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Fresh in winter

Uno Vita AS |

Fresh in winter - your guide to essential dietary supplements
Recommended supplements for the winter season to reduce the scope and effect of viral infections.

Note. The doses are intended for adults over 18 years. For younger down to 10 years you can halve the doses. The doses are based on international recommendations and are not necessarily in line with the minimum recommendations from the Norwegian health authorities. Consult your therapist or doctor if you are unsure.

Immune function and generally well -being

Vitamin D3
Why: Improves the function, mood and leg health of the immune system. Especially beneficial when sunlight exposure is limited.
Dose: 4000-5000 IU per day is often recommended for winter
When to take it: In the morning with a meal that includes fat for better absorption, such as eggs or cheese.

Vitamin K2
Calcium absorption: Vitamin K2 helps the body absorb calcium from the food. Calcium is important for strong bones and teeth, as well as for normal blood coagulation. Prevention of atherosclerosis: Vitamin K2 helps to activate a protein called matrix protein GLA (MGP). MGP prevents calcium from storing in the blood vessels, which can cause atherosclerosis.

Studies shown that vitamin K2 can help:

  • Increase the production of T cells and B cells
  • Improve the function of the immune cells
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Reduce the replication of virus
  • Increase the immune response to viral infections

Dose: 1000 micrograms
When: During the day. Take it with food to help with the absorption
Vitamin K2 has been shown to have a number of positive effects on the immune system. The ratio of vitamin K2 and vitamin D3: Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 are two important vitamins that work together to promote good health. Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium from the food, and vitamin K2 helps the body use calcium to build strong bones and teeth and prevent atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C
Why: acts as an antioxidant, supports immune function, helps with wound healing and supports the skin through collagen synthesis.
Dose: 2000-5000 mg per day
When to take it:
Throughout the day, preferably with food to minimize stomach problems. Vitamin C has a half -life of 1 hour so it is more effective to take a small dose often or a large dose rarely

Why: Favorable for intestinal health, digestion, immune system and mood. Can also relieve some common winter digestive problems.
Dose: At least 10 billion CFU from different tribes.
When to take it: In the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime.

Why: Supports immune function, wound healing and skin health. Can also help prevent or shorten the duration of colds and other respiratory tract infections.
Dose: 20-30 mg per day for extra winter support. Up to 40 mg/day when you are sick.
When to take it: With food to minimize nausea, but not at the same time as calcium or iron cost supplements due to absorption problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Why: Anti-inflammatory properties and supports immune function.
Dose: 1000-3000 mg per day.
When to take it: With or without food.

Why: Iodine is an important mineral for the immune system, virus protection, lung function and hormone production. In the case of iodine deficiency, a number of health problems may arise. It is important to get enough iodine through the food or by taking a iodine supplement.
Dosage: Minimum 150 micrograms per Day, many benefit from significantly higher doses. In case of high dosage, one must follow the metabolism (blood tests at the doctor after a 3 day break from iodine)
When are you going to take it: Preferably in the morning with food and water

Supplements should not replace a balanced diet, good sleep, fresh air, daylight, regular exercise and good hygiene. Always consult your health care provider before starting with some new supplements, especially if you have existing medical conditions or allergies.


Stay healthy, warm and healthy!

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The use of grants and treatments takes place at your own responsibilities and should always be done in consultation with a physician. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Appliances that require medical expertise should only be used by people with relevant education. The effect of the products may vary from person to person. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children. Uno Vita AS does not claim that our products can cure illness, regardless of any research suggesting this.

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Uno Vita reserves the right to share publicly available research and information on health and wellness technologies, natural substances, vitamins and the like. We do this with reference to national and international laws on freedom of speech and freedom of belief, including: UN World Declaration of Human Rights (1948): Article 19 ensures the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of speech, including the freedom to receive and disseminate information regardless of boundaries. The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966): Article 19 emphasizes the right to freedom of speech and the freedom to apply, receive and communicate information and ideas through various media. Norwegian Constitution Section 100: Ensures freedom of speech, with certain restrictions on the sake of children's protection, privacy, public order and security. US First Amendment: Protects freedom of speech against state intervention, providing one of the strongest protections for free expression.

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