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Spinor Vernada Geo EMF Protection

kr 2.182 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Verdana Geo EMF protection: holistic solution against harmful radiation

Modern technology exposes us daily to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from devices such as 5G antennas, Wi-Fi routers and smart meters. This can potentially adversely affect health by causing sleep disorders, reduced energy levels and increased stress. Verdana Geo technology is designed to harmonize the electromagnetic environment in your home, protect the family from EMF-related stress, and promote better health and well-being.

How does Verdana Geo work?
Verdana Geo uses advanced torsional field technology to neutralize harmful EMF fields. The technology restructures the torsion fields around electrical appliances and geopathic stress zones, eliminating the negative effects without disturbing the functionality of the appliances. By using a harmonizing principle, Verdana Geo creates a balanced and health -promoting environment for the whole family.

Benefits of Verdana Geo

  1. Extensive EMF protection

    • Reduces the exposure to harmful radiation from 5G, Wi-Fi, mobile masts and smart meters.
    • Protects both home and health by neutralizing harmful torsion fields.
  2. Improved health and well -being

    • Better quality: Reduces the effect of EMF radiation that can interfere with sleep rhythm.
    • Increased energy: Reduces fatigue and promotes a sense of balance and well -being.
    • Reduced stress: Creates a harmonized environment that helps reduce the body's stress response.
  3. Easy installation and maintenance

    • The unit is user -friendly and only requires to be put in a grounded outlet, preferably close to the fuse box.
    • One unit usually protects the entire home, unless the house has multiple fuse boxes or phases.
  4. Cost -effective solution

    • A disposable investment that provides long -lasting protection for the whole family.
    • No need for maintenance or battery change.

Technical specifications

  • Dimensions: Compact design that fits in standard sockets.
  • Coverage: Protects up to 100 m² per unit.
  • Material: Manufactured with environmentally friendly and durable components.
  • Power consumption: Low energy consumption for cost -effective operation.

Installation tips

  • Place Verdana Geo near the fuse box to protect the entire electrical system.
  • For larger homes or properties with multiple phases, use one unit per phase for optimal protection.
  • Make sure the device is always connected to a grounded contact.


  • Home and housing: Protect the whole family from EMF-related stress.
  • Office: Create a harmonized environment that promotes productivity and well -being.
  • Public: Can be used in high density areas of electronic devices, such as schools or hospitals.

Uno Vita uses artificial intelligence for analyzes, summaries and articles, and does not take responsibility for any errors that occur from human or technological errors. We encourage everyone to investigate information critically and recall that we do not claim the medical effects of our products. The information here is intended for enlightenment and not as a medical advice. We recommend that you consult a health care provider before using new treatments or supplements.

Freedom of speech and right to information
Uno Vita shares research on health and wellness technologies in accordance with national and international laws on freedom of speech, including:

  • UN World Declaration on Human Rights.
  • The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.
  • Norway's Constitution Section 100.
  • US First Amendment.

Relevant references

  1. Akimov, A.E. (1997). Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations.
  2. Pavlenko, A. (2019). Methods and Protection Devices Against Torsion Radiation: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age.
  3. Rein, G. (1994). Biological Interactions with non-classical electromagnetic fields: DNA and cell research.
  4. Sokolova, v.a. (1982). The Effect of Torsion Fields on Membrane Conductivity in Tissue Cells.
  5. Shipov, G.I. (2002). Theory of Physical Vacuum.
  6. Carlo, G. (2001). Cellular Telephones: Russian Studies on EMF Effects.
  7. Krasnobryzhev, V. (2005). Quantum Teleportation in Torsion Physics.
  8. Adlkoer, F. (2008). EMF and Health: European Studies on UMTS Radiation.
  9. Grebennikov, v.s. (1994). The Effect of Honeycomb Structures on Torsion Fields.
  10. Tellus, s.a.r.l. (2005). Studies on Geodynamic Zones and EMF Interactions.
  11. Bio-Energy Technologies Institute, Ukraine. (2017). Torsion Fields and Biological Systems.
  12. Rusanov, A. (2005). Geodynamic Zones and Torsion Field Effects on Animal Health.

Customer Reviews

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Utrolig effekt!

Min eldste datter med sønn på 5 måneder, fikk låne min Spinor Vernada da gutten var fryktelig ustabil med nattesøvnen. Fra første natta sov gutten gjennom hele natta. De hadde i utgangspunktet ingen tillit til at en slik enhet kunne ha noen som helst betydning, og mente dette var tilfeldig. Javel, sa jeg – da tar jeg den med meg hjem igjen, og det gjorde jeg.

Påfølgende natt vendte nattevåken til guttungen tilbake. Han sov også veldig urolig på dagtid. Det fortsatte til de ba pent om å få låne Spinor V. en gang til for å teste. Det fikk de selvfølgelig, og som forventet av mormor – gutten sov søtt gjennom natta og helt rolig i søvnperiodene på dagen også.

Dette produktet er helt fantastisk! Placeboeffekt er ikke mulig for en baby på 5 måneder. Anbefales på det sterkeste!