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Beta glucans and health

Uno Vita AS |

How beta glucans work
50 to 70®% of all white blood cells in your body are a type of cell: neutrophilic.  Your body produces about a 100 billion neutrophils every day. Neutrophilic means 'that binds neutral (not acidic or basic) substances' (especially dyes). Neutrophil granulocytes belong to what we in call the innate immune system. This is the body's first -line defense that provides a quick and general immune response to any of the countless different microorganisms that would like to invade it.

About 30% are normally active
Normal, healthy populations of neutrophils usually involve about 30-31% activity. So right now, almost 70% of your most numerous immune cell population does not really important to your body. Easy are these cells are an important part of your immune system

Wouldn't it be nice to put this whole huge army of 5000 billion of cells in full activity?

Let's wake them them!

Neutrophils are the most occurring immune cell in number. Admittedly, the worst intruder, mushrooms, is required to activate them properly.  This is where the Glucan 300® fits into the big picture. It fills a receptor site on neutrophils, which allows them to "wake up" and get involved.

1) Betaglukans travel through the stomach and are delivered to immuno cells through Peyers plaque. A type of lymphatic tissue with accumulations of small white blood cells of the type of lymphocytes in the intestinal wall of the small intestine. These cells form an important part of the intestinal immune system and participate especially in local production of antibodies in the gut.

2) The immune cells digest the glucan and transport it throughout the body via the lymphatic system.

3) The digested glucan binds to specific receptors on the immune cells and "awakens them"

Neutrophils are not the only immune cells that benefit from glucans. Macrophages, NK cells and eosinophils also have receptor sites for Beta 1.3D Glukan.  All of these cells make up a total of 75-80% of your total immune system.

Properly maintained and modulated immune cells can do three important things:

Responds quickly
When beta 1.3d-glucan is tied to immune cells they become awake and activate quickly

Hard work "eating cells" (known as phagocytes) will engage more and digest faster with beta glucans tied to their receptor sites. Fagocytosis is the most important way the immune system removes bacteria that have entered the body's tissues. Fagocytes can absorb large amounts of infectious agents, especially bacteria, kill and break them down inside the cell. Antibodies can make the phagocytosis more effective.

Increase the production of immune cells
Beta 1.3D Glucan supports the production of immune cells in the bone marrow through production

How beta glucans can prevent the immune system
A balanced immune system is crucial to good quality of life and a long life. When we look at the innate immune systems versus adaptive immune system, the innate immune system is the body's first line of defense against bacteria entering the body.  In other words, it protects you from bacteria, viruses, fungi and toxins - things that can make you sick.

When the innate immune system is unbalanced or compromised, you become more exposed to everything from infectious diseases to just feeling slow and down. So while searching for the perfect supplement to increase how you feel in your long -term health, betaLukans are a smart place to start.

Why that?
Betaglukans the world's most effective and scientifically proven immune -enhancing super supplements without known side effects. But first, how does it work? When a large glass of glass of water is taken, it passes through the stomach into the small intestine. There are small areas of cells called Peyers plaque. In Peyers plaque, there are many different cells that have the receptor for beta glucans and can transport it to other parts of the body. The most important thing is that beta -glucans are transported to your immune cells (called immune cytes).

Trained immunity (trim)
To further understand how it works on your immune system, look at trained immunity (trim). This describes a functional reprogramming of the innate immune cells. Trent immunity is the ability of the innate immune system, or immune cells, to "remember" a first challenge or foreign intruder and then react faster and with more power when facing that intruder. However, something must stimulate the immune cells for the first time to unlock this trained immunity. Current research has shown that beta glucans can cause this direct stimulation of immune responses and act as "exercise appliances" in the cells and help them react faster when fighting foreign intruders. Trent immunity is the ability of the congenital immune system, or immune cells, to "remember" a first challenge or foreign intruder and then react faster and with more power

