms of prolonged covid, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain and cognitive impairment.
      • Quercetin can help prevent COVID-19 infection by blocking the entry of the virus into cells.
      • Quercetin can help reduce the severity of Covid-19 symptoms by reducing inflammation and blocking the replication of the virus.
      • Quercetin can help reduce the symptoms of long -term covid by reducing inflammation and protecting the lungs from damage.

      Recommended Product: PuroVitalis Liposomal Quercetin (Purovitalis)
      Dosage and use:
      Two capsules per day (preferably morning and afternoon) with good water. Not with food.

      Supporting detoxification
      The detoxifying part of the protocol described below is not a full long -term detoxification for those who have long -term problems with the accumulation of toxins in the body, but an effective and gentle detoxification you will benefit from.

      Modified Citruspectin (MCP)
      Citruspectin, which is found in shells of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruit, is known for its health benefits. As a gel-forming fiber, citruspectin forms a gel in water, which can bind to heavy metals and toxins.

      Detoxification of metals and toxins: Citruspectin can bind to and remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminum from the body, as well as other toxins in the digestive tract.
      One study showed increased secretion of lead by 140 % and mercury by 150 % in the urine of healthy volunteers.

      Other health benefits:

      • It can lower cholesterol levels by preventing the absorption of blood flow.
      • It helps to regulate blood sugar levels by lowering the digestion of carbohydrates.
      • It improves intestinal health by approaching favorable bacteria.

      Recommended product: Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) (Time Health or Dr. Reinwald)

      Dosage and use: 6-18 capsules (maximum) per. day with good with water. Best outside meals. Begin with 3 capsules and gradually increase.

      Glutation: Glutation is a natural substance that the body produces to protect the cells from damage and toxins. It has many benefits to health and detoxification, and some studies have suggested that Covid-19 patients may have lower levels of glutation than healthy people, which can make them more vulnerable to the virus and its complications. Glutation can help Covid-19 patients by reducing oxidative stress, improving immune function, supporting liver health, and improving lung function. Here are some facts about Covid-19 and Glutation:

      • Patients admitted to Covid-19 had significantly increased oxidative stress and oxidant damage, and significantly reduced levels of glutation, the most abundant physiological antioxidant.
      • The researchers suggested that grants with Glynac, a combination of glutation extenders, may be advantageous for COVID-19 patients, but this has not yet been tested.
      • Glutation supplements can be an additional treatment in the COVID-19 by inhibiting viral replication and reducing levels of interleukin (IL) -6, a pro-inflammatory cytokin associated with severe COVID-19.
      • The overview also noted that glutation can help prevent or treat conditions related to COVID-19, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
      • A 65-year-old woman with Covid-19 lungitis recovered after receiving high-dose intravenous glutation and oral n-acetyl cysteine, another glutation supplier.
      • Glutation levels were reverse correlated with the severity and mortality of COVID-19 in a group of 62 patients.
      • The authors suggested that Glutation can protect against COVID-19 by modulating the redox balance and the immune response.

      The conclusion is that Glutation plays an important role in the protection and treatment of COVID-19, by modulating oxidative stress, immune response, and redox balance.

      Recommended product: Liposomal glutathione (Quicksilver Scientific)
      Dosage and use: 2-3 splashes in the mouth 3 times a day, hold for 30 seconds before swallowing. Not for food. Begin right away per day. day.

      NAC (N-acetylcysteine)
      NAC (N-acetylcysteine) is a natural substance that your body uses to make glutation, a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells from damage and toxins. NAC may have several benefits to long -lasting covid, covid and fatigue:

      • NAC can lower levels of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-Alpha, IL-6 and IL-8, which are associated with severe covid and long-term covid.
      • NAC can help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which can damage cells and organs.
      • A study of 62 covid patients showed that glutation levels were reverse correlated with severity and mortality of covid. Another study of 8 Covid patients showed that NAC improved their oxygen saturation and reduced the need for ventilation.
      • NAC can strengthen the immune system and fight infections and toxins.
        NAC can stimulate the activity of natural killing cells, macrophages and T cells.
      • NAC can help the body remove the virus faster by inhibiting viral replication A study of 262 elderly patients showed that NAC reduced incidence and severity of flu -like diseases and improved their immune response.
      • NAC can improve lung function and reduce symptoms of covid and prolonged covid, such as coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain.
      • NAC can help the lungs by breaking down mucus and other substances that prevent healing and drainage.
      • A 120 covid patient study showed that NAC improved their lung function and reduced hospital stays.
      • NAC can increase energy production at cell -level and reduce oxidative stress.
      • NAC can also help with clearer thinking and better focus by protecting the brain from inflammation and damage. A study of 17 healthy adults showed that NAC improved their cognitive performance and reduced fatigue after exercise.

