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About our objectives and working methods

Uno Vita AS |

Wellness is a natural state

The objective of the creation of UNO Vita and clinic for integrated medicine
Uno Vita AS started the Integrated Medicine Clinic in 2010 with one main purpose: to help people with health problems who experience not getting enough help elsewhere. The company UNO Vita negotiates health -promoting products to deliver good supplements and equipment to home users and clients who want high quality and good effect. Today, this is an independent business, and the company has up to 400 effective health -promoting products, including in its online store: shop.unovita.com. The company supplies goods primarily to dealers and clinics in Norway, but is currently expanding to surrounding countries. Initially, goods deliveries were a support service for clients in the clinic who did not find similar products in Norway.

Clinic for integrated medicine Is concerned with the whole person and a comprehensive thinking about good health. We use documented effectively electromedical treatment equipment that is CE approved and which is combined with advice on health-promoting diets, supplements and lifestyle changes. This (most often) provides constructive synergies and improved health in general. We are concerned about your body's functional state. An example of a function is the body's need to be able to separate waste materials effectively (this requires a good kidney and liver function and more). When waste and toxins accumulate in the body, this is a burden on total health. Another function is digestion. If it does not work, "nothing works", which most of us are well acquainted with.

What is our definition of integrated medicine? By integrated medicine we mean a combination of school medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. The clinic uses methods where there is scientific documentation on safety and effect. The Integrated Medicine Clinic uses modern medical CE-approved electromedical devices that support the body's natural healing. The measurements performed are intended to detect the causes of the health problems from a holistic perspective. It is essential to find the root/cause of the problems (for example, why the tension is low).

A typical client is a person with multiple health problems (preferably chronic). Many clients often feel that the school medical health care system has a limited and small comprehensive offering for them, and therefore they search elsewhere. They often feel that the doctor or hospital is not of the opinion that nutrition, supplements, vitamins, exercise and effective electromedical treatment have been shown to be able to improve the health of many. We also have good results with pain conditions and minor injuries that do not require surgery, and with people who want to optimize their health or think preventively. Integrated medicine is also an excellent support for those who want to avoid injury and burnout.

Electromedical treatment is an essential treatment principle we offer all clients. This can be simplified as follows: All the cells in the body have a charge (electrical potential). The cells in our body can be compared to batteries that store "power". The ability to transport nutrients, minerals and other charged particles depends on the power of the battery. If the voltage is low, the function of the cell becomes poorer. By stimulating the cell membranes and ion movements (charged particles), the exchange of substances can be stimulated (including the important sodium-calium pump). The ability of the cells to communicate, repair and build new cells is improved when the charge is correct. A typical effect of the treatment (and one of the first things you notice) is often a reduction in pain.

Electromedical treatment is close to nature's own therapy. In nature, among other things, we are other exposed to health -promoting sunlight, natural electromagnetic fields from the earth, negatively charged ions in the air and more. These are electromagnetic phenomena.

So what lies in the concept of electromedical treatment? By that we mean a treatment that strengthens and improves the body's properties, and which has proven very effective in many areas. It sounds mysterious, but let's, for example, think of red and infrared light therapy. This is a range of light (electromagnetic radiance) from the sun that has no harmful effects. Results from NASA's basic research to the present day show that this type of light therapy can contribute to better blood circulation, less pain, better energy production (increased ATP production), better heart function and more. Another form of electromedical treatment is various forms of vibrant magnetic field therapy (abbreviated PEMF). Classic PEMF has documented a good effect on musculoskeletal disorders, provides better blood circulation, reduces pain, contributes to increased energy production and much more.

Neorhythm is an exciting device that is used, among other things, to reduce stress. The device is in the wellness class and has proven effective in reducing stress (generally produces results after 16 minutes of use), better sleep and is a variant of PEMF called RTMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation). The well -known medical database PubMed (used by school medicine and others) finds over 10,000 studies showing good effects of this technology.

The clinic has 5–6 different electromedical appliances We can use in a comprehensive treatment with good general effect. There is, among other things, light therapy, full -spectrum infrared sauna, PEMF, ionine induction therapy, microscorms and more. Some of the professional devices are expensive and are therefore best suited for clinics. Uno Vita AS delivers cheaper, effective and simple devices for home use.

The Medicine of the Future Will Consist of, Among Other Things, Electromedical Treatment. This form of treatment is becoming very popular and

The medicine of the future will consist of, among other things, electromedical treatment. This form of treatment is very popular and is used in 2020 worldwide with good effect. Electromedical treatment has proven to be harmless, without side effects for most of us. There are a few contraindications where this form of treatment is not recommended; Of course, we inform them.

Limitations for our business. In Norway, only authorized health personnel work according to the Directorate of Health's guidelines that are allowed to treat serious illness. The Integrated Medicine Clinic offers no treatment of serious diseases. We also offer no treatment of persons who are seriously ill and who should and should therefore be taken care of by the health care system. If you suspect you may be seriously ill, you should always contact a doctor.

Clinic for integrated medicine
Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss
Tel. 22 09 18 80
E-mail: klinikken@unovita.com

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