Learn about the effects of pulsating magnetic field therapy (PEMF)

What do you think about when you hear the words energy medicine?
Energy medicine is an approach to medical treatment that uses physics or electromagnetism, instead of chemicals, for treatment. The therapies contribute to the healing of the body through activation of the body's own natural electrical system and revitalizes and balances unbalanced or impaired function. A therapy that has become very popular (due to its efficiency and simplicity in use) is vibrant magnetic field therapy (or "Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy" (PEMF)).
Professional PEMF has proven effective in, among other things, repair of cells. The units used for this purpose pulsate a magnetic field in accordance with the Earth's natural frequencies, a feature that helps restore limited ion stream and stimulate the body's regeneration process. Scientific research has shown that PEMF, among other things, has a positive effect on tissues in ligaments, bones and cartilage, blood and muscles, but also on many more conditions described further down in this article.
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Health effects using cellvital-Homecare PEMF therapy system:
PEMF has been shown to improve neurocemical conditions including addiction, AD/HD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, depression, post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sleep problems. Research also indicates positive effects in neuropathologies such as concussions, memory loss, mild cognitive failure, mild traumatic brain damage, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke and tremors. Other effects of this therapy:
- Relieves pain (effective reduction of most pain states)
- Reduces inflammation and edema
- Increases the energy level (via increased ATP production in the cell nucleus)
- Contributes to a natural circadian rhythm
- Improves blood circulation (through vasodilatation)
- Improves the oxygen distribution in the body and at cell -level
- Regulates the levels of growth factors and nitrogen oxide
- Improves cell tabolism
- Increases the production of endogenous antioxidants (the body's own antioxidants)
- Contributes to healing by injuries, operations, wound healing and tissue regeneration
- Improves detoxification
- Stimulates and balances the immune system
- Promotes growth gene factors
- Contributes to stem cell production
- Improves autophagi (cellenovation)
- Improves neurotransmitter levels (including hormones)
- Relieves inflammation
- Improves the tolerance of stress (activates parasympathetic activity)
- Promotes good sleep
- Increases training performance
- Have antimicrobial effects (counteract bacterial infections)
- Counteracts arthritis and osteoporosis
- Counteracts aging at cell -level (anti -ranging)

Biohacking and anti-sting with PEMF therapy
Biohacking (optimization of the condition of the body) and anti-sting when using PEMF therapy is no longer a secret. With PEMF therapy, biohacking with a goal of increased life expectancy is available to most people. PEMF therapy meets all the basic requirements to achieve increased life expectancy or so-called anti-age effects.
Epigenetic and extended lifetime (antial change) by PEMF therapy
NASA's research on PEMF therapy shows that this therapy has far-reaching positive effects on our genetics and our gene expression via the change of the cell's environment (epigenetics). This also applies to extended life. PEMF therapy reverses the cellular aging process by assisting with the regulation of 175 genes, as well as by upgrading/stimulating around 150 growth-activating genes. The NASA study used PEMF frequencies set up at 10 Hz daily in treatments from 17 to 21 days to document the epigenetic effects.

Improved oxygen metabolism with PEMF therapy for increased life expectancy
Favorable breathing and oxygen metabolism have been linked to long life since ancient times. In India, the yogic lifestyle involves breathing exercises (pranayama). Breathing exercises are used to slow down your breath, as well as to promote deep and slow breathing. When the exercises were combined with a peaceful, healthy lifestyle in the mountains (near the ground and the earth's magnetic field), historical stories of very high life expectancy (up to 200 years) tell these yogy masters. Modern research has shown that an important key to "biohacking" and extended life of tissue, bone, metabolism and health is generally to ensure improved oxygen supply at cell and tissue levels. This is one of the effects you get through the use of professional CE-approved medical PEMF therapy.
Pulsating magnetic field therapy and anti -random
Pulsating electromagnetic fields at appropriate frequencies and intensity (amplitude) penetrate deep into the entire body and improve oxygen utilization. This is one of the reasons why PEMF works better than most other therapies in this particular area.
Hormone control with PEMF treatment
An important aspect of well -being and lifetime is hormonal balance. Traditional methods for balancing hormones usually depend on the upgrading or down regulating a particular hormone based on its chemical composition. Although this technique works, it is difficult to monitor the doses required on a daily basis, and that the natural hormone balance and self -production are often disturbed. The medicines may appear symptomatic, but are not a permanent solution. Also, they occasionally cause serious side effects. For women (especially), hormonal imbalances are very problematic and can result in serious illness. PEMF therapy shows good results and contributes to a naturally good hormone balance.

