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Systematic health improvement

Uno Vita AS |

Natural detoxification cycle with systematic approach
Good health is an essential part of the foundation we need to develop and thrive in everyday life. Those of us who do not have health problems can improve their performance, become more efficient and creative in everyday life. Anti-aging and well-being are also good arguments for a healthy lifestyle. We hereby offer a systematic approach to good health from a holistic perspective ..

On the way to a cleaner and healthier body

An example of phases according to Chinese philosophy

Phases and natural cycles
Life in nature, our body, the universe and even down to the smallest parts of energy we know (the quantities) develop in phases or cycles. We are now inviting you on a cycle consisting of 6 phases Where the body and gets a chance to get rid of waste, strengthen the immune system, add essential building blocks and thus lay the foundation for better health. If you follow the phases structured and systematically and use lifestyle advice, chances are you will experience noticeable improvements in your health. Our clinic and various treatment equipment (home equipment or clinic equipment) offers extra support and pure energy supply VI electromedical and integrated medical treatment for those who need some extra help along the way. For those who visit the clinic for a measurement time, we will adapt to grants and remedies even more precisely, but we all have many common needs. The early phases will last from 4-6 weeks, some of the later phases will go over longer periods. This is due to That things like restoring mineral balance and cleaning out toxins and heavy metals often require months and years and not weeks. You will usually experience positive development, get more energy and increased well -being along the way, even though the body's various stores (fat, nerves, bones, etc.) will need a long -term detoxification.

Phase 1 - Detoxification phase 1, purification and commencement development of foundation
Phase 2 - detoxification phase 2, complementation of basic items foundation
Phase 3 - detoxification phase 3, water -resistant and improvement and optimization of gut and digestion
Phase 4 - detoxification phase 4, reduction of inflammation and infections
Phase 5 - detoxification phase 5, optimization of hormone and energy system
Phase 6 - Integration of exercises for body and mind as well as maintenance for long -term good health

Start -up: Phase 1 - Detoxification Phase 1, Understanding and Beginning Development of Foundation
General comment phase 1. To get the best benefit from dietary restructuring, supplements, exercise and objectives of new lifestyle, the body needs an effective detoxification system (kidney, lives primarily, but also a intestinal not chronically irritated), then it is impossible to do Some effective detoxification without adding easily absorbable minerals and salts, as well as cofactors that help the detoxification system do the job (remove acid and waste). When our terrain is renewed, the body will handle the next phases much better.

Important: Detoxification without the mineral balance coming into place makes many people get bad and many then give up.

Supplement and basic phase 1:
Duration: 4 weeks
Introduction of grants: Introduces one of the grants from the top of the list, every day until you take everyone in one day. Our recommendations are based on international research and experience from clinical use over 12 years and will often affect the Norwegian authorities' recommendations. If you are uncertain then consult your medical advisor who has expertise in the field.

Water purification and exposed first meal: Drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day (purified water is clearly recommended, ask us if desired). For people over 70 kg, the need in this phase is between 2 and 3 liters. Start the day with two large cups of cleaned water, cook it up and cool (until you can drink it). Add a stroke teaspoon of real salt (preferred in our clinic) or certified Himalaya Salt, 2-3 drops of Joddvann, half a teaspoon, half a teaspoon of rement. If you have a particularly sensitive bowel, food allergies and intolerances, try it out with smaller doses of remaster and rement. Something can begin with a teaspoon of each, others very sensitive may have to go down to the drop level for the first few days.

Postpone first meal with at least two hours After drinking hot salt/mineral water. Repeat the process, but only with clean cleaned warm water and a quarter teaspoon of salt at least two hours before the main meal (dinner). Drink otherwise well with room -temperature and clean water between meals, but no closer than 1 hour larger meals. Reasonable to drink most before 10 p.m. 14 so that the night's sleep is not interrupted by frequent toilet visits.