      The conclusion is that NAC is a natural supplement with many health benefits, including reduction of inflammation, improvement of lung function, strengthening of the immune system, reduction of oxidative stress and improvement of cognitive function. NAC can be useful in the prevention and treatment of prolonged covid, covid-19 and fatigue.

      Recommended product:N-acetyl cysteine ​​(Life Extension)
      Dosage and use: a capsule on Tom Mave with water (can be taken with other supplements)

      Recommended Product: Nano Soma oral spray
      EU Patent 2398476 Metadichol®
      Dosage and use: In active disease five splashes in the mouth at least four times daily. Standard dosage when you are not active sick are five splashes in the mouth once per day. day. Specified features for Nano Soma:

      • Immunodulating and anti-inflammatory effects: Nano Soma can help strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation, which can be useful for handling both acute covid-19 and long-term effects.
      • Improvement of lung function and reduction of long -term symptoms: Studies indicate that Nano Soma can improve lung function and reduce symptoms associated with long covid, including fatigue, poor sleep quality and cognitive challenges.
      • Health benefits beyond Covid-19: Nano Soma is claimed to improve skin condition, increase energy levels and promote wound healing, which can be beneficial to general health and well-being.
      • Potential protective effect against COVID-19: A clinical trial performed by the manufacturer at a hospital in India reported that about 75 % of COVID-19 patients who received NANO SOMA treatment tested negatively after treatment. This suggests a possible protective effect, but requires further confirmation.
      • Mechanism for effect on Sars-COV-2: The manufacturer claims that Nano Soma can block the entry of the Sars-COV-2 virus in the cells by inhibiting the TMPRSS2 enzyme and increasing the body's own production of vitamins D and C, both of which have antiviral properties .
      • Vitamin D optimization and cellular health: It has also been suggested that NANO Soma helps the body optimize the use of vitamin D and promote cell health and repair.

      Fulvinic acid: Fulvic acid is a natural substance that comes from the degradation of organic matter in soil, compost and water. It has many benefits to your health and detoxification, such as:

      • Celation of heavy metals: Fulvic acid can bind to heavy metals, such as lead, mercury and cadmium, and help remove them from your body through urine or stools. This can reduce the toxic load on your cells and organs and prevent diseases. A study of 8 healthy volunteers found that fulvic acid increased the secretion of lead in the urine by 140 % and mercury by 150 %.
      • Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress: Fulvic acid can lower the levels of inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-8, which are involved in many chronic diseases and toxicity. Fulvic acid can also neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which can damage your cells and DNA. A study of 49 people with high cholesterol found that fulvic acid reduced the levels of these cytokines by 18 %, 20 %and 16 %, respectively.
      • Improves immune function and viral removal: Fulvic acid can strengthen your immune system and help you fight infections and toxins. Fulvic acid can stimulate the activity of natural killing cells, macrophages and T cells, which can kill harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Fulvic acid can also help your body remove the virus faster by inhibiting viral replication and increasing your body's ability to remove foreign bodies. A study of 262 elderly patients found that fulvic acid reduced incidence and severity of flu -like diseases and improved their immune response.
      • Improves skin health and wound healing: Fulvic acid can improve skin health and appearance by protecting it from oxidative stress, inflammation and aging. Fulvic acid can also help light your skin tone by inhibiting the production of melanin, which is the pigment that gives your skin color. Fulvic acid can also help cure wounds, burns and scars on your skin by stimulating collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration.

      Recommended Product: Unotrace Fulvic acid drops (UNO Vita)
      Dosage and use: one to a maximum of 10 drops in one glass of water. If you take many drops at the same time you should mix it well with water, otherwise you can get temporary deposits of minerals on the teeth (they look brown, but it goes over). Up to 30 drops per day. Feel free to use a little (1-3 drops in all the water you drink). Toast NOT Med with medication (drugs) as the recording can be increased.

      Electrolytes and minerals
      Uno Vita carries many good mineral and electrolyte products, for simplicity, we describe one product here that has good properties and removed sodium for those who do not have it (including cancer patients benefit from low sodium in general). Electrolytes and minerals are essential for i.a. detoxification and a variety of functions in the body.

      Recommended product: Concentrace® Powder (Time Health)
      Dosage and use: ½ teaspoon stirred in one glass of water with 3 drops of full -wvic acid. Preferably like the first thing you do in the morning. If you run sports, take a lot of sauna or for other reasons, you can take an extra dose before training or at bedtime.

