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Uno Trace Fulvic Acid (59ml)

kr 370 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Unotrace huminsyre og fulvinsyre
Inneholder både fulvinsyre og huminsyre, to syrer som finnes naturlig i levende jord og som binder mineraler. Disse fungerer som biologiske stimulanser og bidrar til å stimulere det fysiologiske stoffskiftet i planter ved å fremme vekst, forbedrer jordstrukturen og øker kvaliteten på plantene. Som kosttilskudd øker disse syrene opptaket av mineraler i tarmen.  Produktet er spesialutviklet for å bidra til effektiv avgiftning. Unotrace fulvinsyre inneholder fulvinsyre, huminsyre, mineraler, sporstoffer og organiske naturlige syrer 

Effekter av Unotrace humin-/fulvinsyre:
● Stimulerer stoffskiftet
● Stimulerer kroppens enzymproduksjon
● Forbedrer omdanning av proteiner, RNA-syntesen og øker mengden DNA i cellene
● Bidrar til bedre elektrolyttbalans
● Bidrar til bedre elektrokjemisk balanse
● Kan øke det elektriske potensialet i cellemembranene
● Kelaterer (binder) giftige materialer og metaller i kroppen slik at de kan skilles ut
● Bidrar til å normaliserer blodtrykket
● Kan motvirke blodmangel
● Kan bidra til å gjenoppbygge et skadet immunsystem
● Kan motvirke virus og infeksjoner (antibakterielle, antivirale og antifungale egenskaper)
● Kan motvirke irritabel og lekk tarm og bidrar til bedre tarmflora
● Kan redusere stress og gi bedre søvn
● Øker opptaket av vitaminer og mineraler fra tarmen
● Forsterker effekten av urteteer og -tinkturer
● Bidrar til bedre pH-balanse i kroppen
● Kan gi bedre kognitiv helse og lindre tilstanden til blant annet Alzheimer-pasienter
● Reduserer forekomsten av frie radikaler og motvirker betennelser og smerter

Innhold 59ml - tilsvarende ca 1700 dråper:
Huminsyre og fulvinsyre, mikronæringsstoffer, mineraler og sporstoffer, inkludert:

Tilsammen 70 plantebaserte sporstoffer, mineraler og elektrolytter

Anbefalt dosering pr. dag:
For generell styrking av kroppen 10-20 dråper pr. dag i godt med vann
For barn over 6 år inntil 10 dråper pr. dag i godt med vann

Unotrace Huminiqum er rent, trygt og produsert under kontrollerte forhold. 
Innholdet av tungmetaller ligger godt under EUs matstandard. Produktet er fylt i vegetabilske gelatinkapsler og inneholder ingen konserveringsmidler eller kunstige tilsetningsstoffer. 

Importør og distributør in Norge, Sverige, Danmark: Uno Vita AS, Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss

Tillatt brukt for barn over 7 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Anbefalt døgndose bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskudd bør ikke erstatte et variert kosthold. Bør oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn generelt. Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.


Fulvic acid- nature's powerful mineral and trace mineral complex

Uno Trace Fulvic Acid (Fulvic Acid - 59ml)
Fulvic acid is a natural, organic compound formed from the degradation of organic matter in soil and water. It is a powerful biologically active substance that plays an essential role in the body, especially when it comes to detoxification, improved nutritional absorption and support for the immune system. Fulvic acid is known for containing over 70 minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and other micronutrients that are easily accessible to the body.

Benefits and effects of fulvinic acid

1. Detoxification: Fulvic acid acts as a natural celator that binds to toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances in the body, contributing to their removal. This makes it a powerful tool to support the body's natural detoxification processes.

2. Improved business recording: As a powerful celator, fulvinic acid binds to minerals and other nutrients, increasing their bioavailability. This leads to better absorption of nutrients from food, which is critical for general health and well -being.

3. Support to the immune system: Fulvic acid can help strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and other immune cells, providing better protection against infections and diseases.

4. Skin Health: Fulvic acid has anti -inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which makes it effective for treating skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. It can also promote wound healing and improve the skin's overall health.

5. Intestinal health: Fulvic acid helps to balance the intestinal flora, prevent leaking intestinal syndrome and reducing intestinal inflammation, improving digestive health and increasing the absorption of nutrients.

6. Energy and metabolism: Fulvic acid can increase energy levels and metabolism by improving cellular respiration, ATP production and thyroid function, providing better physical and mental performance.

