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Magnesium Bicarbonate - The Ultimate Mitochondrial "Booster"?

Uno Vita AS |

Magnesium bicarbonate - the ultimate mitochondrial "boostern"?
Bicarbonate, also known as HCO3, is a by -product of the body's metabolism. Your blood brings bicarbonate to your lungs, and then it is exhaled as carbon dioxide. Your kidneys also help regulate bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is excreted and reabsorned by your kidneys. This regulates the body's pH, or acid balance.

There are good reasons why many people believe that it is very much for substances that the accumulation of acids, fees, reduces nutritional deficiencies, modulates and increases the immune system and increases circulation in the body. Without removing toxins and acids from all organs, cells and tissues, and without giving the essential nutritional building blocks as magnesium, the body will not be able to heal itself. When the body's tissues and cells become the basis for tissue inflammation and degeneration when the environment promotes the growth of disease -causing organisms (anaerobic pathogens) that thrive in oxygen -poor environment. Increased oxidative stress, which virtually correlates exponentially with changes in acid/base (ph) in the direction of one acidic internal environment, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which is damaged by elevated oxidative stress.

Magnesium bicarbonate is necessary for the sodium/ potassium pump to function (which is essential for the cells' ability to build tension). If a magnesium bicarbonate deficiency occurs, pumping sodium bicarbonate is out of the cell and pumping potassium bicarbonate in the cell undermined.
This is part of the ATP cycle that contributes to the conversion of energy in mitochondria. One of the basic approaches to good medsin must include contributing to the body getting higher electrical potential and thus slightly alkaline. Can get rid of acids from the cell tissue and our organs. Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken with clean water as needed is a good way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonations to body cells. Magnesium and bicarbonate -rich mineral water are easily absorbed and have many health benefits.

Diseases such as cancer contribute to increment of lactic acid, like physical exercise. The use of bicarbonate can relieve the body during special periods of life. Generally, the body's ability to produce bicarbonate itself is reduced from 40 years of age, so most will benefit from extra supply. When starting a detoxification protocol and the kidneys need to rinse out acid and during such "intensive" periods it is also helpful for the body to use bicarbonate. We recommend everyone with health problems and people using bicarbonate over time and using ph urine test strips.

Check be test strips here (click here)


Magnesium - an overlooked mineral?

Magnesium - an overlooked mineral?
Many Norwegians do not get optimal doses of magnesium in relation to calcium. Anyone who uses milk and/or milk products consumes more calcium than we have been adapted through the evolutionary process, which can lead to a variety of diseases. Nevertheless, many doctors recommend calcium supplements and not magnesium to counteract osteoporosis. Research indicates that a high calcium supplement can lead to more osteoporosis, increased mortality of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other disorders. The section is taken from the health magazine science and reason and written by day will Poleszynski

In short

  • Evolutionary is man adapted to consume a little more calcium than magnesium
  • Those who use milk and milk products consume much more calcium than magnesium
  • Many women are recommended supplementation of calcium to counteract osteoporosis
  • Most adults should take more magnesium to counteract a high calcium supplement

Bunery is almost exclusively associated with calcium deficiency, but can often be due to too little intake of magnesium, possibly vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin D, polyunsaturated fatty acids and too little estrogen/testosterone. Norway is at the top of the world when it comes to asthma and allergies, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, depression, dementia, diabetes, arthritis and other autoimmune diseases such as MS. Could one reason be that we get too little magnesium and too much calcium?


What is the right use of magnesium bicarbonate?
The question is "too" in general and we are different with different health challenges, so an absolute answer cannot be given here, but some thumb rules for when it often makes sense to use the product.

  1. You lack magnesium and need supplements
  2. You drink enough water and eat normally and your pH (can easily be checked with so-called pH strips) in the middle of the day is below 6.5-6.7 (when you have been drinking well from the morning)
  3. You have started a detoxification protocol and secrete a lot of acid
  4. You eat a lot of protein (which produces uric acid)
  5. You train a lot or run active sports
  6. You are over have reduced kidney function
  7. You have problems with oxygen distribution in the body
  8. You are exposed to a lot of stress and bad sleep

When should you not use magnesium bicarbonate?

  1. Never right before or right after food (you get a temporary reduction in maveric acid needed to digest the food well). Spend 2 hours as a thumb rule.
  2. You have a pH from 6.5 and up over in the urine (upwards mean the right number)
  3. You have run a cure of up to 3 months already, then it is time to take a break and see if your body itself manages and maintain a normal pH
  4. You have a serious illness. You should in so get more thoroughly examined whether bicarbonate is advantageous in your case.

Posted by Jan F. Poleszynski - July 9, 2022

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