Food/Diet: We generally recommend a low carb/high fat diet based on natural and clean foods. The essential in this phase is to make it easy for the body to digest food and save the resources for detoxification and cleansing. Therefore, the main rule for these 4 weeks will be:

  • Eat less than you usually do not eat until you are really hungry and eat until you are saturated)
  • Eat no more than three times per day. day, preferably only two with a small snack in between
  • Do not eat blend products (pure raw materials only) and grain (avoid gluten 100%)
  • Eat heat -treated foods that are easy to digest and use good with fat (good butter and coconut fat is nice)
  • Avoid all foods and plant foods you suspect you respond to (all plants set out substances and not "be eaten" which causes many to react to one or more of them). Slightly pure organic white rice, oats, broccoli and preferably vegetable (heated vegetables you mash) with good fat get rarely wrong when combined with good nutrient sources from bird, fish, wild, lamb and organic clean meat products

Remedies and supplements phase 1:

Remag magnesium resolution
Use: ½ to 1 teaspoon in water x 2 (per day in phase 1), less if you get uneasy in your stomach
Main points: Get up magnesium status at cellular level. Essential for 700 processes in the body.
Read more here: https://shop.unovita.com/remag-the-magnesium-miracle.html

Remte mineral resolution
Use: ½ teaspoon x 2 (per day in phase 1). If you get any kind of discomfort, reduce the dose.
Main points: Get the status of the esential minerals in a form you are sure to absorb. Lay the foundation for effective detoxification.

Unotrace fulvinic acid
Use: 3-4 drops in hot or room-temperature water for food and supplement (start with 3-4 per day increase to 10 after 2-3 weeks).
Main points: contributes to detoxification, contributes to better nutritional absorption (including calcium into the cells and mineral absorption) and better energy level energy production.

Liquid vitamin D3
Use: Feel free to take two drops in your mouth after or in connection with food. Children should have lower doses. If you use other d vitamin supplements, we generally recommend that you do not use more than 5,000 international devices (IU). Calconation for micrograms here, for example, is 5000 (IU) x 0.025 = 125 mcg which is clearly above the Norwegian authorities' recommendations (are you uncertain then consult your medical advisor) but in line with international recommendations on a favorable dose.
Main points: Vitamin D is necessary to regulate the body's calcium balance. Contributes to normal cell differentiation and immunity. Contributes to normal blood pressure. Vitamin D is fat -soluble and affects the expression of more than 200 genes in the body in a positive way.

Liposomal Vitamin C from Quick Silver Scientific (Alternative Altient C that is equally good)
* 3 bottles are enough for the entire first phase
Use: You can't take too much vitamin C, but liposomal C vitamins are well absorbed so you get a good effect even from a pair of grams per day. day. We therefore generally recommend 3 grams per day. Today, but by acute illness or poisoning, the dose can be increased to stomach tolerance (as much as you can tolerate without getting loose in your stomach).
Take a teaspoon at least 20 minutes before meal and hold it in your mouth for 20-30 seconds before swallowing three times (3) a day.
Main points: Vitamin C is the most important antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals in the body and protects tissues from oxidative stress. The vitamin is necessary to form collagen, the connective tissue that supports arterial walls, skin, bones and teeth, stimulates the immune system and helps regenerate other antioxidants, including vitamin E.


Surplus of toxic metals must be cleaned out

Ultrafint zeobent with® detoxification powder for interior use
Use: Start with a quarter (1/4) teaspoon in a large glass of room -temperature or warm water after the main meal the first week. If you get no discomfort, you increase to half (1/2) teaspoon after the main meal next week and the third week twice half a teaspoon after food.
Main points: Absorb and transport heavy metals and waste from the intestine in a gentle and safe way. When the body gets help in the form of other supplements and water resort, it will often "take the opportunity" to separate waste both via kidneys and liver (then to the gut). We therefore want to ensure that the waste is not absorbed again, but transports out via stools. Zeobent with® Fees Ultrafint Powder is a powerful detoxifying agent. It is capable of binding several environmental toxins such as aluminum, lead, mercury, cadmium, ammonium and histamine etc. Mixed with water it has an immediate effect from the oral cavity and out.