It is relevant to notice how everything is connected. Deep breathing also contributes to hormonal balance, like regular use of PEMF therapy and photobiomodulation (PBM), which will be discussed in a separate future article. It is naturally an advantage to be physically active and exercise on deep and quiet breathing regardless of treatment method. One advantage of PEMF is that you do not need to monitor hormone levels and dosage of medication. Everything works autonomously (controls itself). Whether it is the shield gland or the hormone system in general, low power, low frequency and long -lasting use of PEMF will help to balance the body's hormones. Many report that hormonal problems cease completely when using PEMF over time. Pain can also be related to hormonal imbalances in many. PEMF was found not only to contribute to pain relief, but can also solve the underlying conditions that cause the problem.
PEMF therapy is advantageous for both all of us and for those who are concerned with anti-stinging and biohacking. Whether your goal is to delay the aging process, become physically younger or strengthen your health and body's ability to cope with challenges, PEMF therapy is recommended.

Cellvital-Homecare PEMF therapy system
Cell -level workout
• PEMF can be seen as training for the circulatory system and cells.
• Cellvital uses electromagnetic induction to regulate the flow of ions in the body (blood vessels, tissues and cells).
• The system helps restore a normal metabolism.
The electromagnetic impulses from Cellvital-Homecare PEMF are able to produce the health-promoting effects typical of an active life and exercise. The system has patented and protected functions that make it unique in a world context.
Why is Cellvital-Homecare treatment so important?
You need movement. The less we move, the less our body creates stimulating impulses (and energy), and the result is a form of stagnation and decay at the cellular level. The standstill results in reduced energy production and electrical charge of important body systems, poorer circulation, poorer oxygen transport, poorer balance in the hormone system and much more. The cells need a "start signal" to produce adequate energy (electric), which can be achieved by movement.
Physical life depends on movement!
The electromagnetic impulses produced by cellvital-Homecare imitate natural impulses. The impulses activate various chemical compounds (neurotransmitters) such as calcium ions, which cause our cell nuclei (mitochondria) to convert energy more easily and to a greater extent. Regular use of cellvital-Homecare PEMF stimulating therapy can counteract the lack of physical activity and thus compensate for lack of cell activity that this entails.
Important to know: This is especially important for people who do not have enough time to move and exercise daily or regularly, such as business people, home -based, professionals, students, as well as sick people or people with reduced movement ability (ie disabled). When active, you will benefit from the system's ability to regenerate and rebuild the body after high activity and promote a naturally good balance throughout the body's electrical system.

