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Structured Water

Uno Vita AS |

What is structured water?

The term "structured water" refers to the water when the molecules are structured to form hexagonal clusters. These crystalline geometric structures in water occur either naturally or can be restored artificially. The essential thing about this particular structure is that it is responsible for ensuring the natural properties of the water.

Structured water in nature is present in mountain sources, ice melt and other pristine sources, which flow over rocks and cliffs, swinging around baskets and corners. This movement causes water to spin and rotate, structuring the molecules. Fresh spring water is also structured from the high pressure in deep aquifers. In addition, researchers believe that most of the water in the human body is structured in a hexagonal way.

The thing is that before the water reaches us through pipes, it goes under versatile treatment methods where its natural flow form is not taken into account. The overprocessing with harmful chemicals causes the water to be denatured. The pumping through straight and narrow pipelines and overpumping with high pressure turbines destroys its molecular structure. Chemically, the water remains the same, but its vital properties are lost.

With all this in mind, we must know that there are ways to revive the inner molecular equilibrium of the water. In this article, we take you through all related to structured water and the technologies you can use to ensure that you get the best possible water quality.


Can structured water really improve health?

Structured water has scientifically proven benefits for human health, plants and animals.

AReview-based study was conducted to examine the effect of daily intake of structured water (SW) on various laboratory and livestock over the past 20 years. The results showed one:

  1. Increased growth rate
  2. Reduced oxidative stress
  3. Improved blood -lipid profile
  4. Better glycemic and insulinemic response in diabetics
  5. Better sperm and sperm quality
  6. Increased tissue pipeline

Another descriptive study experimented on racehorses. These horses are trained in repeated stress that can affect hydration and health. The study assumed that daily intake of structured water (SW) for four weeks would cause a positive change in hydration, reduced markers for health problems in upper respiratory tract and increased heart rate variation.

Two groups of thoroughbred horses were taken as samples. One group of horses received 10 L (~ 15%) of the daily water as a structured water, and the control group used only filtered deep well water. The study concluded:

  • increased hydration by two weeks persistent to four weeks
  • Upper respiratory with less mucus, track bleeding and post-Breezing
  • Increased heart rate variation (more healing autonomous response) at rest.

    A comparative study investigated the effect of structured water consumption on the human body under normal environmental conditions for a month. The controlled group consumed unstructured water, while the pilot group consumed one liter of structured water per day for one month. At the end of the following conclusions: the experimental group concluded:

    • A significant reduction in body fat mass
    • A consistent improvement of water-salt metabolism
    • Improvement of kidney excretion function
    • Removal of inner poisoning of the body
    • Reduced stress
    • The reserved capacity of the body even under unfavorable conditions

      Structured water and health: Summary
      By summarizing the results of some studies, we found that structured water can provide many health benefits. Some of them are as follows:

      • Structured water strengthens the body's immune system and thus helps to fight diseases that cause substances.
      • Structured water is quickly absorbed at cell level, so it increases cell energy level.
      • It helps the digestive process and limits digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea.
      • Structured water also helps to improve memory.
      • Another significant health benefit by drinking structured water is that it reduces blood sugar levels.
      • Structured water can help lose weight, keep the body in shape and remove the metabolic waste material from the body more efficiently.
      • Drinking structured water makes your skin smoother.

        Structured water vs. alkaline water
        "Alkaline" is a term used to describe the pH level in the water; It is how sour/alkaline water is on a scale of 0 to 14. The more acidic a substance, the lower the pH. Our normal drinking water has a balanced pH of 7, while alkaline water typically has more than 7- between 8 or 9. The structured water sometimes becomes natural alkaline when it passes over stones and sources and dissolves some minerals, but it does not exceed the pH 8. The bottle alkaline water is a completely different thing. Artificial alkaline water has undergone a process called ionization or electrolysis.

        Companies sell this artificial alkaline water in bottle shape, claiming that it has anti-aging, anti-cancer properties and can better hydrate you better. It is also claimed that it can treat diseases such as acid reflux by balancing the acidity of the stomach. But this artificial alkaline water cannot prove to be satisfactory in the long term.

        In addition to getting heavy on the budget, alkaline water can reduce the natural acidity of the stomach, which is crucial to killing harmful bacteria. These natural acids are also necessary to remove various unwanted pathogens from penetrating the blood.

