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Nature's most perfect mineral mixture?

Uno Vita AS |

Fulvin- and humic acid full of organic bio-available minerals

Fulvic acid (unotrace fulvic acid) continues to surprise with a number of positive effects on our body and cells.

  • Can contribute to increased electrical tension over the cell membrane
  • Contributes to better nutrition
  • Acts as a selective antioxidant
  • Supports detoxification
  • Adds the body minerals in a natural and easily absorbable form

The word "organic" by definition means that a substance contains carbon. The body recognizes minerals best when hanging on carbon compounds.  There is a reason why food is the most biologically available source of minerals.  Minerals in water are intended to be carried along with organic acids such as carbonic acid (a mixture of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which develops as water attracts carbon dioxide from the air) and fulvic acids from the soil. This makes them much easier to absorb and the body can utilize the content.

Full wine acids are large organic molecules produced from aerobic microbes. Their elementary composition is simple: carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (s) - the same basic elements that are the prerequisite for life on earth. We know that the structure of the fulvic acids includes several cavities ("buckyballs" or C60) molecules that can hold on to minerals, vitamins and other herbal substances. Fulvic acid is crucial to healthy soil, for the plants to grow and thrive, and for human and animal health. Inorganic minerals (not bound to carbon) tend to form molecular structures, which are too large to be absorbed at cellular level. Fulvic acid transforms inorganic minerals into molecular organic complexes as they exist in nature. 

Fulvic acid is much more than an effective carrier of minerals.
Beyond and binding and delivering important minerals, fulvic acids such as electrolytes, enzymes, antioxidants, antibiotics, buffers, cleansing out heavy metals and other toxins. The acids improve nutrient absorption by increasing cellular permeability (permeability), speeding up metabolic reactions, neutralizing free radicals, buffering pH in soil and water, and can newly neutralize pesticides, radioactive compounds and other toxins. No other known biological substances can modify so many electrochemical and metabolic processes. No wonder the full -wine acids are considered miraculous - they are. Hundreds have been identified as part of the human structure of healthy soil. They work in so many ways in a healthy ecosystem that they have been referred to as the lack of link in modern agriculture.

Full wine acids like electrolytes
Electrolytes are ionic minerals (they have an electrical charge). They dissolve in water and produce a solution that conducts electric current.  Fulvic acids are poly-electrolytes. They have so many binding sites that they can act as both positive and negatively charged electrolytes at the same time.

Our cells can be compared to batteries.
The cell membranes can store and release energy as needed. It is important that the electrical potential of each cell remains charged and the voltage normally. Life depends on cellular electrical potential. The fulvic acids act as battery chargers and have immediate cellular revitalizing properties, making the cells more easily reposable, so they can maximally absorb nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and other nutritional components.

Fulvic acid as antioxidants
Fulvic acid is a "two -way super antioxidant", with the ability to neutralize all types of free radicals. They can act as an acceptor or donor in re -establishment of electrocemical balance. Fulvic acid can also reduce mineral compounds from higher oxidative conditions that may not be biologically accessible, to lower oxidative conditions where they can be used.

Enzyme activators
An enzyme is a catalyst that speeds up a chemical process without becoming part of the reaction. Research has shown that the fulvic acids improve many enzymatic reactions.

Recent studies show that full -wine acids often contain compounds that act as antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal alone or in combination with other remedies. A comprehensive number of studies show that extracts of humus (especially fulvinic acid), efficiently and safely can kill many viruses, including retrovirus, flu virus and herpes simplex virus. Many of these effects can be attributed to the interaction with other organic molecules as well as antioxidant properties. To date, no unfavorable side effects have been noted in the extensive literature.

Heavy metal and toxin "vacuum cleaner"
Cells have the ability to accept or reject minerals transported with the fulvic acids.  Fulvic acid has the ability to seize and remove heavy metals and other toxins already in a biological system (your body, your cells). Another important feature of the substances in humin and fulvinic acid is their absorptive interaction with environmental toxins.  Fulvic acid attacks toxic organic compounds such as pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and pharmaceutical products.  Studies show that the Fulvin and Humic acids neutralize or disable these contaminants in water, soil and sewage. Fulvin and humric acid were used on Chernobyl to faster break down radioactive material. Radioactive substances react quickly with fulvic acid, forming non-radioactive organic and metallic molecules.  Fylkinic acid solutions have been taken by humans for years, and they have never caused any poisonings. Ironically, it is when the fulvic acids are not present that toxicity occurs. The natural diet of plants, animals and humans has included fulvic acids for thousands of years.

Acid/base and pH buffers
Full wine acids are good pH buffers. Because they contain so many binding sites, they are able to absorb both acidic and alkaline ions, which may otherwise affect the pH. This is invaluable in the soil where plants only absorb nutrients within a particular pH area. Similarly, our body is completely dependent on the correct pH, or acid/base balance, for body and organs to function optimally.

Full wine acids in water
Full wine acids play an important role in the formation of packed live natural good water. They are a natural part of the water in streams and rivers, balance minerals, and make them available to living organisms. When the fulvic acids are added to water, they bring structure and vitality to the water. Live with nature's energy, the fulvic acids contribute to a naturally healthy structure on the water. Unfortunately, the full -wine acids are routinely removed by water treatment in public treatment plants. This is because when chlorine is added, they form toxic by -products called Trihalometans (Thmer). The process destroys nature's way of providing minerals in an available form. It is therefore an important part of normalizing the water (after cleansing) to add full -wvic acid before drinking it.

How to use fulvic acid in water
Always start with the best possible water (cleaned and preferably hydrogenized). Do not use unclean water with chlorine or fluoride in. Add 1-9 drops (depending on the volume, one glass of 3 drops) Fulvic acid before use. Feel free to use a little (1/4 teaspoon) real salt in the glass. If you have one of our structuring solutions, this is a good time and end with increasing the structure of the water.

Note: The Fulvinsysers can have a powerful cleansing effect. Pay attention to your body. Start slowly, and if you notice symptoms of cleansing or detoxification, take a break and begin again with a lower dose.

When can I benefit from drinking cleansed, structured and hydrogenized water aligned fulvinic acid?
Of course, you can only drink cleaned/clean water with fulvic acid, but if you want optimal results you can do more with the water.

a) Drink water with fulvic acid on Tom Mave
Contributes to better absorption of nutrients you have in the intestines

Helps to clean the gut
Contributes to the detoxification of the body
Helps get the fulvic acid out into the body so it can revitalize the cells
Contributes to better digestion of the food coming
Seems generally detoxifying

b) Drink water with fulvic acid along with food, supplements and other remedies

  • Contributes to better recording of everything you consume
  • Helps to bind toxins and heavy metals in the food and make them harmless

General effects using fulvic acid

  • Improves digestion and strengthens the immune system
  • Improves the business recording
  • Can counteract cognitive problems
  • Improves the body's ability to get rid of me toxins (waste)
  • Reduces the occurrence of free radicals (oxidative stress)
  • Contributes to more energy and less pain
  • Can help repair and protect the skin (can also be applied to the skin severely diluted)
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