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Results after 6 weeks?!

Uno Vita AS |

Results after 6 weeks?!
6-week super diet anyone can carry out

Ketones are actually the body's preferred fuel
Ketones, not sugar, is actually the body's preferred fuel source

The discovery paves the way for people to change their lives and eliminate the negative effects of sugar, replacing it with a natural, clean -burning energy. Real ketones have invested millions of dollars in keton research and clinical studies, and new studies come regularly.

For example, in Real Ketones' latest study on weight loss and metabolic markers, it was proven that real ketone products significantly accelerated weight loss, fat loss, improved fat and muscle mass ratio and reduced hip circumference. All this while the body's insulin level and total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were reduced. A recently completed study on the effect of exogenous ketones on the brain shows a significant reduction in periodic anxiety and improved physical reaction time. In addition, we have been granted eight new patents with another eight patent applications, and we have established Real Ketones as outstanding manager in the industry.

You do not need to have a fat percentage as a top athlete to have good health effect and increased well -being

The good news!
Almost everyone who starts using Real Ketones and Brainefect Rocket C8 oil experiences positive health effects and weight loss (if they need it) without doing anything else. However, you can achieve significantly better results by following a 6 week super diet.

6 weeks to visible and noticeable results
Simple tips that work for most people. The tips are general, aimed at losing weight quickly and efficiently. Special needs for nutrition, health care or other is not covered by this compressed recipe. When you lose fat and switch to a more fat -based diet, you will often need increased intake of water, minerals and good salt.

What can you eat?
You can choose to eat the same type of food (but still follow the cycle and form) as usual and still get results, or you can choose a simple diet.

If you follow the diet in addition to the cycle and use the supplements and Brainefect Rocket C8 oil, you can expect even better results. Make it easy, follow the main rules, and the rest goes by itself.

Thumb Rules - Your 6 Week Super Diet

Clean ingredients (meat, bird, fish, game, vegetables, butter, etc.), no finished blend products
Eat as much natural fat as you like, including butter, coconut fat, rapeseed oil, olive oil, fat from meat and fish.

Sugar, sweets, sweet fruits, sweet drinks, rice, pasta, regular potatoes, baked goods and fat -reduced foods.

Challenge! Way you before you start and get someone to take pictures of your whole body in good light.
Write down the date and place. Repeat after 6 weeks, and if you think you are noticing good progress, you drive 6 more weeks.
7 day cycle (6 + 1 day volunteer break)

Week 1 - Day 1.
No solid food until noon. 12
Breakfast. You start the day with a large glass of cleaned, room -temperature water with a bag of real ketones ketone powder for weight loss (pure ketones) or Real Ketones Keto Lean for Life Primed+ (ketones with some vitamins). You can now take a cup of tea or coffee with butter and 1 teaspoon of Brainefect Rocket C8 oil (important with a small dose of C8 MCT oil until you are expected, otherwise you may get loose in your stomach and experience discomfort).

Drink a large glass of water at least 1 hour before eating your first meal, with a bag of Quintessential Hypertonic Elixir 3.3 mineral mixture. Plaguing you, take 1 teaspoon of Brainefect Rocket C8 oil at least 1 hour after the previous "dose".

Lunch. If you are hungry and feel you need food at. 12, you eat a lunch you choose (best results if you follow the diet). An hour after lunch, drink a glass of clean room -temperature water with 1 bag of real ketones ketone powder for weight loss (pure ketones) or Real Ketones Keto Lean for Life Primed+ (ketones with some vitamins).

Drink a large glass of water at least 1 hour before eating dinner, with 1 bag of Quintessential Hypertonic Elixir 3.3 mineral mixture. Feel free to take 1 teaspoon of Brainefect Rocket C8 oil if you feel you need more energy.
Dinner. You eat dinner at least 4 hours after lunch, but not later than at. 19 in the evening. Eat enough so you are good and saturated when you first eat.

Dining break. You now have a break break for the next day, but if you feel you need it, you can drink a cup of tea with butter and Brainefect Rocket C8 oil or just take 1 spoonful of C8 oil in your mouth.
Day 2–6. You do the week as day 1, but you may, for example, gradually increase the dosage of Brainefect Rocket C8 oil to 2 teaspoons per time (at least 2 hours is recommended between each intake).