        Suppose you continue to drink this artificial alkaline water for a long time. In that case, it can cause skin irritations and disrupt the body's normal pH, leading to metabolic alkalosis, which can cause vomiting and nausea. Therefore, you cannot make it a regular part of your life.

        How does vortexing create structured water?
        To understand this, first understand how nature uses the process of vortexing. Everything in Mother nature follows this pattern: cyclones, our planets, DNA and the natural water. Of course, when water moves in a spiral, it forms a swirl. This vortex gives the water energy in a way that becomes more advantageous for the general well -being. Scientists experimented with replicating this natural water vertebra process to give back the water all its natural properties. This imitation of nature's phenomenon encourages water molecular organization and texture.

        Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ is one of such innovative inventions that can restore the natural vitality of the water. It is significantly more effective than any filtration, reverse osmosis or artificial cleaning process.

        The mechanism uses a vertebral roast created by a charged double spiral flow form that helps revive the natural energy of your water. The process brings back the water's natural ability to clean when it is restructured at a molecular level.

        Structured water benefits
        This naturally structured water, now available at your home to drink, cook, swim, plant and much more, has a number of benefits such as:

        • The structured water is absorbed immediately in the body due to the microclothed molecular structure. Even if you eat large amounts, you will not feel heavy, since it does not splash around your stomach.
        • The fact that you can drink a lot of water at once without unpleasant feeling allows you to hydrate properly.
        • Because the cells do not need to use extra resources for absorption, your body saves energy and you feel more energetic in general.
        • Revitalized water makes it possible to add nutrients to the body's cells more efficiently. In addition, the revitalized water can remove the waste products and toxins faster out of the cells.
        • Revitalized water is softer and therefore causes no irritation and dryness of the skin. Instead, when you bathe with revitalized water, you feel more energetic, smoother and cleaner.
        • Revitalized water has the unique property to turn the polarity into toxic materials, including heavy metals, nitrates and pesticides; This makes it much safer than regular tap water.
        • Vortex Water Revitalizer helps remove the taste, and the smell disappears quickly.
        • The Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ has the remarkable property to give water back its natural pH, which is 7th pH in revitalized water is between 6.8-7.2. This naturally balanced pH water makes the body function as nature has made them. Unlike alkaline water, it is natural, balanced and does not destroy the acid that is beneficial for the digestive system.

          Where can I buy Vortex Water Revitalizer ™?
          Now you can enjoy the wonderful qualities of structured water at home, in your kitchen, for drinking, swimming, laundry and commercial purposes.

          You can visit our Uno Vitas store and find out which product best suits your needs.

          You can find options such as:

          • Kitchen, shower and portable models designed to treat tap water for those living in apartments, apartments, rented home or travel. These models are easy to install and you can enjoy the results immediately.
          • Shopwhole House models that can treat water throughout your home with Vortex technology and benefit from every water-related activity in your household.
          • If you are already using a water filter, you can install filter models that work with an existing filter, distillator, reverse osmosis system or ionizer.

            Why tastes boiled water differently?

            Water is crucial to the existence of humans and other organisms on earth. It has unique physical and chemical properties, because of which it is important to treat water properly. But despite being blessed with an abundance of this precious resource, we are at risk of water pollution for several reasons:

            1. Organic matter suspension in water sources due to water erosion;
            2. Chemical contamination in the form of nitrogen, metals and toxins;
            3. Biological contamination is due to microbes such as protozos, bacteria, viruses and parasites;
            4. Radioactive chemical elements such as cesium, plutonium and uranium can lead to water pollution. It happens because these cases have changed protons and neutrons that can emit ionizing radiation.

              The contaminated water can transmit diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, diarrhea, typhoid and even polio. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that these contaminants can lead to certain types of diseases such as reproductive problems, gastrointestinal problems, neurological disorders and much more. Above all, immunocompromised individuals are even at a higher level of risk.

              In developed countries such as Canada and the United States, the water we receive in our taps is usually safe to drink. However, there are still the chances that some pollution is present before we fill our glasses to drink. Therefore, many of us are considering drinking filtered water in some way.

              Boiling water is also a water filtration technique that is simple and cost -effective. However, this type of water has a mild taste, and many of us do not like it. Are you wondering why boiled water tastes different? Let's dive into it!

