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Aquaphor Eco Pro

kr 1.992 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Aquaphor Crystal Pro - Top Modern Underbenk Water Filter for Clean and Safe Drinking Water

Aquaphor Crystal Pro is an advanced 3-stage lower bench water filter that gives you and your family protection against a wide range of contaminants while ensuring the cleanest drinking water possible. This innovative filtration system effectively removes a variety of substances including:

  • Chlorine and chlorine products
  • Heavy metals such as lead, copper and cadmium
  • Pesticides
  • Petroleum products
  • Other common toxins and allergens

Through a combination of mechanical and chemical filtration processes, Aquaphor Crystal Pro delivers water that is both safe and comfortable to drink.

Aquaphor Crystal Pro's three -stage filtration process

  1. Sediment filtration
    The first step uses a sediment filter that effectively removes dirt, rust and other large particles, which makes the water free of visible impurities.

  2. Carbon block filtration
    The second step uses a carbon block filter that effectively eliminates chlorine, organic impurities and heavy metals, thus improving both the purity and the taste.

  3. Final filtration
    The third and final step removes any remaining contaminants and refines the taste of water by eliminating the remaining odor and taste.

Why choose Aquaphor Crystal Pro?

This under bench the water filter offers several benefits that make it one of the preferred choices among homeowners:

  • High efficiency: Aquaphor Crystal Pro removes up to 99.9 % of the contaminants, ensuring that the water you drink is clean and safe.
  • Long filter life time: With a filter capacity of up to 6,000 liters or 12 months, depending on what comes first, Aquaphor Crystal Pro provides long -term cleaned water with minimal maintenance.
  • Easy installation and maintenance: Installation only takes about 30 minutes, and filters can be done without the use of tools, making maintenance easy and uncomplicated.
  • Cost -effectiveness: Aquaphor Crystal Pro is an affordable alternative, and provides great value considering its high efficiency and long filter life.

Technical specifications

  • Filtering speed: 2.5 liters per minute
  • Filter life: 6,000 liters or up to 12 months
  • System: Sorption filtration
  • Removes: Chlorine, bacteria, organic compounds, phenols, heavy metals
  • Replaces filters: Yes, without tools
  • Drinking water without a boiling: Yes
  • Takes up little space under the sink: Yes

Further benefits of Aquaphor Crystal Pro

  • Enhanced health: Filtered water can reduce exposure to harmful contaminants, which is especially important for children, pregnant women and people with impaired immune systems.
  • Better taste and smell: Aquaphor Crystal Pro effectively removes chlorine and other impurities, so that the water tastes fresh and comfortable at each sip.
  • Cost savings: By filtering your fountain, you save money on the purchase of bottled water, making it an economic choice for both households and the environment.
  • Environmental responsibility: By reducing the need for bottled water, Aquaphor Crystal Pro helps reduce plastic waste and energy consumption related to the production and transport of bottled water.


Aquaphor Crystal Pro is a first -class, reasonably under bench water filter that provides extensive protection against a variety of contaminants. By choosing this filter, you improve the quality of your drinking water, promote your health and reduce the environmental impact. With easy installation and maintenance, long filter life and high efficiency, Aquaphor Crystal Pro is an excellent choice for any household who wants to secure clean and safe drinking water.

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Uno Vita reserves the right to share publicly available research and information on health and wellness technologies, natural substances, vitamins and the like. We do this with reference to national and international laws on freedom of speech.


  1. Vyas S, et al. "Effectiveness of Activated Carbon in Drinking Water Filtration." Water Research Journal, 2021.
  2. Matsui y, et al. "Removal of Hazardous Substances by Water Filtration Technologies." Environmental Engineering Science, 2020.
  3. Crittend JC, et al. "Principles and Practices of Water Treatment." John Wiley & Sons, 2019.
  4. Shimizu T, et al. "Role of sediment filters in improving water quality." Journal of Water Supply and Technology, 2021.
  5. Kumar A, et al. "Heavy metal removal from drinking water using Activated Carbon." Journal of Environmental Management, 2020.
  6. Valtierra S, et al. "Effectiveness of water filtration in removing chlorine and pesticides." International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021.
  7. Hirata T, et al. "Carbon Block Filtration for Heavy Metal Removal." Environmental Science & Technology, 2020.
  8. Okamoto M, et al. "Impact of water filtration on Public Health: A Systematic Review." Public Health Reviews, 2021.
  9. Lechuga m, et al. "Innovations in under-sink water filtration systems." Water Research Journal, 2021.
  10. Smith L, et al. "Comparative analysis of water filtration technologies." Journal of Water Research, 2020.
  11. Rico S, et al. "Environmental benefits of reducing Bottled Water Consosure." Environmental Impact Assessment, 2019.
  12. Petrovic M, et al. "Sustainability of Domestic Water Filtration Systems." Science of the Total Environment, 2021.

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