Cellvital-Homecare therapy: an effective and safe technology
Unique technical qualities:
A) Uses biologically adapted waveforms and frequencies.
B) If Ultralav EMF or electrost Island is also suitable for electrosensitive.
C) The frequencies and impulses match the Fibonacci code.
D) has its own setting for maximum sensitivity for children, electrosensitive and others who need specially gentle treatment.
F) The technology was originally developed and tested for use in space with the quality requirements this entails.
G) The spiral -shaped coils (coils) emit a completely uniform field of equal intensity throughout the area (adjusted easily with a push button).
H) Has a special function developed and patented by the inventor, professor and doctor Gerhard Fischer, who characterizes the signals in all biological living beings.
Science and Research - Cellvital has a patent on the following features:
1. exponential function (increasing and variable intensity over time). The shape of the magnetic impulse (curve) is crucial for the signal induced (promoted) by the unit to activate desired processes in the body. The curve for the exponential function of the appliance is a hallmark of everything living in nature. All the impulses used by cellvital-Homecare technology operate according to this natural curve. The impulse curve recreates the natural processes of the body and guarantees an improved ional and transport of ions in and out of the cells. This is fundamentally important in the revitalization of our cells. An ion is an atom or a group of continuous atoms that are electrically charged. The charge can be positive or negative.
2. Therapy free of electromagnetic contamination (electrosmog or harmful EMF/EMR).
Thanks to an accurate selection of high-quality materials and a system developed by highly competent engineers, Cellvital-Homecare technology is free of electrosmog. The TCO measurement (Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees) is in accordance with the regulations and is considered very safe with a voltmeter value of less than 0.5 V/m. The maximum allowable level is actually 10 V/m. It is worth noting that this value is exceeded by many electromagnetic devices by 15-20 times. The Cellvital-Homecare system has a unique neutralizing feature that is far from removing noise from the electric network. Most other systems on the market have electrosmog measurements that are far above recommended values. This applies, among other things, to the electric fields from the Foller B.Pad, which is 130 V/m. This is approximately 43 times higher than on the cellvital coil cushion (Koil) with 3 V/m and well above the recommended maximum value.
3. The Fibonacci Code is a key to perfect blood circulation. The Fibonacci code of the Cellvital-Homecare signal entails good transfer of energy and information to the system circulation all the way down to each organ and each cell. The codes are hidden in the Fibonacci series and the golden cut. Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who lived in the 13th century, and it is he who got the Fibonacci series named after him. Each number in the series is the sum of the previous two. A plus one is two. Two plus one is three. Two plus three are five, and so it continues indefinitely. Nature follows the code, and it includes the blood's spiral movements in the annual system.

The secret behind the cellvital system
The essential is invisible. There is an overwhelming amount of information available through the media and the internet about various therapies that make it almost impossible for someone to get an objective impression of various therapy methods, medical technology, medicines or supplements. Good advice for more training, to lose weight or implement other and more radical measures seems to dominate the anti -age industry. With the use of botox, hyaluronic acid, liposuction or lifting, many do everything to get rid of the signs of aging. This form of therapy is based only on the external image and does nothing to our inner health and whole, and not least the causes of aging. However, there are effective methods to delay the aging process even before it occurs or begins to dominate our lives and health. It is about direct cell stimulation to reset the body's own regeneration and cell repair system. Being able to reverse aging is no longer an illusion, but entirely possible with the help of a holistic approach of supplements, diet, exercise, water, light and not least the use of cellvital. Cellvital optimizes your biological and electric (energetic) potential, far beyond what is often believed to be possible, via targeted stimulation of the cells and the flow of fluids and ions in the body.

By clinic for integrated medicine We have appliances such as HRV (heart variability) and EIS systems, which can measure functional age and the integrity of the cells and thus be able to estimate functional age and the health of the cells. At a measurement time (in practice 3 hours of treatment and written recommendations of grants), this data is stated, and they can then compare them after using the Cellvital HomeCare system for at least 6 weeks (or in 12, 24, 36 weeks, etc.) And see the changes in practice.

The cell is the smallest living unit of all living beings. It is an essential biological unit, which almost all known living beings is made up of. Cells are autonomous and "intelligent" and have the ability to reproduce and support themselves. They have all basic functions and metabolic processes, they can absorb raw materials (ions, oxygen, proteins, etc.) and create new components and energy and waste products, proteins, metabolic water (or structured EZ water) and much more. The human body is believed to consist of several billions of different cell types that form different types of tissue and organs.
Dr. Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon and biologist, received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1912 for his research, which allowed him to keep the cells in a chicken heart alive for 34 years. A quote from him: “The cell is immortal. Only the liquid surrounds it, which degenerates. Renew this liquid, give the cell what it needs, and the energy of life can last forever. ”
Alexis Carrel was early in understanding the epigenetics. The Biotechnology Council writes about epigenetics: We are awarded our genes by conception, but environmental impacts can cause lasting changes in how they are expressed and how they affect our properties. The study of epigenetics (from Latin: above or next to the genetics) examines how genes are activated or inactivated by environmental impacts. In other words, we can change our cells' surroundings and thus change their function and health.