7. Cognitive health: Fulvic acid has been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, by reducing free radicals and inflammation, as well as improving blood flow to the brain.

Unotrace fulvic acid and humic acid

Unotrace fulvic acid is an advanced formula that combines both fulvinic acid and humic acid. This product is specially designed to support the body's electrolyte balance and detoxification processes, while providing a wide range of essential minerals and trace elements.

Effects of unotrace humin/fulvic acid:

  • Stimulates metabolism and body enzyme production.
  • Improves the conversion of proteins and RNA synthesis, as well as increases the amount of DNA in the cells.
  • Contributes to better electrolyte and electrochemical balance.
  • Celate toxins and metals, contributing to their excretion.
  • Supports the immune system and can counteract viruses and infections.
  • Improves the intestinal flora and counteracts irritable and leaky intestines.
  • Reduces stress, provides better sleep and increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Recommended dosage

The recommended dose of unotrace fulvic acid may vary based on individual needs. In general, it is recommended to take 10-30 drops daily in a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach for optimal absorption. For children over the age of 6, up to 10 drops are recommended daily.


Allowed used for adults. All use of grants takes place at your own responsibility and should be done in consultation with a doctor. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. The effect of this product may vary from person to person. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Should be kept out of reach of children.

Uno Vita AS does not claim that the products we market can cure disease.

Fulvic acid is a powerful, natural connection that can provide a variety of health benefits. With regular use, it can contribute to better health and well -being, as well as support the body's natural detoxification processes and improve nutritional absorption. This makes fulvinic acid a valuable supplement for any health -conscious person.

Read more about Unotrace Fulvic acid here:

Fulvic acid - an essential supplement for optimal health

Fulvic acid is a powerful and natural supplement known for its ability to improve the body's absorption of minerals and nutrients, while supporting detoxification and the immune system. As a key ingredient in products such as unotrace, fulvinic acid has been recognized as a valuable component to maintain optimal health.

Why fulvinic acid?

Fulvic acid is not only effective, but also 100 % natural and affordable. Its ability to tie and transport minerals makes it one of the most potent supplements to strengthen the body's electrolyte and mineral balance. At the Integrated Medicine Clinic, Fulvin and Humic acid is recommended to all our clients, for good reason.

Unotrace Fulvic acid and humic acid - the key to better health

Unotrace combines both fulvinic acid and humic acid, two natural acids found in living soil. These acids act as biological stimulants who improve the body's ability to absorb important nutrients from the intestine. Unotrace is rich in fulvinic acid, humic acid, minerals, trace elements and organic natural acids, making it an ideal supplement for those who want to improve their general health.

Effects of unotrace humin/fulvic acid:

  • Stimulates metabolism and body enzyme production.
  • Improves protein sales, RNA synthesis and increases DNA production in the cells.
  • Contributes to better electrolyte and electrochemical balance.
  • Increases the electrical potential of the cell membranes.
  • Binds toxic materials and metals and helps the body distinguish them.
  • Supports the reconstruction of the immune system and can counteract infections.
  • Improves the intestinal flora and counteracts irritable bowel.
  • Reduces stress and improves sleep quality.
  • Increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals from the gut.
  • Reinforces the effect of herbal teas and tinctures.
  • Contributes to a better pH balance in the body.
  • Supports cognitive health and can help relieve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Reduces the incidence of free radicals and counteracts inflammation and pain.

Fulvic acid and skin care

Fulvic acid has also proven to be a valuable ingredient in skin care products. The natural antioxidant activity and anti -inflammatory properties make it an ideal choice for the treatment of skin problems such as acne, eczema and signs of aging.

Benefits of full -fledged skin care:

  • Increased antioxidant activity that protects the skin from free radicals.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin irritation and swelling.
  • Antimicrobial properties that protect the skin from bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Reduced sebum production, which helps prevent and treat acne.

The meaning of hydration

Good hydration is crucial to the body's functions, and fulvic acid plays an important role in ensuring effective hydration at cell -level. By reducing the surface tension of the water, fulvinic acid makes it easier for water to penetrate the cells, leading to better hydration and general health.


Fulvic acid is a powerful and natural supplement with a wide range of health benefits. From improving metabolism and supporting the immune system to promoting skin health and hydration, fulvinic acid is a key component in any health -focused lifestyle. With its ability to improve the absorption of nutrients and support detoxification processes, fulvinic acid is an essential supplement for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health and well -being.

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