Optimal electrodes for use with TimeWaver Frequency, Healy and other micro -current devices
Abstract. UNO Vita AS and our clinic for integrated medicine (clinic for integrative medicine), after years of clinical testing and evaluation of electrotherapy electrodes for micro -current stimulation, have come to the following conclusion:
1. SIS electrostimulation electrodes In pure silver, the best functionality offers everywhere and has excellent electric parameters such as consistently low resistance, good conductivity and the ability to deliver a steady stream of electrons to the tissue. They can be reused for a long time and do not cause skin irritation (must be kept moist during treatment). The SIS silver velcodes can also be used for iontophoresis. There are other electrodes specifically designed for general iontophoresis, not mentioned here. SIS electrodes are not self-adhesive and must be attached with a standard medical fixing tape, such as a fixoma gold.

2. Axelgaard Blue X and Pals Blue Hydrogelektrotherapy electrodes. These are electrodes that provide the best conductivity and low resistance compared to other electrodes on the market, beaten only Bye Sis Rene Sølelectrodes. Axelgaard is self -adhesive electrodes and hypoallergic, which means that they very rarely cause skin irritation compared to other self -adhesive electrodes on the market. Each electrode can be used up to +-20 times when kept clean (rinse with clean water after use before putting on the holders).

Conclusion. UNO Vita will recommend and offer only the unique and professional medically approved SIS Silvelectrotherapy electrodes and Axelgaard Premium Last Generation Trinthians, not "Snap" for optimal treatment results. This means that if you use Healy or TimeWaver micro -current devices and want to have the best electrodes available on the market, you can do so. For Healy, you need to buy a set of high quality electrotherapy wires, from our store (Shop.unovita.com), to use them with Healy which has "Snap" wires as standard.

All electrodes are not made equal. Different electrical properties provide different results. In short, electrodes have different electrical properties such as conductivity, resistance and the ability to supply a constant current of electrons to the tissue over time (during a treatment). When you choose to use Professional Products of Product Quality, you can use lower voltage (intensity) settings, which are close to the body's natural signal signals, which reduces the risk of any negative effects or the overstimulation of the tissue and increases the efficiency of treatment.
In this case "Less is more", Which means that the closer you get to the body's natural signals, the better. It's a bit like someone is giving you a message with a low comfortable voice, you usually open to evaluate the information. If someone shouts it loudly, you are most likely to enter a defensive mode.

Especially effective frequencies. Low frequency is often strong (below 0.1Hz - 50 Hz), when used properly as in the Deep Cycle programs and next generation programs from the developer. Low -frequency microscers may more easily penetrate the skin if the resistance is exceptionally low and continues to be low over time. These effects can significantly affect the efficiency of treatments and especially in longer treatment sessions. It is a similar effect with high frequency. In general, it is well known for bioimpedance research that at lower frequency they cannot pass through all tissue types and cell membranes as higher frequency can. Low frequency will travel around cells through extracellular water.

Comfort, skin irritation and prolonged use. The SIS electrodes in clean silver are not only superconducting and have the best electrical properties in the class, but they also add silver ions to the skin and tissue (depending on the programs used). This can help inhibit infections, help with wound healing and improve the result of treatments in general. The SIS electrodes must be moistened with clean water and connected with regular medical fixing tape since there is no gel or similar on them (just clean silver). You can also use Dr. Carol Deans Pico Silver Solution, or a mixture of Pico-Minerals found in our Iontophoresis-like effects store (in case of size, since the Pico mineral solutions only contain ultrasmic ions and no regular particles). If the fluid you use to moisten the silver tumes has pico-size metal ions, some of them may to some extent "push" into the tissue. Normally this is done using direct current. The SIS electrodes should be moistened for 3-4 hours if you use special long-term programs to achieve optimal results. The skin irritation of using these electrodes correctly is very unusual, in fact we have not experienced any problems when clients use low -intensity settings (on healy minimum) on pure skin with wet electrodes. Of you want to moisten the electrodes with pico mineral solutions, you should fill the liquid on a nasal spray/diffuser and spray the well before use.

The self-adhesive professional electrodes from Axelgaard, the latest generation Ultrastim® X Blue, use advanced hydrogel for those with extremely sensitive skin and are the next development of the superior Ultrastim® X design. The distinctive silver grid pattern on Ultrastim® X blue electrodes provides even power spread, providing a more comfortable therapy treatment for the user. The oversized edge is specially designed to facilitate the correct removal to further promote the durability of the electrodes. These are the best self -adhesive electrodes we can offer even when it comes to conductivity and resistance. These electrodes are a cheaper alternative to the superior SiS Silver Choosing.
Posted by Jan Fr. Poleszynski
Uno Vita AS - Copyright 2021