              What are the Common Reasons for Boiling Water?
              There Are Several Reasons Because of Which People Use Boiled Water:

              Making Water Safe in Case of Emergency
              When you do not access safe drinking water, contaminated water with bacteria can be relatively safer by boiling. This is why notifications of boiling water are issued when certain inevitable circumstances cause water pollution in the public water system. The above measure is often taken in case of flooding, pressure in the distribution system, aging of water distribution infrastructure or other unexpected cause.

              To avoid buying bottled water
              Cooking is an excellent method of killing viruses, bacteria and parasites, making the fountain microbiologically safer. Therefore, you can save money on spending on purified bottled water for drinking purposes. In this way, you also help to make your environment safer by relying less on plastic bottles.

              For the health of certain immunocompromised individuals
              People with AIDS, transplanted patients, pregnant women, children and infants have a weak immune system. This segment is in danger of being adversely affected by the use of contaminated water. In such cases, it can be a good solution to boil water to disinfect it before use.

              To prepare baby food
              Another common reason why people boil water is to prepare babies. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is necessary to boil and cool down drinking water to make baby milk.

              To remove temporary hardness in water
              Hard water is very high in dissolved minerals, including calcium and magnesium. When the water is boiled, it causes precipitation of solid calcium carbonate or solid magnesium carbonate. Cooking removes calcium ions or magnesium ions from the water, which causes the hardness of the water to be removed.

              In order to improve digestion
              Sometimes boiled (and cooled) water is given to older adults to improve digestion. Their digestive system is relatively weaker than younger and works better with boiled water.

              One important thing that we need to be well aware of is that boiling water just makes it biologically safer, and yet there can be many things or contaminants present in it, such as lead, traces of pesticides, etc.


              Why tastes boiled water flat and tasteless?
              Many people think that boiled water tastes different because cooking may have removed all essential minerals and salts. But that is not the case. Boiling water is a useful technique that is effective enough to kill certain bacteria and parasites. Otherwise, even though the water's boiling temperature rises above 100 degrees Celsius, it does not remove the entire mineral and salt content in the water.

              The answer is that cold fresh water, including tap water, has dissolved certain gases. Common gases in water include nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Other than it may also contain some inert gases, ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methane (CH4) present in it. The first three are common. However, ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and methane (CH4) are a result of bacterial respiration and metabolism. When the anaerobic degradation of organic matter occurs, it drives ammonia and methane. On the other hand, bacterial reduction of sulphate generates hydrogen sulfide.

              Some of the dissolved gases mentioned above give water a unique taste. But as soon as we cook it, the dissolved air leaves the water and gives it a flat taste. For example, oxygen in water is better resolved in cold water than in hot water. Cooking proves to be effective at removing most of the oxygen from water. After cooling, the boiled water tastes different.

              Potentially, there are some other reasons that can taste the water when boiling. For example, the material or tools used for cooking. Using steel or iron works better, but boiling water in plastic boilers can give a sour taste to water.

              You may have observed that insoluble calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate is formed in the water while it boils. The process can be seen when it begins to spread over the kettle. In fact, these are lime deposits, and when it reacts with metal coated inside your kettle, the water tastes different.

              How do you get boiled water to taste better?
              When boiling water to kill bacteria and bacteria is still the only option, you can definitely go for it. But if you don't like the taste, some techniques can help.

              According to CDC, you can improve the flat taste of boiled water by using two containers. You can pour it from one container to the other and hold it for a few hours. This method of pouring it back and forth from one container to another will help to vent the water again and bring back the taste.

              Another technique is to add a pinch of salt to each liter of water you have boiled.

              How to boil water?
              Before boiling, the water can either be unclear or clear. Let's build some knowledge of how to boil water in each case.

              When the water is cloudy
              If the water is cloudy due to dirt or debris, you must first filter it and then cook it.

              1. Use a clean cloth, coffee filter or paper towel to filter the water. You can also let it sit naturally.
              2. Now you can remove clean water.
              3. This pure water must pass through four stages of cooking:
                • The slow -cooking stage - this is the early stage of boiling water, and that is the time when the heat is relatively low. At this time, the activity level in the cookware lacks.
                • The next step, called the cooking stage, involves changing heat from low to medium.
                • The Rapid Simmer stage involves heat transition from medium to medium high.
                • The last phase of boiling water is rolling boil - now the water is on high heat. Boil the water here for at least one minute. (It is recommended to cook for three minutes in heights above 6500 feet).
                • When you have boiled the water, let it cool.
                • You can now store this water in clean containers and cover them well.