Day 7. Fridag. Drink two large glasses of water with real ketones during the day (breakfast and after lunch), but otherwise you can take time off from thinking about diet and eating breaks if you do not feel super motivated and choose something else.
Week 2. You follow the same cycle as in week 1, but you increase the dosage of Brainefect Rocket C8 oil at a time. Do you feel with 2 teaspoons already? Then you can try 3 teaspoons. If you experience discomfort or loose stomach, you return to 2 teaspoons.

Week 3.
No solid food until noon. 14. You now have a dining window between 2 p.m. 14 and 20 every day, except for the seventh day (rest day when you do as you wish). That means you eat what you feel you need, between 10.00 and 17.00. 14 and 20 every day. 2 solid meals ("2 dinners" are recommended if you like).
Beyond this, you do as in the previous two weeks.

Comment. Your body has now most likely become accustomed to using ketones as an energy source, and it is not uncommon to feel obvious and clear in your head. The initial phase can be a bit demanding, but now the reward is starting to show up. Some experience increased energy and clarity from day 1.

Week 3 through 6.
We keep the same cycle as in week 3 and with one day of rest per week. During the day of rest, it can be a good point to take well with slow -burning carbohydrates such as steamed vegetables, oatmeal, rice (preferably heated and cooled, then resistant starch is formed), sweet potatoes and more. In addition, it is recommended that little protein is taken on the day of rest to allow the kidneys to be cleaned out and regenerated.

Week 7 - Day 1.
It's time to see what the challenge has done for you. Way you and take pictures of your whole body in good light. See you in the mirror and ask yourself: Has something happened? Write down your experience, date and place. If you want to share the information with us anonymously or with names, etc. So it can inspire others, we would like to reward you for it.

Satisfied or not quite in goal? Current questions to ask now are maybe these are:

1. Am I happy with the results, or do I want to run another 6 week cycle?

2. Am I so happy with the positive effects of the cure that I want to change my lifestyle and keep the basic elements going forward?

Either way, praise yourself for the effort, you deserve it. Chances are your body will "thank you" for a long time to come.

Why ketones?
An excess ketones, which can be obtained by using the supplementation of real ketones, pure brainefect rocked C8 oil, periodic fasting and ketogenic diets, has many beneficial health effects. A "side effect" of having ketone surplus and a good and natural healthy balance between muscles and fat is a series of documented health benefits:

• Increased energy and well -being
• Better hormone production
• Reduced appetite on unhealthy food
• Reduced weight if one has a little more fat than desirable on the body
• Reduced triglyceride levels
• a better cholesterol balance with more HDL
• Reduced blood sugar levels and reduced risk of diabetes
• counteracting a variety of neurological diseases

Do you want to lose weight in a simple and harmless way?

Why pre -formed ketones?
During fasting or at a high fat diet, liver form ketones from fatty acids, and this supplement makes it easier to maintain ketosis even if carbohydrates are taken. Intake of ketones causes you to get ketosis within an hour because the supplement contains an effective mixture of bioidentic ketones that helps your body produce its own ketones.

What is ketosis?
Ketosis is a condition in which the brain and body use ketones as an energy carrier, rather than depending on the regular supply of glucose. Ketones provide more ATP than glucose and have therefore been shown to increase energy levels, better mental clarity and increase the breakdown of the body's fat reserves.

The market's expected best C8-MCT oil that is easily converted into ketones, is called

Brainefect Rocket C8!

Watch out for imitations. Of all C8 oils in the Norwegian market, we do not know about others who are 100 percent pure C8 oil from sustainable coconuts. Other cheaper oils often have larger or smaller proportions of palm and/or rapeseed oil and often traces of several substances. Brainefect Rocket C8 oil is a carefully controlled product with German quality and standard in production.

Distributed in Scandinavia by Uno Vita AS
Online store: shop.unovita.com
Tel. +47 22 09 18 80 - E -mail: sales@unovita.com

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