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EMF, 5g and protection against radiation

Uno Vita AS |

Electromagnetic radiation
- How can you protect yourself?

5G (Fifth Generation Wireless Technology) is now being built out on the buttocks and in the room

Electromagnetic radiation (EMS) Is energy in the form of photons flowing at the speed of light from a radiation source. Electromagnetic radiation can be perceived as waves and therefore also called electromagnetic waves. Examples of such radiation are gamma, X-ray, UV radiation, visible light, radio waves, radar, Wi-Fi, wireless landlines, Bluetooth (wireless), electric radiation from all kinds of appliances and wires and electromagnetic fields (magnetic fields). The radiation is often measured in the fluctuations of the waves per day. second or hertz (Hz).

The higher the frequency the more energy ...

What do we mean by man -made electromagnetic radiation?
Radiation from high -voltage cables, mobile phone transmitters, wireless phones, wireless networks and electrical wires and equipment is to be considered as man -made electromagnetic radiation (EMS). In 300 years the radiation load has increased by a factor on several billion, and especially since the 1990s, the increase has been dramatic. We are constantly exposed to new radiation sources at a seemingly uncontrolled pace and now 5G (fifth generation mobile network). Authorities in large countries that the United States has granted permission to deploy a place between 50-80000 new satellites In orbit around the soil, which will drastically increase the radiation we are exposed to. In addition, we all have ground -based wireless systems and often our own wireless network. The sum is worrying.

We will, with the planned soil and space -based networks, be irradiated from all sides, at all hours of the day

5G and Wi-Fi satellite network Will irradiate every square centimeter of the globe with microwave radiation in the millimeter range (so -called 5g and later 6g). The industry predicts a doubling in the spread of 5G and similar technology every year for many years to come. The telecommunications industry is working to ensure that everything we do is recorded and controlled wirelessly. This applies, among other things, Automatic power meters (AMS), "smart" cars, monitoring of appliances with a variety of functions in people's homes, by many referred to as "Things Internet". There are almost no limits to what should not communicate wirelessly from small appliances in our body, to clothing and a bunch of technology that will offer us an ever -closer integration with the Internet and the companies that dominate the market. It's us acquainted not done any studies Which documents that the massive radiation at ever higher frequencies (5g mm) is safe!

Big Brother Is Watching You - Big Brother See You

The increasing automated, massive radiation we are exposed to is not only a problem for public health, but also provides an opportunity for total monitoring of all of us. The health effects of so-called non-ionizing radiation are still trivialized by the industry and authorities as unproblematic, in stark contrast with over 20,000 studies showing which health risk of radiation can pose. Leading research environments and researchers around the world are shouting ever higher warning to stop the increasing radiation load we apply and the environment we live in.

Feel free to read up if you are in doubt or need something tangible to skeptics in your circle, links here:

Enviromental Health Trust
Microwave News
Limit values ​​in different countries
Safe Living Training

Definitely health risk with EMS from technical equipment
Symptoms that may be due to man -made electromagnetic radiation (EMS and EMF), for example, are electrical sensitivity, headache, pain, chronic inflammation in the body, diffuse pain, fatigue, sleep problems, impaired defense (immune system) against viruses, bacteria, parasites and cancer, high blood pressure , heartbreak, Alzheimer's disease, autism, parkinson's, asthma and allergies, learning difficulties, AD/HD and cancer. An underlying effect of radiation is increased oxidative stress at cellular level. These problems have been known ever since industrialized countries began to electrify cities in the late 1800s.

Man -made radiation an increasing health and environmental problem
More and more people are having to live with chronic, partly serious health problems. The debate on whether or not the radiation is harmful is not initiated by "doomsday prophets". Many thousands of studies document the negative health effects. Therefore, hundreds of the world's most talented scientists, doctors and others have signed an appeal to the UN and the world's leaders to stop the development of the 5G web (click here And read). The World Health Organization (WHO) received mobile radiation on the list of possible carcinogenic factors as early as 2011 and has warned against further development. Despite this, The Norwegian authorities so far chosen to overlook the threat.

It is possible to protect themselves from radiation in mainly two ways:

1) by shielding/reducing radiation exposure. Shielding or blocking of all or part of the wireless radiation is often based on materials (fabrics), painting and clothing that blocks or reflects radiation. There are materials that conduct (which can be grounded ("Earthing")) and thus distract static electricity and voltage from electric fields to soil.

A few examples of measures that can protect you:

  1. Be out in the wild, well away from mobile masts and antennas, as often as possible

  2. Use the least possible wireless technology and turn it off when you are not actively using it. Put the mobile phone in "flight mode" when you don't need it

  3. Increase the distance to the sources to reduce the effect of the radiation. Place all live cables, PCs, screens and technical equipment as far away from the body as possible.