                  When the water seems clean
                  In case the water is clear and does not seem muddy, you can

                  • Boil the water unless it will boil for at least 1 minute.
                  • Cool the boiled water
                  • Store the boiled water in a container completely covered with tight lid

                    Why boiled water is not the ultimate solution
                    As we discussed above, boiling water is not the ultimate method of water purification. You can only get rid of one form of water pollution by boiling it, the biological pollution. Various other dangerous contaminants such as lead, nitrates and pesticides remain in the water even when you continue to boil it for a long time. In fact, the more you simmer it, the water volume will be reduced due to evaporation, and the concentration of contaminants will increase further.

                    Cooking may also act as a cost -effective alternative to bottled water, but in fact it can be even more expensive. Expensive in terms of the energy bill and the time it takes to cook it properly.

                    We can't deny that you have to wait a long time to boil water and then cool it down to drink. Don't forget that there is always a threat of misconfection of the hot boiled water.

                    In addition, when you know that your water is contaminated, hard enough or not in good shape, it is not always possible to cook it in large quantities. Managing boiling water for healthy showers, brushing teeth, watering plants and laundry can be quite challenging. The maximum you can do is cook it to drink.

                    But still, if, despite boiling water, you can't get rid of chlorine, nitrate and lead content, the bet is not worth it.

                    So, what is the ultimate solution? How to make your fountain safer, healthier and more advantageous? Thanks to the technology and the latest water treatment called The Vortex Water Revitalizer ™.

                    What is Vortex Water Revitalizer ™?
                    When the water goes through several unnatural treatments or is over -treated with dangerous chemicals, we receive it in a state where its vitality, natural structure and properties are almost lost. During these treatments, the water loses its self -cleaning ability. The water defense system against bacteria and viruses is also weakened.

                    Bacteria can quickly build in this water. When using disinfectants such as chlorine, these microbes are removed. But the addition of chlorine further aggravates the situation. First, it kills the good bacteria as well, and secondly, it potentially changes the taste and smell of water.

                    Other than these problems, hard water, toxins and pesticides also destroy the quality of the water.

                    Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ is an evolutionary water treatment solution, far more effective than any other filtering or cleaning methods. It brings water into a double spiral flow form, which causes implosion in water. With this wonderful product, you regain the natural molecular structure and properties of the water, and change the way it feels, tastes and affects you.

                    The benefits of using revitalized water are the following:

                    1. The water treated with The Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ helps with rapid absorption of water in your body. Due to the microclothed, natural molecular structure, the revitalized water gives your body a new form of energy. All digestive problems that you are considering boiling water for time and time are resolved.
                    2. Oxygen, which is often lost by boiling, is crucial to our body. These important gases disappear as a result of boiling, so that the taste of the water disappears or flat. But in The Vortex Water Revitalizer ™, the amount of dissolved oxygen, which fills water with vitality, is increased, which makes it extremely beneficial to use.
                    3. Without changing the flavor, you can soften the water with the Vortex Water Revitalizer ™, and the chances that metals from boiling tools dissolve into the water are also reduced. The softened water will not cause irritation on the skin or scalp. So you can use revitalized water for swimming and showering, which will make your skin smoother and hair silkyers.
                    4. Another important advantage of this treatment is that it reverses the polarity of pesticides, nitrates or toxic heavy metals. It is guaranteed not possible if you just boil water.
                    5. You can store the revitalized water for an extended period as it is free of bacteria and does not get bad.

                      For more information on different models and options available according to your specific needs, visit our store.

                      Water is a basic beneficialness of life, and we all depend on this unique substance in some way. However, water pollution can destroy the properties and can cause fatal diseases. Boiling the water can help kill certain bacteria, but it can change the flavor. You can vent the water to improve the taste, but this is not a complete solution. Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ can help us regain the natural properties of the water and provide energy to our body as it should be.

                      All you need to know about Vortex Water

                      There is no doubt that water is the most important substance for living beings. Without this gift from Mother nature, we cannot survive more than four days. In addition, our body is made of 70 % water, which makes it crucial to stay hydrated as our body functions depend on the right water intake. Although the importance of hydration is widely known by all, many do not know that not all types of water are equally favorable. So it is crucial to drink water full of vitality. Vortex water is a perfect example of quality water that has optimal benefits for us. Why? In this article we tell you all about vertebrae and explain what makes it an ultimate choice of water for you, your family and your household.