Long -term benefits for an immune system stimulated by beta glucans
Natural killing cells (NKC) The first line of defense against infections to spontaneously kill virus -infected cells. Meanwhile, the effect of beta glucan on chronic disease has been studied, as an immunostimulant. It works through activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity.
Natural killing cells (NKC) are large granular lymphocytes produced in the bone marrow that destroys the body's own cells containing viruses and cancer cells. NKC secretes cytokines (signal molecules), as well as perforines that make holes in the cells to be killed. NKC also secretes granzymes that activate a variety of reactions that cause cells to undergo controlled cell death (apoptosis). Stress can lower the level of natural kill cell.  One beta glucan activated immune system will help shorten the cold. In two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, "yeast-derived" β-glucans were shown to significantly reduce the number of cold episodes by 25% and led to a milder progression of severe cold episodes. They can help fight viruses and infections. There are various studies, but it has shown that beta glucans can strengthen the immune system to protect against infections, while a separate study on the same method can help reduce flu symptoms. The key to regulating allergies. Study from 2020 that marathon runners (with an ongoing history of Urti) who drank a drink containing Baker's Yeast Betaglukan daily 45 days before the race and continued for 45 days after, fewer negative symptoms experienced. It was also shown to help relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, lower inflammation and help with mental focus. That's something all athletes can take advantage of during training

How long does it take before beta glucans work?
We have discussed the health benefits, but now you may be wondering how long it actually takes to actually see results. How long are we talking about here? Although you may feel an immediate influence on the immune system when you start taking it. It is important to remember that betaglucanics are a short -acting substance intended for immediate relief, for example when taking an antihistamine for allergy or a headache tylenol. As mentioned, there is a supplement that is intended to be taken daily to obtain maximum benefits. That's because Beta Glucans remains in the digestive tract for a few days before rinsing out. When you stop taking Betaglukan, the immune response returns to its original level of efficiency - so it's an ongoing solution.

The quality of betaLukans important
A study conducted by the University of Louisville cross -compiled hundreds of immune supplements for both strength and effect. Glucan 300 Betaglukanble found to be the most effective.

8x more effective than Maitake Gold 404®
16X more effective than pure synergy
Superpure® Beta 1.3-Glucan Algae Extract
32x more effective than Immutol®64x more effective than Glucan Elite (BGF-Immune ™)
160x more effective than Immuniton ™ NSC-100 ™

Generally about the research on the use of betagklucans
Overall, the evidence indicates that β-1.3/1.6-glucan supplements provide immune-improving and immunomodulatory effects across different populations. β-1.3/1.6-glucans have been investigated in several randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies using different proprietary β-1.3/1.6-glucan formulations. Overall, these indicate that oral β-glucan supplements can improve the severity and duration of the symptom in populations exposed to respiratory infections and allergies. One of the most studied grants is Wellmune, which has been evaluated over the widest population area to reveal significant relief of urti, allergic episodes and exercise and age-related immune oppression. Other proprietary β-1.3/1.6-glucans have also shown promising beats: Glukan 300 Improved mucosa-medium-born immunity in older children and teens, Lentinex was shown to relieve immunseniac scene through an increase in the number of immunoscels, Yestimun had a prophylactic effect in adults With recurrent infections, and imunex reduced the exaggerated Th2 response by allergic rhinitis.

Summary on beta clucans (β-glucans) and cancer disease
Phytochemicals (herbal substances) are natural compounds found in grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and other plants and more recognized in order to improve the immune response of humans and animals. One of these phytochemicals is β-glucans that are heterogeneous polysaccharides that are present in the cell walls of yeast, fungi, bacteria and algae.   The β-glucans were found to improve the congenital response of the immune system as the first defense against microbial infection, toxins and force cells. They also know the adaptive immunosystem. β-glucans can improve the PSA-like symptoms that represent a new unforeseen opportunity to explore for future clinical treatment. Cancer is characterized by a disturbed immune landscape. Inside the tumoric environmental environment, the immune system is reprogrammed to simplify tumor growth and the survival of the cancer instead of eliminating it. This immune -waking mechanism must be reversed to normal as part of an effective anticancer therapeutic strategy. Immunotherapy has emerged as a new strategy for the relocation of immune cells against cancer. However, unpleasant side effects often occur. Betaglukan, a polysaccharide derived from fungi, serves the role of immune modulator in the tumorm icrome environment. It acts as pathogen associated molecular pattern and binds to different pattern recognition receptors expressed on the surface. This results in resurrection of suppressed immune monitoring in the tumor environment.

A key feature of β-glucans is their ability to act as biological response modifiers, such as exercising regulatory effects on inflammation and peace various congenital and adaptive immunity cell populations. The potential to interfere with processes involved in the development or control of cancer makes β-glucans as exciting "fellow players" in antitumor treatments, as well as in cancer-prevention strategies.

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