      Concentrace® Ionic Spormineral Complex Powder (60 grams) contains over 72 ionic trace minerals and is designed to balance the pH (acid/base balance in the body) and has removed 99% of sodium, derived naturally from purified water. The product stands out with a full range of minerals balanced as in the human body, produced through a natural process without chemicals. Concentrace® is the FDA CGMP certified, non-GMO Project verified, grass-confirmed, as well as Halal and Kosher certified. It is also certified vegan.

      Concentrace® is needed to add essential minerals and trace elements to the body, which have been drained from modern agriculture and water filtering. It strengthens legs, joints and teeth, balances body fluids, maintains pH balance, nourishing hair and skin, and improves both digestion and circulation health. It is also beneficial for athletes, bodybuilders and cooking, by improving nutrition and mineral balance.

      Concentrace® is naturally derived from The Great Salt Lake, and contains minerals that are bio-accessible and water-soluble, making it an ideal solution to fill the body with necessary elements.

      Note! Of plain salt (which we also need) Real salt is recommended that has a very and mineral profile and fits perfectly with Cocentrace.
      Energy and oxygen to musculature (including heart)

      Q10 with PQQ: Q10 combined with PQQ is a composition of two nutrients that may have benefits to health and energy levels. Q10, also known as coenzyme Q10 or unbikinol, is a vitamin -like substance that helps the cells produce energy and protect them from oxidative stress. PQQ, or pyrrolokinolin kinon, is a molecule that stimulates the growth of new mitochondria, which is the cells' power plant. Together, Q10 and PQQ can support the heart, brain, liver and immune system, as well as fight the effects of aging and fatigue.

      • Helps against general fatigue: Q10 and PQQ can increase the energy production of the cells and reduce oxidative stress. A study of 17 adults found that Q10 with PQQ improved physical performance and reduced fatigue after exercise.
      • Supports heart and liver health and function: Q10 and PQQ can protect the heart and liver from damage and inflammation. A study of 53 people with high cholesterol found that Q10 with PQQ reduced levels of LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and liver enzymes.
      • Inhibits inflammatory factors to support general health: Q10 and PQQ can reduce chronic inflammation. A study of 49 people with high cholesterol found that Q10 with PQQ reduced the levels of inflammatory cytokines.
      • Q10 and PQQ can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which may be beneficial in the treatment of COVID-19. A study of 62 COVID-19 patients found that glutation levels, which depend on Q10, were reverse correlated with the severity and mortality rate of COVID-19.
      • Q10 and PQQ can improve immune function and viral removal. A study of 262 elderly patients found that Q10 reduced the incidence and severity of flu -like diseases and improved their immune response.
      • Q10 and PQQ can improve lung function and reduce symptoms of COVID-19. A study of 120 COVID-19 patients found that Q10 improved their lung function

      Conclusion: Q10 and PQQ offer several health benefits, including support for mitochondrial function, improvement of energy levels, cardiovascular health, cognitive function and reduction of oxidative stress. They can also be useful in handling COVID-19.

      Recommended product: Super Ubiquinol Coq10 with PQQ (Life Extension)
      Dosage and use:
      A capsule (100 mg) twice per day. day with food

      Important information and reservations about grants
      Important to start with a low dose and gradually increase by tolerance. Always start with one product a day and half the dose of stated. Then you introduce one and one additions per. day at a leisurely pace. If discomfort or unanswered reactions occur, reduce the dose and, if necessary, take one to a two -day break before continuing.

      The supplements are generally safe for most people to take. However, it can interact with certain medicines, such as blood thinning and antibiotics. The simplest enzymes should consult with blood thinners before use, due to increased bleeding risk.

      It is important to talk to your doctor before taking start at any cure, especially if you have underlying health problems or take medication.

      Reservations. Uno Vita does not claim that the products we market can cure disease.

      Allowed used for adults.
      All use of grants takes place at your own responsibility and should be done in consultation with a doctor. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Should be kept out of reach of children. Recommended dosage: If not specified is recommended dosage 1 stated unit (tablet, capsle, teaspoon, bag, drop or splash) other every day

      Recommended treatment and support therapies
      There are a number of therapies and methods (which are offered, among other things, at the Integrated Medicine Clinic in Moss) that can speed up and improve the outcome. We mention them briefly here, but refer to our pages for more information for home equipment or our blog to read about the clinic's offer.

