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Omega-3 pure

kr 437 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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High strength and purity

Omega-3 pure contains 750 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in one capsule, of which 400 mg is EPA and 300 mg is DHA. This product is designed to provide optimal support for brain, heart and general health, without fish flavor or odor. The capsules are ultra -cleaned to eliminate contaminants and contain no maltodekstrin. The refining process starts immediately after catching wild alaskator, with minimal exposure to heat to ensure extremely low levels of oil oxidation. The Totox value of our omega-3 is below 5 (the industry standard is 26), which emphasizes the high quality and freshness of the product.

Sustainable and traceable

The fishing used to produce omega-3 pure is sustainable, with less than 1 % by-catch of non-measurements. Fishing is managed through a holistic approach, monitored by the US government and the state of Alaska to ensure continued health for fish stocks. Unlike many available softgel capsules on the market, made from cattle gelatin, our capsules are made of pure fish gelatin.

Why Omega-3 as a dietary supplement?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that the body cannot produce itself, and they play an important role in lipid metabolism and general human physiology. The most relevant omega-3 fatty acids for human health include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Eikosapentaenic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenic acid (DHA). The body can only get EPA and DHA through the diet or in limited amounts by converting ala from food. As we age, the body's ability to convert ALA is reduced to essential omega-3 fatty acids like DHA.

Fat fish, which is naturally rich in EPA and DHA, is a key component in official dietary recommendations. However, many people do not consume enough oily fish to cover the recommended daily intake of these essential omega-3 fatty acids. This may be due to various causes, but fish remain our primary source of EPA and DHA. At the same time, health authorities recommend limiting fish consumption due to potential pollution from environmental toxins such as dioxins, PCBs and heavy metals such as mercury.

However, these concerns do not apply to high quality fish oil grants, which are purified to minimize or eliminate these pollutants. As a result, many individuals choose daily fish oil supplements as a reliable way to ensure that they benefit full from these important polyunsaturated long -chain fatty acids.

Omega-3 index and health benefits

The Omega-3 index refers to the levels of EPA and DHA in the body, which can now be measured through tests as a finger-stick test. This test determines the Omega-3 index, which reflects the percentage of EPA and DHA in the cell membranes of red blood cells and provides a reliable measure of omega-3 levels. The Omega-3 index is closely linked to the amount of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in various tissues and organs, including the heart.

Current research suggests that an optimal omega-3 index is at least 8 %. To achieve this level may require higher doses of EPA and DHA, especially for individuals who follow a typical western diet, which is often high in omega-6 fatty acids. For those with a lower omega-3 index (around 4.5 %, which is common in western populations), supplementation with 2 grams of EPA/DHA can help daily increase the index to around 8 % within about three months. For continuous maintenance, a daily intake of 700-1000 mg EPA/DHA may be sufficient, depending on dietary habits.

Approved health claims

  • DHA helps maintain normal brain function
  • DHA helps maintain normal sight
  • DHA helps maintain normal levels of triglycerides in the blood
  • DHA and EPA help maintain normal blood pressure
  • DHA and EPA help maintain normal levels of triglycerides in the blood
  • EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart


  1. Omega 3 fatty acids like DHA from ala in aging
    Read more here

  2. EFSA evaluation on EPA and DHA and their beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system
    Read more here

  3. Recent clinical trials shed new light on the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 fatty acids
    Read more here


Allowed used for adults. All use of grants takes place at your own responsibility and should be done in consultation with a doctor. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. The effect of this product may vary from person to person. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Should be kept out of reach of children.
Uno Vita AS does not claim that the products we market can cure disease.


Uno Vita is increasingly using artificial intelligence for analyzes, summaries and design of articles. We do not take responsibility for possible errors in texts, articles or descriptions caused by human or computer technology (AI) errors, inaccuracies or lack of information in scientific and medical studies.

We encourage all readers to investigate all information critically to ensure that the content is correct. UNO Vita does not claim the medical effects of the products we sell, but we refer to publicly available research in accordance with the right to freedom of speech.
The information on this website is only for information purposes and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content should not be used as a basis for diagnoses or selecting treatment forms. All information and material on this website is offered "as it is" without any guarantees, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implicit guarantees of salarability, suitability for a particular purpose, or non-violation.
Uno Vita disclaims all liability for losses or damage that may occur as a result of the use of information or products from this website. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified health care provider before starting any new treatment, dietary change or use of supplements. Any use of products or information from this website is done at your own responsibility.


Omega-3 Pure is a superior choice for those who want to achieve and maintain optimal levels of EPA and DHA, with all the benefits these essential fatty acids provide for brain, heart and general health. The high purity, sustainable source, and excellent absorption make this product a reliable and effective solution for daily health maintenance.

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