Next step: phase 2 - detoxification phase 2, complementation of basic elements foundation

General comment on phase 2. You continue with the measures in phase 1, but increase the intake of liposomal vitamin C to 5 grams per day (this will contribute to faster detoxification and offer some protection against increased excretion as phase 2 will contribute to). You have now started to get more available minerals in the body, and we can therefore initiate a more active detoxification. It takes years and not weeks to achieve a good mineral status, and when you secrete metals, heavy metals and environmental toxins, the body uses a lot of minerals, so there is no need to reduce the intake. If you generally feel hot and comfortable in your body, you can go over to drink more purified room -temperature water, but not just before meals (wait for at least 30-60 minutes, so you can build up mave acid to digest the food) . Do you withstand Zeobent Fees powder well, then increase to ½ teaspoon in good with water after 2 meals (ie 2 times a day). If you feel a little constipated, then mix in a little vitamin C powder and magnesium in the water.

Supplement and Basis Phase 2
Duration: 6 weeks
Introduction of new grants: We will now introduce so -called cofactors, which help to make the body more easily get rid of waste and toxins, allow the liver to "chop them up" (conjugate them or make them water -soluble) and separate them through bile and kidneys, as well as protect the body during the process. If you are uncertain or have unpleasant symptoms, consult your medical advisor who has expertise in the field. If you get unexpectedly badly a supplement or a day, take a couple of days' break from all the supplements or the last addition you started with before you got bad. Keep the intake of water and vitamin C. If you feel tired, it is not abnormal, and it is wise to take the time to rest "between the battles". You become spikes than before when the symptoms go over.

1-2 capsules with room -temperature water after food (can also be taken on empty stomach) distributed over the day. Start with 1 capsule and increase to 3 unless you experience the gut discomfort. Finish when the box is empty.

Main Points/Effects: Helps the body produce more glutation, which is an essential antioxidant, acting on liver and kidneys, counteracts lung disease, strengthens the immune system and more.

Life Extension Buffered Vitamin-C powder
Use: ¼ stroke teaspoon in a glass of water (can be taken with other vitamins and minerals, including Zeobent, if the stomach becomes hard) distributed over the day. The purpose here is to increase the level of vitamin C in the body fluids and thus contribute to faster detoxification in a cautious way. Here, the principle of stomach tolerance applies. If you get loose stomach, the body does not absorb the profits, and the dose should be reduced until you do not have abnormally loose stools. Vitamin C has a short half -life, so it is advantageous to take a little every hour until the evening rather than large doses at once. Continue with liposomal vitamin C as a base due to better recording and better effect on the inner environment of the cells.

Main Points/Effects: Contributes to a more active and effective detoxification of environmental toxins, metals and more. Often also used in various forms of addiction to drugs or illegal substances.

Note! You should be aware that the detoxification is so effective that you want to reduce the level of different drugs in the body. If there are special medicines you are dependent on, you must be aware of this, for example, by consuming these at least an hour after the last time you took vitamin C. If you are going to step down on medicines, you should agree this with your doctor.

Quicksilver Scientific Clear Way Cofactors
Use: 1–3 capsules with room -temperature water after food (can also be taken on empty stomach) distributed over the day. Start with 1 capsule and increase to 3 unless you experience the gut discomfort. Then if you stay at 1, and cease the discomfort, you can try to take the next tablet 1 hour after food (have some food in your stomach). If you have persistent discomfort during the detoxification, it is recommended to take a 2 day break, drink well with clean room -temperature water and start at lower doses - one thing at a time. Finish when the box is empty.

Main Points/Effects: Has a series of cofactors (vitamins, phytochemicals, herbs) that contribute to improved detoxification, but also to the protection of the body and organs. Forces liver, help to clean the intestine of harmful microflora, as well as the blood vessels by means of, among other things. Enzyme nightochinase. Provides increased protection of cells and nervous systems.

Curcumin Elite ™ Turmeric Extract
Use: 1 capsule for today's main meal. Take a week break when the box is empty, and consider continuing with curcumin, which has so many health effects that there is a recommended standard supplement.

Main Points/Effects: Curcumin extract has a number of positive health effects and counteracts poisonings, oxidative stress, inflammation, infections and more. We use this very special curcumin extract here primarily to strengthen liver/bile function and support the detoxification by reducing inflammation in the body.