      Hydrogen inhalation
      H2 inhalation, or hydrogen inhalation therapy, is a treatment method where you breathe molecular hydrogen (H2) gas. This therapy can potentially offer several benefits compared to COVID-19, including anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent complications, antiviral effects that can reduce the viral load and shorten infection duration, as well as lung damage caused by the virus, improvement of respiratory functional, improvement, improvement, improvement, Potential benefits for treating long-term covid symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

      Drink cleaned hydrogen water
      Cleaned hydrogen water, which is water enriched with molecular hydrogen (H2), offers a variety of potential health benefits. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation of the body, which can be especially useful for different health conditions, including Covid-19. Furthermore, some studies suggest that H2 may have antiviral properties that can prevent or reduce the severity of COVID-19 infections. Hydrogen water can also protect cells from damage, which can be advantageous in preventing COVID-19 complications, while contributing to improved metabolism and increased energy levels.

      In addition, hydrogen water can increase antioxidant protection in the body, which can help prevent cellular damage and improve general health. Specifically in relation to COVID-19, some studies have shown that intake of purified hydrogen water can reduce the severity of symptoms in patients, as well as help shorten the duration of the infection. It can also reduce the risk of serious complications associated with the virus, such as pneumonia.

      Hyperbar oxygen therapy (HBOT)
      Hbot, or hyperbar oxygen therapy, is a treatment in which the patient inhales oxygen under higher pressure than normal. This therapy has proven to be advantageous for a variety of health conditions, including Covid-19. The benefits of HBOT compared to COVID-19 include reduction of inflammation, possible reduction of viral load, protection against lung damage, improvement of the respiratory function and possible benefits for the treatment of long-term covid symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

      Light therapy or photobiomodulation (PBM)
      Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a treatment that uses light in the visible and near-infrared spectrum to promote the body's natural healing processes. The benefits of PBM include increased cell repair and growth, reduced inflammation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, better nervous system function and strengthened immune system. PBM has been used to treat a variety of conditions such as trauma, wounds, musculoskeletal disorders, nerve damage, skin diseases, chronic inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and brain disorders.

      In relation to COVID-19, PBM can reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract, improve the immune system's response to the virus and reduce the risk of serious illness and death. Studies have shown that PBM can relieve symptoms such as fever, cough and headache, reduce the severity of the disease and shorten the duration.

      Pulsating Magnetic Therapy (PEMF)
      PEMF is a treatment method that uses vibrant electromagnetic fields to promote the body's natural healing processes. This therapy may have a number of positive effects such as increased cell repair and growth, reduced inflammation, improved blood circulation, pain relief, better nervous system function and strengthened immune system. PEMF has been used to treat a variety of conditions such as trauma, wounds, musculoskeletal disorders, nerve damage, skin diseases, chronic inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and brain disorders.

      In relation to COVID-19, PEMF can reduce inflammation of the airways, improve the immune system's response and reduce the risk of serious illness and death. Studies have shown that PEMF can relieve Covid-19 symptoms such as fever, cough and headache, reduce the severity of the disease and shorten the duration.

      Grounding (Grounding/Earthing)
      Grounding, also known as Earthing, is the practice of coming into direct contact with the soil, such as walking barefoot on grass or lying on the ground or by using the grounding sheet or grounding mat. Research suggests that grounding can offer more health benefits, including reduced inflammation, increased blood circulation, less stress, better sleep and improved mood.

      In relation to COVID-19, grounding can help reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract, strengthen the immune system's response to the virus, and reduce the risk of serious illness and death. Studies have indicated that grounding can relieve COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough and headache, and possibly reduce the duration of the disease.

      Recommended a diet based on a ketogenic diet (ask for an overview if desired)
      Ketogenic diet is a diet with high fat content and low carbohydrate content that leads to the production of ketones in the body. Ketones use as alternative energy source for glucose (sugar). This has been shown to have several health benefits, such as reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, increased weight loss and control, as well as improved cognitive function and mood.

      Periodic fasting, alternating between periods of normal intake and fasting, offers similar benefits, including reduced risk of various diseases and improved weight control and mental health.

      Both ketogenic diet and periodic fasting have the potential to contribute positively to the treatment of COVID-19. They can help reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system's response to the virus, and reduce the risk of serious illness and death. Studies indicate that these diets can relieve symptoms of COVID-19, reduce severity and shorten the duration of the disease.

      All rights are reserved for the Integrated Medicine and UNO Vita AS clinic
      Authored by Jan F. Poleszynski (Head Clinic for Integrated Medicine)

      Contact information:

      Online store (you should find all recommended products there): shop.unovita.com
      E-mail to sales department and warehouse: sales@unovita.com
      E-mail to the clinic: klinikken@unovita.com
      Tel. (weekdays 10 - 15): 22 09 18 80

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