Preparations for measurement time at the Integrated Medicine Clinic
What is integrated medicine? By integrated medicine we mean a combination of school medicine and complementary/alternative medicine. We use methods where there is scientific documentation on safety and effect. The Integrated Medicine Clinic uses modern medical CE-approved electromedical devices that support natural healing in treatment. The measurements performed are intended to detect the causes of the health problems from a holistic perspective. It is essential to find the cause of the disease (why is the voltage low) for the client to recover.
Tip! Some clients spend a lot of energy/time during the measurements to tell about the past or immerse themselves in technical details. It is not appropriate (we ask if we need extended information) for two reasons. The first is that you as a client do not, before the necessary information about the current situation from the measurements, if you spend your time talking long -lasting about the past. The other who may make sense to be aware of is that we as therapists need the detailed information in order to provide good treatment and good recommendations. You get a summary of what we recommend to the end of the hours. Sit back and receive, the future is now.
Measurements and functional analysis. In practice, the target hour takes 2-3 hours and often includes 5 different measurements, 2 sample treatments, a starting diet and supplements. In addition, we always suggest electromedical treatment to build the electrical potential of the body and cells, which usually contributes to significantly faster improvement.
What should you do before you come? We recommend that you do not expose your body to heavy loads or hard workouts for the last 48 hours before the measurements are taken. Furthermore, any intake of medication you usually take and that affects the central nervous system, hormone balance, heart rate or blood pressure will affect the results. Ideally, you will come without taking medication that day if this is justifiable (consult your doctor if in doubt). Intake of supplements is no problem, but you should avoid coffee or adaptogens before you arrive. You can eat breakfast and drink well with water, but not right before you arrive. It should have been at least 2 hours since the last meal. Before the hour you need to fill in some forms, which can take up to 30 minutes.
Prepare the body for the measurements. We measure electrical activity in the body, heart rhythm variation (HRV), heavy metals and minerals in the cells. In order for the measurements to be as precise as possible, you should have cut your nails on your hands and washed hands and feet well before you arrive. We can't start the measurements until it's been 15 minutes since the last time you washed your hands. Great if you haven't used creams on your hands and forearms that day.
Welcome to be an exciting day at the Integrated Medicine Clinic!
Tel: 22 09 18 80-Sjøgata 15, 1516 Moss, in the "Kiwi" house around the corner.