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Life Extension Magazine®

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Life Extension Magazine® - the science of a healthier life
Life Extension Magazine® is our monthly publication. Life Extension customers get the magazine for free in addition to other distributors.

August 2020
Are we reached agreement on fish oil?

The medical profession and the FDA recognize the role of fish oil in reducing cardiovascular risk. Consumers have the opportunity for fish oil prescription drugs or low -cost supplements. A blood test with the omega-3 index can enable people to optimize individual dosage of fish oil.

July 2020
COVID-19: What you should ask your doctor about
It is currently available therapies to discuss with doctors that can reduce the risk of a SARS-COV-2 patient needing respiratory support.

May 2020
Probiotic subject mixture fights digestive problems and increases the immune system
A wide range of probiotics combined with bactericidal phages reduces harmful intestinal microbes. This allows useful bacteria to bloom for healthier digestion and immunity.

Issue: December 2020

Immune support for speedy recovery
During the cold and flu season, zinc, blackberries and vitamin C can strengthen the immune system and help reduce the severity and duration of respiratory diseases.

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