                      What is vertebral water?

                      Vortex water, also known as structured water, is a type of water that has a molecular arrangement just as nature was intended. Chemically it is only one H20. However, the molecules form microclots, so that the water gets optimal benefits. The water found in the natural waterways, such as streams, has exactly this structure. Interestingly, the natural structure of the water is not always the same. This means that water in certain environments can lose its internal organization and also some of the benefits. In natural waterways, the structure of the water is secured by the way it flows - vortex -like movements. When we take the water out of its congenital habitat, it pumps, presses it and sends it through pipes, the water loses its molecular equilibrium. Vortex water is the type of water that has been through a special treatment solution that restores the structure and vitality. , which makes it much more beneficial to our health and well -being.

                      What is the problem of plain water?
                      Before we elaborate more on vertebral water, let's discuss what makes our usual daily water sources worth rethinking.

                      Everyone uses water from the tap at home for drinks, cooking, cleaning and other activities. Water from the tap is collected in rivers and lakes and is then treated by the municipalities. Although this treatment is not always optimal and does not take into account the natural needs of the water. As a result, the water, loses self -cleaning properties, becomes more difficult to absorb, making it prone to growing bacteria.

                      Bottled water
                      Needless to say, it is already a bad decision to buy water stored in plastic bottles, as plastic is not biodegradable and contributes greatly to pollution. Now let's talk about the actual water quality. The most common bottled water types sold on the market are cleaned water and spring water. Cleaned water is treated in a way that removes all potentially harmful content, as well as favorable, as minerals. When it comes to bottle water, there is no evidence that it is actually natural spring water. Many companies use the brand "Source water" when in reality they only treat plain tap water, add minerals artificially and sell it at a good price. Given that bottled water costs significantly higher than any other water, it is not smart to buy when there are more cost -effective alternatives with higher quality out there.

                      Well water
                      Brønnvann is a common water source for many people around the world. Although the well provides an endless supply of water as it uses groundwater, there are some concerns about it. It is not recommended to drink or use well water without having a proper filtration system, as there can be large pollution present. In addition, since well water is generally not regulated by municipalities, there is no guarantee that you actually use quality water. To learn more about different types of water, where they come from and how they affect your health, be sure to take a look at our depth analysis of different types of water.

                      What does Vortex Water do differently?
                      As mentioned above, vertebral water is the result of special treatment that restores the natural properties of the water. The treatment creates a strong swirling effect in the water, which simulates its natural flow. As a result of the vortex, an implosion in water occurs - a life -forming act that brings life back to the water. After the implosion, the inner equilibrium of the water is restored:

                      • Molecules form microclots;
                      • The levels of dissolved oxygen are elevated and activated;
                      • Self -cleaning antibacterial benefits are improved.
                      These changes are translated into a wide range of benefits such as drinking and using vertebral water can give you. The implosion of water was first observed by the Austrian forest guard and the scientist, the true genius of his time, Viktor Schauberger. His lifelong work was dedicated to studying water and identifying the properties of this unique drug. In fact, Schauberger was the one who came up with Vortex technology-a water treatment solution that mimics the water's natural movement and restores its structure and vitality.

                      Why is vertebral water good for you?

                      Optimal hydration
                      The microclothed molecules of the vortex water allow our body to absorb water more efficiently. For example, when you consume a large amount of such water, it is immediately absorbed and does not make you feel heavy or thrown around your stomach. This makes it so much easier to drink enough water on a daily basis and hydrate your body properly, which is undoubtedly one of the most important factors for staying healthy. Instant absorption is crucial to our body functions - when our cells get enough water, it allows them to perform at their best. And since each part of our body consists of cells that need water to perform their functions, the benefits of vertebral water are felt throughout the body - inside and outside.

                      Elimination of bacteria
                      Of course, water has self -cleaning abilities, which is also secured by the vertebral flow. When we put water through unnatural treatment methods that do not take into account its basic needs, these self -cleaning, antibacterial properties are also lost. Wholesal treatment makes water more robust to bacteria and viruses. The use of vertebral water is a big step towards a healthier and safer environment around your household. For example, unpleasant smells in blankets and washcloths are clear signs of growing bacteria, which is not the case when using vertebral water for household activities.