Age test
The biological age status: How old are you really?
Your attitude to life can have a strong limiting influence on your experiences in life. What you really want, or what really reflects in your mentality, is often governed by what the others want to think, or the pressure to "adapt". The disappointment that comes to this, and at the same time an inability to express these things emotionally, often creates a powerful inner stress situation. This type of thinking speeds up the aging process and the visible signs of aging (skin, hair, eyes, nails, less energy and various diseases). A reduced fever reaction to infections, or the fact that you have not had the flu in many years, does not always mean that you have good health, but can also be a warning of a lack of reaction and regulation of internal processes. Lack of reaction to loads can be a warning of poorer health. If you have a strong need for harmony, this is not always an advantageous character trait, but rather a challenge that can seize a large amount of your energy. Acceptance that "it goes up and down here in life", and that your well -being is controlled by your own inner boundaries and attitudes, are important elements to provide insight and a healthy perspective on life and health.
Important. This slightly "philosophical evaluation" diagnoses no illness, but shows signs of an early / too fast aging process, which can threaten your health (risk factors). For example, if you analyze certain chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis or pain, typical behavioral and reaction patterns in the body are often visible many years before the symptoms occur. This means that the autonomous and vegetative nervous system may have trouble regulating the activity in the body in case of prolonged stress (for whatever cause). Constant overload of the autonomous nervous system increases the chances of, among other things, insulin resistance, which can help to develop diabetes type 2. The longer the system is exposed to stress, the greater the chance that the body's ability to adapt is reduced. The result is that the biological age and the chance of getting sick increase, which is not normally uncovered by a regular medical examination. It should motivate you to understand that health is not the absence of diseases, but rather can be perceived as a physical-spirited balance condition, which must be provided with the necessary energy every day. Healthy eating habits, physical exercise and a positive and flexible attitude to life play a crucial role. There are many who are unable to live up to these habits because of their social situation, age and high workload. Therefore, it is important to take the opportunity to stay healthy in several ways, of which PEMF is a very effective method.
Magnetic field and PEMF technology
Magnetic field: The meaning of humans and the deficiency syndrome
A long -term study at a Japanese hospital showed that a number of "modern diseases" may be linked to a weakening of the earth's magnetic field. Not only is exercise alone important to stay healthy, but also the pulsation/vibrations that occur when moving over the earth's actual magnetic static fields. The electromagnetic frequencies (vibrations) that occur as a result of this provide information on the surroundings that our bodies receive through fine -tuned "antennas". The reception apparatus has been developed as part of our development over hundreds of thousands of years. The less we move, the less our body gets our electromagnetic pulses, and the more "apathetic" becomes our cell system. Cells need a constant stimulation via (movement) impulses. If these are not received, the function and health of the cells begin to deteriorate gradually.
Isn't it legitimate to shorten dull and time-consuming training with a few minutes of cellvital stimulation for well-being and healthier cells? The Earth's magnetic field protects the soil from harmful radiation from cosmos. Its main frequency is 7.8 Hz (Schumann resonance) and corresponds to brain waves at the alpha wavy level, which is important for regulating our command center in the brain (hypothalamus). Observations from aerospace show how important the influence of the earth's magnetic field is on all organic life on earth and on the human body. To stay healthy, nature (if possible) undisturbed fluctuations (vibrations or frequencies) from the Earth's magnetic field, clean water and air and a balanced supply of nutrients. The Earth's magnetic field is static in nature, so it assumes that you move to get the effect of pulsation in the body. This fact forms the basis for the innovative cellvital technology. The Earth's magnetic field is a driving force for many important biological processes in the body, and without them a healthy (happy) life is not possible. Decades ago, researchers were able to document that cells only respond to electromagnetic signals within a defined frequency and intensity range. This area is called biological windows. Towards the end of the last century, pulsating magnetic field technology was developed for aerospace. It was discovered that astronauts returning to the ground after longer stays in the room often had health problems in the form of inability to regenerate (recovering from loads), changes in blood, muscles and bone mass. After PEMF was used in the spacecraft, these problems no longer arose. The importance of magnetism for essential processes in the body, was obtained good documentation through the Nobel Prize in Chemistry distributed in 2003. Two researchers, Peter Agre and Roderick Mackinnon, showed that water is transported in the human body via special water channels, so -called "Aquaporins". An electromagnetic mechanism is responsible for transporting the water molecules. If the mechanism is deficient, damaged or disturbed, a number of biochemical and biophysical processes is affected. Small changes in the soil magnetic field can affect this and cause errors in the water transport of the cells. Pulsating magnetic fields and the microscumes that occur are to be considered for engines that operate water and the other fluids (blood, lymph, etc.) through the body. When there is flow and movement, there are also good conditions for life.