Use: 1/8 teaspoon in a mouthful water in the middle of the main meal. Take this for the first 3 days (important to progress quietly. For most of us, the gut flora will adapt to a new environment and it can give some reactions. It's a good thing), so you can consume it for every meal. Try it out and gradually increase the dose. Finish when the box is empty.

Main Points/Effects: Gutpro is a unique in probiotics, and the purpose is to normalize the intestinal flora and digestion. The product is specially designed for sensitive intestines and contains none of the substances and bacteria that often cause irritation and discomfort. This is a treatment favorite to balance the gut and improve symptoms such as irritable intestinal-irritalized bowel syndrome (IBS) and other inflammatory conditions. A gut that "struggles" also produces waste and toxins that impose a greater challenge to detoxification on the body.

3 day fast after week 3 in phase 2. Once you have phased in the grants and routines in phase 2, take a 3 day full break from all supplements. Drink between 2 and 3 liters cleanly cleaned water (or boiled if you do not have it cleaned). Remember to let it drain for a long time in the tap so that the water is freshest as possible before tapping it. 1 stroke teaspoon of real salt or Himalayas salt overall. If you are thirsty, drink a little more, but do not overdo it.

Main Points/Effects: You will, with a 3 day fixed, give your immune system and intestinal flora a "restart" and give your body a powerful boost. Your kidneys can concentrate on getting rid of waste without spending unnecessary energy on excretion of uric acid, etc. from normal combustion of protein. Maybe you will be a little relaxed and Uggen at first. Plan the 3-day fasting in advance, so you can have some quiet days. If you feel cold during the fast, you can drink pure warm organic green tea or other pure herbal tea, and you can drink boiled water while it is still hot. Feel free to read about fasting at Helsemagasinet (vof.no, click here).

Other grants in the basic package and environmental toxins in i.a. fish: In general, we all need a good vitamin K2 complex for eg. Having a good calcium turnover and getting calcium out of the blood vessels and into the cells. If this is something you are not already using, we recommend Super K2 Elite from Life Extension (click here). Furthermore, we all need enough omega-3 in fat-soluble form of detoxification, nervous system, circulation and to counteract inflammation. The challenge in our days is that fish In our waters and Norwegian fjords unfortunately have too high levels of mercury, lead and other environmental toxins. This also applies to several fish oils. Therefore, we should prefer wild fish from the better Arctic areas, and limit fish and seafood from Norwegian water and fjords. Furthermore, one should get well with guaranteed pure omega-3 with enough EPA/DHA (ala does not do the same benefit). We can recommend two particularly clean and good products here, and that's: Super Omega-3 plus (click here) or increasingly popular krill oil from Mercola (click here).

Remember! It is important to follow the phases as described. The first 2 phases lay the foundation for slightly harder cleansing. Many people believe that one can take a "detox cure" in a few weeks and thus have cleaned the body of mercury and environmental toxins, but unfortunately it is a "sales bluff" or ignorance. It takes time and you have to work systematically. The reward for doing the job of getting rid of the waste and toxins is a long -term improvement in health, and this measure can be preventive of virtually all illnesses.


Phase 3 - detoxification phase 3, waterproof and improvement and optimization of intestines and digestion

General comment on phase 3
The main purpose of phase 3 is to ensure that the intestinal function is normalized, thus avoiding the irritation and production of toxins in the gut. Furthermore, waste is transported through the gut effectively.

Duration phase 3: plus-minus 4 weeks (you have completed 10 weeks already and within the expiry of phase 3, 14 weeks or almost 5 months).

Phase 3 we divide into 3 parts. We start with a short phase for the second time in the cycle. First, a short fixed on water and chicken power (2 days), followed by a 14-day special diet to turn off / dampen all allergic reactions and inflammation in the gut. Then phasing in a regular diet and tailor -made supplements for the normalization of intestinal function.

You can expect good results
It is not uncommon to feel that chronic irritation and problems with the gut are significantly improved during phase 3, which is also a goal and necessary for the entire detoxification process to be completed successfully. We reset the immune system and allow the gut to rest, allow the body's clearing system to "eat up" poorly functioning cells, then switch to a period of special diet (we then enter into grazing stabs, lectins, oxalates and other allergens that can irritate the intestine and cause various diseases and health problems) , before we end phase 3, with one (1) week's intensive detoxification of mercury. Many will be "satisfied" with the systematic detoxification shed and results after completing phase 3 and want to interrupt the cure here. Of course, it is up to you and free choice, but you have now laid the foundation for being able to withstand a more intensive and more powerful detoxification, as well as done a solid preparation for a lasting lifestyle change.