  4. Build yourself a protected zone, an oasis where your body gets to rest at night with a "sleeping bag" so that it has time to regenerate your cells.

  5. Be sure to support good detoxification of your body and get in good antioxidants. It is well known that people who have a lot of toxins in the body are often more plagued by negative health effects from radiation than others.

Recommendation: Bases further shielding on measurements
The most affordable and thus most sensible thing you can do is actively reducing exposure. It includes the time you spend on screen/screens. When it comes to shielding, it is important to understand that microwave radiation (radio radiation; RF) is reflected in walls, ceilings and floors. In order to shield yourself effectively, make sure that any measures such as protective curtains, paints, substances behind/around smart meters or equivalent are "dense" so that radiation does not leak. Creating a protected sphere when you sleep (sleeping bags like screens) are very effective. Secondly, materials and substances that conduct current, and thus, can be grounded, always better protection than reflective materials. Uno Vita AS will launch more new shielding technologies in the time to come and they will appear in the online store in the category; "shielding against electromagnetic fields"and/or in new category with clothing etc.

High quality sleeping bag that protects against a wide range of wireless and electric radiation

Evolution grounding sheet, high quality, effective also with the usual sheet above

Grounding mats/sheets, soil contact
These derives tension, synchronize the body with the natural frequencies of the soil, contribute to a positive stimulation of the body and provide many positive health effects

Electromagnetic environmental improvements
Electromagnetic environmental improvements are the simplest and fastest way to improve the electromagnetic environment where you are. The technologies used do not remove the radiation, but it helps to reduce the negative effects on the body. It can be complicated and expensive to shield yourself effectively from radiation and also conflict-creating because many want to have Wi-Fi available, due to the benefits wireless communication provides. Electromagnetic environmental improvements can be made without affecting the signals or functionality of mobile phones, and other equipment that uses radio signals. Most environmental improvement measures do not block, screens or remove radiation, but help counteract the effect on humans and animals. Environmental improvement measures are therefore easier to implement for most people than shielding and reduction. Below are some examples of environmental improvements that give documented effects.

Generally about the solution in short, somewhat simplified, pull
Different technologies give a little different effects, so it is not "wasted" to use several of them together, on the contrary. They all have valuable properties that jointly can make a big difference (especially for those who have become electro -sensitive).

Pranan technology (Phione, Phiwaves and Biospace)
Creates an ultra -watch harmonizing and protective fields in different reach by Model. Also has the ability in a degree to absorb and convert some of the physical radiation so that the signal seems less stressful on the body. Read more about pranan technologist here!

Pranan Studies and Publications:
Pranan studies and publications click here!
Pranan Certificates Click here
Pranan Facts and Use (FAQS) Click here!

Spinor Technology (Spinor Mobile, Forpost, Verdana Odo and Verdana Geo)
Counteracts the harmful effect of rotating fields from electrical equipment, wireless radiation and unfortunate soil radiation. Verdana Geo is for the whole house, Verdana Geo for rooms etc., aspost is local personal protection and spinor mobile for your mobile phone. Read more about spinor technology here!

The technologies have extensive research and scientific documentation as the basis for their development. They have somewhat different mechanisms of action, and a combination of the technologies can provide good synergies. Both manufacturers offer "stickers" for mobiles and handheld, personal protective equipment you can have in pockets or near the body besides units that improve the radiation environment throughout the room or house. If you have several of the technologies, negative effects of radiation will be reduced. This includes personal units you take on travel, in the car and on flights. For those who have not become electrical -sensitive, these measures may be enough, even if everyone should do what they can to shield themselves and limit the radiation as much as possible.

Shungite pyramid popular in rooms and by PC

Shungitis is a carbon -containing, natural mineral of organic origin (Other, pyramid, mobile protection, mobile holder, water stones etc.)
Shungitis has a large area of ​​application, from absorbing toxins in water, protection and partial absorption of harmful radiation to all those who feel that the material adds a harmonizing energy. Shungite is relatively affordable, but complements the other technologies in a nice way. Read more about the stone mineral here!

The Biospace Top Model from Pranan (coverage 9 meters in all directions)

Links, more information and research:

Einar Flydal about smartmeter
People's Radiation Protection
Health magazine science and reason

Mercola about radiation

Other links
5g development and status
SpaceX has been granted permission from FCC for the placement of over 7,000 satellites
China builds Wi-Fi with satellites
Important research from the Environmental Trust Foundation

Uno Vita AS provides the aforementioned technologies and equipment. You will find a lot of this in the online store here!
The same goes for Health magazine science and reason here!! Feel free to contact us for help when you have read and get into the topic. Subscribers of Health magazine can read all the articles published online if they do not have paper editions at hand.

Email salg@unovita.com and/or tel. 22 091880 between 2 p.m. 10 and 15 weekdays

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