Cell stimulation
The energy supplier of our body. Although each organ has different specialties, it is quite clear that the cause of diseases is a cellular functional problem and deficit on energy. Fatigue and weakness are always an expression of a reduced electric cell voltage. In older people, the cell voltage is usually low or lower than in younger ones, which can be measured, among other things, by an indicator called phase angle. If the tension is no longer measurable, the body is dead. A very low cellular membrane tension is also a hallmark of cancer, pain, inflammation, infections and impaired function in general. The terrain (the surroundings) of the cells in the body is largely controlled by these facts.
"Forget your age and ask yourself: How old is my energy?"
Suzanne Somers - AntiiTialLing expert and best -selling author

If the electrical voltage falls below a certain level, healthy cells become sick to diseased cells. Low voltage affects the terrain such as the acid-base balance (ph) in the fluids in the body, which in turn affects the DNA expression (epigenetics). Pulsating electromagnetic stimulation reaches our entire organism, and thus electromagnetic signals and important information can be transported or transmitted into our many billions of body cells.
Result: Better sleep, greater concentration and endurance, which contributes noticeably to reducing signs of aging.

Biological windows
The term "biological windows" comes from the californian neurologist William Ross Adey. He was able to demonstrate from research on calcium ion's movements in brain cells in rabbits that this effect can only be triggered with a certain magnetic field intensity (strength). With "biological windows" one describes an intensity and frequency range for which the cellular tissue is particularly receptive. Certain cell receptors react only to defined frequencies. When strengthening this "resonance effect" of the body's natural signals, you also strengthen indispensable metabolic processes, circulation, cell renewal, create energy and strengthen the immune system. When talking about biological windows, one often hears the expression less is more (English: less is more) for the same reason, that is, a weaker signal can have a stronger effect than a stronger signal. The body is most receptive when using cautious stimuli in the future to "hammer loose"; Then the body often goes into defense mode. These are many manufacturers and technologies that do not take into account, unlike the cellvital system, which provides very gentle stimulation of your body.
E-function: Movement by pressing the button. The type of magnetic impulse is crucial to the effectiveness of the signal induced by the device. The e-function curve is an "expression of all living things". All Impulses from Cellvital HomeCare technology use this patented e-function curve. The impulse curve supports our natural processes in the body and guarantees an improved adjustment of the ional, which plays a crucial role in being able to revitalize a cell. The cell membrane potential as well as the aerobic (oxygen-based) energy conversion can be increased at the cellular level thanks to the special properties of the cellvital homecare system. This procedure was developed and protected internationally by Professor and Doctor Gerhard Fischer. The fibonacci code and the cardiovascular system: nature's engineering process Electrosmog. Electrosmog or e-smog is an expression of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields that are believed to have (unwanted) biological effects. The tolerance ability for this type of contamination of electromagnetic fields in the environment when it comes to human health is described in the term EMCE (electromagnetic compatibility with the environment). Living beings that can know this type of radiation are classified as electro -sensitive or electrical hypersensitive. The allowable limit values are regulated by guidelines, norms and laws. Cellvital HomeCare is based on their own extensive scientific research. This