Microplastics have become a significant problem for nature and our health. It is therefore and recommend and cleanse the water basing
And be careful about purchasing. Contribute even to less plastic commuting into nature by your consumption and handling of waste.

"Old fun is not gone overnight"
We have all (increasing with age) stored toxins and metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum and more. in adipose tissue, bone tissue, nerves and brain. Completing all phases can help avoid health problems, offer an anti -age effect and increase well -being for many years to come. After termination of phase 3, you should also have sanitized mercury and root fillings at a dentist who has the necessary equipment. This means, among other things. suitcase pond, closed oxygen supply to the nose, severe suction in treatment etc. It is better not to remove amalgam (which often has mercury, nickel and silver in it) if you do not do it in a proper and gentle way without leaks. We recommend continuing with gentle detoxification and also taking a small "mini -course" annually, preferably in the spring as a good time for many of us. Chinese philosophy often recommends a cleansing of the liver in the spring. If you are encouraged "Hurtigdetox Cures" to be accomplished miracles in a short time, it is our recommendation to refrain from this offer. Systematic work and efforts over time produce results. Such quick cures often have two characteristics: either they simply do not work, or you become acutely poorly because the process is accelerated at a pace the body does not handle, and you are flooded by toxins for a period of time.

Supplement phase 3
Furthermore, we phase into Quinton Hypertonic (Sea Natural Electrolytes, MerProtect® Protocol (1 week's cure), Restore for Better Intestinal Health, Bodybio Betaine HCL and Bodybio Calcium-Magnesium Butyrate, as well as Flora Revive Capsules-Soil Based Probiotic. All other supplements you cut into phase 3. This does not apply to gut pro bacteria (see new measurement for exact dosage measurement), 1 teaspoon of Remag (morning and evening) and ½ teaspoon rement (morning and evening) during the period, as well as liposomal Vitamin C.

Quinton hypertonic
Use: 3 bags in room -temperature water at least 30-60 minutes before/after food (you should buy 3 boxes to have enough for a cure).
Main Points/Effects: Quintessential Hypertonic Elixir adds important remineralization and is purified seawater full of electrolytes and trace elements. Contains all nature's 78 essential minerals and trace elements. Cold sterilized using microfiltration, which protects the fragile balance between naturally occurring and bioavailable marine nutrients.

Restore for better intestinal health
Use: 1 teaspoon in water at least 3 times per day and preferably well before meals. When you fast, distribute the intake throughout the day.
Main Points/Effects: Restore was developed by the well -known Dr. Zach Bush and effectively contributes to "closing" the intestinal cells. This effectively reduces negative effects of "leaky gut". We all get in, among other things, glyphosate (Roundup), and many also gluten. Both parts damage the mucous membranes of the gut. Everyone is recommended to use Restore regularly, but it is especially important in this phase, as the purpose is to repair, recreate and strengthen the intestinal function in general.

Bodybio betaine hcl
Use: 1–2 capsules at the beginning of meals (not when you fast). Helps you more easily break down proteins and fat, which relieves digestion and often helps people who say they do not tolerate meat, now digest it without any problems.

Bodybio Calcium-Magnesium butyrate
Use: 1–2 capsules with food (not when fasting). Contributes to better detoxification, to repair the mucous membranes of the gut and to the emergence of a healthy bacterial flora etc.

Flora Revive Capsules - Soil Based Probiotic
Use: Start with 1 capsule between meals the first week (also the first two fasting days). If you get no reactions, you increase to 2 capsules next week (morning and evening) and continue with it. Can be taken for food, but works best outside of meals. Helps eliminate fungi like Candida Albicans from the gut in a gentle way.

MerProtect® Protocol cure
Use: Follow the instructions for the box. Used when not fasting. Not for food. Provides a week effective, but not for hard purification of mercury remains (primarily from amalgam).

