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The secrets behind electromagnetism, light and your invisible reality

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The secrets behind electromagnetism, light and your invisible reality
By Jan Fredrik Poleszynski - Uno Vita & Clinic for Integrated Medicine - 2023

Nature is my "religion" and wizard
The sun is power, the earth is a uterus, water is a medium, air is freedom, and life is a dance of creation. Information energy flows through all existence, both the known and the unknown. It is time to understand this energy for a more holistic approach to health and well -being.

The universe: a brief overview from the scientific perspective

  • 4% of the universe is electromagnetic (physically)
  • 99% of the molecules in your body are water and have electrical charge
  • 96% of the universe consists of dark energy and dark matter, which is largely unknown
  • 99,9999% of the physical universe and our bodies are "voids"
  • All known existence operates on the principles of frequency and vibration
  • All substance has polarity and charge

    The underlying power of all physical existence is electromagnetic
    Albert Einstein once said, "regarding matter we have been completely wrong. What we have called matter is really energy, if vibration has been lowered so it can be perceived by the senses. There is no matter. There is only light and sound."
    Nikola Tesla added, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in the form of energy, frequency and vibration."

    The electromagnetic spectrum includes a wide range of waves, each with different energy levels and frequencies. All known matter (all physically) provides electromagnetic radiation that can be measured in fluctuations per day. Second (frequencies) in denoted Hz (Heinrich Hertz was a German physicist best known for having detected the existence of electromagnetic waves. The measurement unit Hertz (Hz) for frequency is named after him)

    Resonance or harmony
    Resonance is the natural frequency an object vibrates. The Schumann resonance, for example, is the global electromagnetic resonance around the earth. People have reported various symptoms such as memory losses, sleep changes and muscle pain in the raises of resonance, indicating a deep -rich connection between our bodies and the electromagnetic fields surrounding us.

    Micro -flow and healing
    Micro -current therapy uses small electric currents to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This technology has been shown to improve oxygen distribution, increase energy conversion in the cells, reduce pain and stress, and accelerate tissue repair. The body communicates itself via weak microscing, electromagnetic pulsating fields and lights

    The essence of the light in health and cellular function
    Light is not just what meets the eye. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation that carries packages of brilliant energy known as photons. Photobiomodulation uses different wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular processes, which directly affects the transmembran potential and thus affects general health.

    Cell tension as a main indicator of good or bad health
    Cellular "battery" voltage, measured in millivolt (etc.), varies from -50 to 90 and acts as an important health indicator.

    When the tension is correct, "everything" will be correct, therefore cell tension is a very good indicator of the health condition

    • pH balance
    • Mineral balance
    • Water and fluid balance
    • Effective waste management and detoxification
    • Adequate oxygen supply (zeta potential)
    • Natural metabolism and ATP production

    If you do not have the right and enough voltage ("proper battery charging"), one or more of the oblivious factors will be in imbalance.

    Voltage thieves
    Items that can "steal" cellular tension include:

    • Lack of enough well -clean water and poor hydration (recommended instructed water added hydrogen gas)
    • Scars (physical or emontional) that interfere with electrical communication
    • Electromagnetic radiation and contamination such as radiation from microwave ovens, mobile phones, wifi and a variety of other sources
    • Toxins and heavy metals
    • Tooth or jaw infections (including root filling)
    • Stress and trauma-induced electrical disorders
    • Blockings in the spinal cord and cranial sacral pump function
    • Lack of essential nutrients, minerals and electrolytes (may have several causes)
    • Bad air, air pollution and lack of negative ions
    • Lack of contact with nature (sun, ground, air etc.)
    • Inadequate physical activity

    Proper tension is a prerequisite for good health
    1. Electrical potential provides the ability to build and regenerate cells.
    2. Proper tension is crucial for cellular communication.

    Biofelt the same as our electromagnetic field?
    The human biofield is a complex system of energy and information that surrounds and affects the human body. This system consists of different types of fields such as electric, magnetic, electromagnetic and subtle fields. These fields interact with each other and with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of a person. The biofelt is dynamic and is influenced by internal and external factors such as thoughts, feelings, environment, stress and diet.

    The human body is a fascinating electromagnetic unit in constant communication with itself and the outer magnetic field from the earth. This complex interaction between internal and external magnetic fields has deep implications for our general health, biochemistry and cell function. Recent research has begun to reveal that some people may be able to perceive the Earth's magnetic field, providing new insight into biological navigation and consciousness. This reinforces the idea that electromagnetic fields are fundamental to human health and well -being.

    The electrical activity in the human body is most prominent in the cell membrane, which is crucial to maintaining a suitable "charge" or voltage for healthy cell function. A healthy cell has a transmin membrane potential of about 80 to 100 millivolt. This is significantly higher than what is found in a cancer cell, which may have as low as 20 or 25 millivolts. A fall in the membrane's tension can lead to a variety of pathogenic processes, and that is where therapeutic electromagnetic fields and biomagnetism come in.

    The cell membrane acts as a gatekeeper that controls the flow of ions through "pumps" or canals. When these channels are closed, the cell membrane is in its "rest potential". But when open, an "action potential" is created that requires electrical activity and produces an electric current and thus a magnetic field over the cell membrane. This provides an opportunity for therapeutic electromagnetic fields to support the natural functions of the cells by adding the necessary energy to maintain or restore a healthy transmembrane potential.

    Overall, our understanding of electromagnetic phenomena contributes to an enriched and expanded treatment palette in both traditional and alternative medicine. It is not just the internal electromagnetic activity that is important here; Man's possible ability to perceive and perhaps exploit the Earth's magnetic field can open new ways for understanding health and illness in a way we do not yet fully understand.

    An integrated medical future
    Health is not just about treating symptoms. It is about understanding the basic principles of how the body works in a holistic way, and how this understanding can be utilized for healing and prevention. Our understanding of electromagnetism, light, biofelt and frequency has enormous implications for our approach to health and well -being. Through a combination of photobiomodulation, micro -current therapy, understanding of the biofelt, and spotlight on the cell's electrical potential, we can expect a future where integrated health and technology work together for a better, healthier and more brilliant world.

    The clinic's understanding of the "concept of disease" and medical diagnoses

    In our understanding of health, we consider man as a dynamic system in a greater or lesser degree of balance. It goes up and down for all of us, which is natural. We are influenced by cycles both in the body and in nature. This means that we are more or less in balance at all times. When the imbalance is sufficiently pronounced, symptoms may occur. If the symptoms are persistent over time, in school medicine, a diagnosis, which often (but not always) is a sack term for a collection of symptoms.

    With us we do not make diagnoses, but we are working to help body, mind and emotions find their natural, dynamic balance. When there is balance and conditions are right for it (the cell voltage needs to be normalized), the symptoms will often disappear. In school medicine, one will often be declared fresh. In our philosophy, we would rather say that we have regained a normal good balance.
    The body can do what it is best at, repair and build new cells.

    "You are in more or less good balance at all times. If the balance is good, you will be perceived as healthy. If the balance is persistent poorly, you will be experienced as sick."

    Watch the video lecture This article is based on (English), click here

    Copyright © 2023 - UNO Vita AS and clinic for integrated medicine.

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