is why TCO measurements according to the norm (30 cm above the CV-HC product) are less than 0.5 V/m. The TCO standard mentions the frequency band 5 Hz to 2 kHz. In principle, this frequency range includes all vibrant magnetic field therapy systems (PEMF) on the market and has a recommended maximum value of 10 V/m. PEMF increases the amount of ATP (adenosinrifosphate) in our body. In biology, ATP is considered to be the energy of life. ATP is the "energy bout" of each cell in our body. It is the molecule with the most energy and which most effectively stores energy. ATP is produced in the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria are the "energy power plants" of the cells. Every day, the right amount of ATP is produced in relation to our body weight and activity level. Example: A man weighing 80 kg needs 80 kg of ATP per day. Our entire energy supply depends on our body being able to produce enough ATP. We constantly need energy for many metabolic processes, for cell repair and production of new cells etc. A significant part of the energy we need every day is necessary just to maintain our body temperature. Mitochondria are cell organelles that act as "energy power plants" for the cells, and are thus responsible for producing the energy of our body. They work for the cells to produce, store and distribute energy. In each human cell, up to 2000 mitochondria produces ATP. Cells with high metabolism, such as muscles and organs, need more mitochondria. Without mitochondria, the cell becomes inoperative and dies. ATP production depends on enough available electrons and protons when energy formation occurs, which PEMF contributes to. Calcium ions. Calcium ions are the most important "message substance" (neurotransmitter) in all body cells. Outside the cell, the concentration of calcium ions is 1000 times higher than inside the cells. If a cell is stimulated by an electric nerve impulse, a hormone or by a vibrant magnetic field, the openings are expanded in the cell's membrane (ion ducts). When this happens, calcium ions flow into the areas (with low calcium levels) and trigger a variety of (cell addicts) reactions. Nerve impulses are sent to the work muscle hormones, which release energy. This increases enzyme activity (causes, among other things, improved digestion), and anti -inflammatory as well as antiallergic effects occur (increases the efficiency of the immune system). Cell membrane potential. Description of the existing electrical possible difference between the inside of a cell and the extracellular liquid that is separated by membranes (potential). The formation of a membrane potential is characteristic of all cells. It has an important function for many biological processes. The membrane potential is especially important for nerve cells, muscle cells (muscles and muscle system) and sensory cells. Simply put, we can compare the cells with batteries, and the cell membrane potential corresponds to the voltage of the battery. On average, the cell batteries have a voltage in the range of 70 mv (millivolt). Energy production. With vibrant electromagnetic field therapy, the energy production system (mitochondria) is stimulated, which usually only occurs in situations where endurance is needed, or during periods of heavy physical activity. Then large amounts of ATP are produced. Pulsating electromagnetic treatment creates this increase within minutes (8-10 minutes of cell vital), which reduces the load on the cell. The mitochondria create a much greater amount of energy without "increased effort". Result: Cellvital magnetic stimulation impulses trigger the creation of aerobic ATP for a long period of time and thus creates valuable energy for the body, which lasts for many hours after only a treatment of 8 minutes. We recommend Cellvital HomeCare PEMF to everyone regardless of health.
The technological innovation (Fibonacci Code) in Cellvital HomeCare allows the blood supply (blood vessel structure) to be given to each organ and cell at the best possible time and via the shortest path.