2 day water/power-resistant
You can begin fasting by eating dinner/evening one day and then the first regular day starts with a large glass of cleaned water with a bag of Quinton Hypertonic. Drink between 2 and 3 liters clean water (or boiled if you do not have water cleaners). Remember to let it drain for a long time in the tap so that the water is freshest as possible. Before you lose it, add up to 3 bags of quinton hypertonic per day.

Simple chicken power
We recommend that you buy a large organic chicken and cook it in a large pot (let the water cover the chicken), and let it boil at least 1 day, preferably 2, on low heat. You will now have something like 5 liters of power. Drink a cup of warm chicken power 3 times a day (only power, without meat or other solid food), and feel free to add some real salt. Chicken power you drink these first 2 days, but you can also continue with it throughout Phase 3 if desired. When you have cooked the chicken for 2 days on low heat, take it up and cut off all the meat, which you can cool or freeze and eat when the waterfast is over (the meat then becomes a little dry, then add well with real butter). If you want to add fresh coriander or other organic herbs, it is ok, but leave the power mild and "soft".

Main Points/Effects: With such a 2 day fixed, you will give your immune system and intestinal flora a "restart" and give your body a strong boost, but also make your body ready for 2 weeks of meat diet. Feel free to read about fasting at Health magazine (vof.no, search for fasting).

14 days special meat diet
Avoid all vegetables, all fruits, nuts, sprouts and seeds. In this case, the main purpose of the diet is to eliminate all substances that can irritate the gut, which lays the foundation for being able to change your diet afterwards and easily record which food you feel good with. In addition, a intestine that is not irritated or inflamed will contribute to a more effective detoxification in the detoxification part of mercury. If you are not used to eating meat, then start with small meals, and preferably with long -term meat. Remember to use betaine HCL (mave acid) at the beginning of meals. You eat 3 times a day and until you get saturated every time. It can make sense to eat well with fat for the food and feel free to use some MCT oil or pure C8 oil (start with ½ teaspoon, and gradually increase) as Brainefect Rocket C8 oil.

What can you eat?
In this phase we will only eat meat, bird and fish with good fat. Avoid all blend products, eat only pure raw materials. We generally recommend that you try to use only organic sources, game and wild fish (avoid farming), which

reindeer, deer and moose
sheep, lamb
trout, cod, saithe, herring and mackerel

Good fat sources (In addition to choosing parts of the animal with good fat and often long -term roast on low heat):
Good butter, preferably organic (in late summer and early autumn, most of the butter produced in Norway is excellent as the cows most often graze out)
Organic rapeseed and olive oil (preferably raw but can be heated if the temperature is not high and the heating is not too long lasting)
coconut oil
MCT oil from coconut and preferably concentrated C8 oil (start with small portions as a small teaspoon)

good salt
freshly ground pepper
fresh herbs
chives in moderate doses
a little garlic (warms up and not much, not Chinese)
pressed organic lemon (both in water and to food)

Comment to taste
You can use Real Salt and Himalayas salt; You can grind pepper (make sure you do not have old pepper or spices that can contain fungal spores; it can create anxiety in the gut and destroy the good effect of the cure) and generally use fresh herbs (they should be organic or at least not treated With spray toxins.

Do not use any blend spices or "ready -made sauces" in this phase. Avoid shellfish and shells (like mussels).

Exception If you need some variety to keep the motivation up. Some need extra salt (which we have taken into account above). Others struggle to carry out a somewhat unilateral diet for 14 days. We can allow ourselves a day or two with some excuses without destroying the effect, but these should be limited and not contain toxins or molds.

Suggestions for deviations from the diet
Pick fresh blueberries, wild berries, wild strawberries, etc. in the woods, and enjoy a delicious dessert of the forest's delicacies once a week. You can also have 1 dinner a week where you have cooked up in advance (preferably organic) white rice and cool it all the way down (it then forms resistant starch), and then eat rice (you can warm it up again or eat it cold) to one or more meals one day of the week.

Normalization of diet and boot mercury tax
You now start at MerProtect® Protocol (1 week's cure), and you take the two main ingredients at least 1 hour before or after meals and 3 times a day (see description). If you get reactions, you spend more than 1 week, but if you go well, try using up both products in 1 week.

