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Preparations for functional measurement time clinic for integrated medicine

Uno Vita AS |

Preparations for measurement time at the Integrated Medicine Clinic

What is integrated medicine?
Integrated medicine combines school medicine with complementary/alternative medicine to provide a comprehensive approach to health. At our clinic, we use methods that are scientifically documented in terms of both safety and effect. Integrated medicine clinic uses modern medical CE-approved electromedical devices that promote the body's natural healing processes. The measurements we conduct aim to identify underlying causes of health problems, and we look at the body from a holistic perspective. It is crucial to find the source of imbalances (eg low cell potential) in order to initiate effective treatment.

How can you get the most out of the measurement?
Some clients spend a lot of time and energy during the survey to talk about the past or enter into technical details. This can prevent you from fully benefit from the measurements. Rather focus on the present - we ask you if we need further information. Remember that we as therapists need the technical details to give you the best possible treatment and recommendations, and you get the summary towards the end of the hour. Sit back and receive - the future starts here!

What does the measurement mean?
A measurement time usually lasts 2-3 hours and often includes five different measurements, two trial treatments, an introductory diet and supplements. We also recommend electromedical treatment that can help strengthen the body's electrical potential, which often leads to faster improvement.

How to prepare for the target hour?
To get the most accurate measurement results, there are some things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid heavy physical strain or hard exercise in the last 48 hours before the hour.
  • If possible, avoid taking medications that affect the nervous system, hormone balance, heart rate or blood pressure (consult your doctor if in doubt).
  • Supplements are unproblematic, but avoid coffee and adaptogens the same day.
  • Feel free to eat breakfast, but let it go at least two hours before you come and drink plenty of water.
  • Before filling out some forms, which can take up to 30 minutes.

Prepare the body for the measurements
We measure, among other things, electrical activity in the body, HRV (heart rhythm variation), and levels of heavy metals and minerals in the cells. To ensure accurate measurements, cut the nails on your hands, wash hands and feet thoroughly, and avoid creams on the hands and forearms on the day of treatment. We have to wait 15 minutes after the final wash before the measurements can start.

Welcome to an exciting day at the Integrated Medicine Clinic!

22 09 18 80
Address: Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss (Kiwi-Huset, around the corner)
E-mail: klinikken@unovita.com

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