                      Enhanced hygiene
                      The high self -cleaning properties of the water allow you to have optimal hygiene - both personally and around the house. The use of vertebral water for showering reduces the need for large amounts of shampoo and soap while providing better cleaning. The same goes for dishwashing, cleaning of surfaces and appliances - you do not need to use large amounts of chemical cleansers. The result is that you save money and enjoy better hygiene in all aspects of your life, thanks to vertebral water.

                      Gardening Benefits
                      If you are interested in gardening or like company with living rooms, vertebral water can be a great source of watering. Many who use swirl water for gardening notice that the plants grow significantly larger and stronger, resulting in a rich autumn. Once again, it is the microclated molecular structure that is responsible - swirling water hydrates properly, and plants are able to absorb it lighter and get all the necessary nutrients. Also, you reduce your watering costs by using this type of water as the soil stays moist longer.

                      Wastewater handling
                      Water that leaves our homes is a huge burden on mother earth and contributes to the pollution problem. It has been found that swirl water has large amounts of oxygen dissolved, creating a guest -free environment for aerobic, A.K.A. Good bacteria. This type of bacteria effectively contributes to breaking down the wastewater, and lifts the burden on our lakes, rivers and sea.

                      What are the benefits of having their own vertebral water systems?
                      So everything we have covered so far sounds pretty impressive, right? Now you might be wondering - exactly how can you access vertebral water? The answer is simple - from your own crane! All you have to do is install your own swirl water system that treats plain tap water and makes it a substance full of vitality, just as it should be natural. You do not have to worry about bacterial content, dehydrated skin or smelly rugs - swirling water will take care of it all.

                      Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ is a water treatment solution that takes into account the natural needs of the water. The double spiral shape creates a powerful swirling movement, which results in implosion, and heck - you can enjoy vertebral water and all it has to offer in your own home! Vortex Water Revitalizer ™ requires a single, non-permanent installation, which will guarantee that you will have vibrant, healthy and extremely useful water in the years to come.

                      Posted bye: Jade Vela - Alive Water ™ by World Living Water Systems Ltd.

                      Comment from Jan F. Poleszynski, CEO and founder of Uno Vita AS.
                      We at UNO Vita AS and our clinic for integrated medicine (clinic for integrated medicine in Norwegian) recommend optimizing water for drinking, long life and optimal health. As well as optimal results from treatments in our clinic. To optimize water, in our opinion, the following steps include (you can also boil the water and cool it down if you prefer it before a manual cleaning process);

                      1. Make sure your spring water is 100 % clean (or as close to 100 % as possible).
                      This can be mounted by using ultrarent lightweight water or low deutrium water as acidic water, or by using a professional filter with ultrafiltration down to a minimum of 0.1 micron size. Such as:
                      • Aquaphor J. Shmidt A500 Water Collar
                      • Aquaphor Crystal EcoDer wash three level filter
                      • Edelwasser (gold) on the bench's ultra filter and RO filter (recommended for optimal purity)
                        2. Add structure to the water
                        This can be associated in several ways with the physical parameters of different results for the water, and some examples are:

                        Biotite liquid crystal minerals (simple and affordable way to increase the number of balls in the water). If you already have a water purifier and hydrogen water generator, you will add a few drops to a full glass of water and let it rest for a few minutes before drinking it. If you do not have a water filter, you will add a few drops per. glass water and add it after boiling water. In this way it will also help to neutralize toxins and harmful substances

                        Cleansymag water softener (magnetic). Can be used for all water in the house or around the pipes near the vacuum cleaner. Has extra benefits that reduce scale and save energy. Also stabilizes pH and has a mild structuring effect. Recommended for all (good investment for price/effect ratio by general improvement of water)

                        River of Life Vortex-Vitaliser or similar proven water structuring device (Aquaphi and Crystal Blue are both good solutions as well). Can be used for all water in the house or added to the pipe to a cleanser, or you can let the water drain through it before drinking. The use of Bioptron Hyperlight C60 also also produces beautiful structures in water, so if you have the PBM device for treatments, treat your water even before drinking.

                        3. Add molecular hydrogen to the water.

                        Molecular hydrogen increases the number of microclots in the water. Hydrogen gas (H2) is a strong antioxidant, anti -random component and an immune system modulator and recommended for all. The use of water from water is normally the last step before drinking it.
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