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  • En funksjonell integrert medisinsk forståelse av helse - Uno Vita AS

    A functional integrated medical understanding of health

    A functional integrated medical understanding of health What is illness?The word "disease" stems from the North "sick" (worried/grieving) and "dómr" (creature/behavior). Thus, we can interpret it as "a concerned behavior",...

  • Prisliste Klinikk for integrert medisin 2024 - Uno Vita AS

    Price list clinic for integrated medicine 2024

    Price List 2024 - Clinic for Integrated Medicine MossFunctional, integrated medical analyzes and customized treatment Main survey/analysis hour kr. 3600,-The main examination includes mineral and heavy metal spectrometric analysis, Bio-Well...

  • Om våre målsetninger og arbeidsmetoder - Uno Vita AS

    About our objectives and working methods

    Wellness is a natural state The objective of the creation of UNO Vita and clinic for integrated medicineUno Vita AS started the Integrated Medicine Clinic in 2010 with one main...

  • Avgrensinger for vår  klinikk virksomhet - Uno Vita AS

    Limitations for our clinic business

    Clinic for integrated medicine treats no serious illnessesClinic for integrated medicine in Moss is owned by Uno Vita AS. The clinic is increasingly receiving inquiries from people with serious health...

  • Forberedelser til funksjonell måletime - Uno Vita AS

    Preparations for functional measurement time

    Preparations for measurement time at the Integrated Medicine Clinic What is integrated medicine? By integrated medicine we mean a combination of school medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. We use methods where...

  • Behandlingsreaksjon etter behandling - Uno Vita AS

    Treatment reaction after treatment

    Have you received reactions to a treatment you did not expect? The Integrated Medicine Clinic uses micro -flow therapy as part of its treatment concept. Microscers have well documented effects....

  • Klinikk for integrert medisin - Moss - Uno Vita AS

    Clinic for Integrated Medicine - Moss

    Integrated medical holistic treatment strengthens the body's ability to self -heal Pioneering treatment methodThe Integrated Medicine Clinic offers an integrated medical treatment that combines school medicine understanding and advanced complementary...