Normalization of diet
Your intestine is now usually calm, digestion stable and inflammation significantly reduced. Many who have followed this procedure have experienced that old problems with the intestine and hence various immune -related disorders have disappeared or significantly better, and that the quality of life has improved. At this time you have a good foundation to build on.

Gradually go over to a more variable diet
When you want to phase in a more common diet or normalize your diet, you may want to go a little calm, that is, to use the elimination principle to weed out foods that suit you poorly. Once you have found a diet that suits you well, the time has to be phased in your usual basic supplements again. It may also make sense to phase in one of these at a time, so you notice if there are any of those you do not enjoy, and maybe should replace or omit. A goal is to continue eating foods that our genes are adapted; Note that it consisted to a small extent of grain, fruits and other carbohydrates. In the Stone Age we were mostly hunters and sankers (read about this topic in the health magazine science and reason, vof.no). Nevertheless, we want a varied diet and to be able to include health -promoting plant growth and vegetables. We are all different and will thrive on a slightly different diet, but in general we all thrive on clean, solid foods with low sugar and carbohydrates and well with healthy fatty acids.

Tip! Start including steamed or lightly cooked vegetables that have a strong color, and one type per meal.


Make a list of food that you feel good and visa versa.
Let's say you love cauliflower (which has good active ingredients), so eat cauliflower for dinner for a few days. If it feels good and the stomach is calm and nice, you can add cauliflower to the list of foods you think you can tolerate well. If you come to a food you do not feel well after a few days, you add it to the list of foods you do not feel well with. Once you have reached a selection that constitutes about 30 percent vegetables and other foods in addition to your preferred animal protein sources, you have laid the foundation for just your "food" that you want to enjoy.

In general, we recommend that you avoid or consumes as little as possible of the following foods:
refined sugar
sweet fruits and drinks
potatoes (sweet potato is much better)
wheat and gluten
refined and broken milk products with low fat
All that is called "fat -reduced" and has low fat content (so -called light products)
blend products

Final comment on phase 3 and the entire protocol
You have been good and can pat yourself on your shoulder, and your body will probably thank you and in various ways show that it is better.

This is a good time for a health check
Feel free to take a good heavy metal and mineral test (like oligoscan/oligo lab), so you get an overview of how far you have reached during this period.
Maybe you get some positive surprises like better blood values, a more favorable weight and more energy, etc. Also, take a classic medical time with all blood tests.

Most people experience a positive improvement in their health situation
Most (who have been consistent) will be able to track positive changes in their health situation in many areas, but if you have lived for a while, your body has often accumulated heavy metals and other toxins, and perhaps incurred some chronic imbalances. In the upcoming phases, we will seek to contribute tools that can make you continue to have a positive development for many years to come, even if you are not as active with detoxification as for intensive periods.

If you take sensible measures and good habits, it gives results. If you let it be a lifestyle rather than a single "cure" you also get a long -term "payment" in better health

Will be coming soon. The finishes of our natural detoxification cycle will be published late summer 2020. We will the last two phase of the cycle go slightly outside the "box" and a little on the whole. This means, among other things. Tools and methods to reduce stress (that block detoxification, inhibit healthy hormone production and reduce quality of life), as well as measures for better hormone production. There will still be elements of detoxification in the phases. These two phases can be introduced at 2 weeks intervals, so that we in total (all phases) are completed in just over 6 months.

Stress limits quality of life and affects us on many levels. In the next phase, we will look more at how we can handle stress and concern in a better way.

Measurement before and afterby our Clinic for integrated medicine (preferably in combination with treatment), then you can follow the development and decide to intensify the effort or reduce it if you are satisfied with the results. If you already have multiple products and/or have completed similar cycles, we still recommend that you look over the phases and carry out the parts you have not done to enjoy the upcoming phases and the whole.


Good luck! We feel confident that you will experience many positive effects as long as you follow the natural cycle systematic health improvement phases from start to finish.

Uno Vita is increasingly using artificial intelligence for analyzes, summaries and design of articles. We do not take responsibility for possible errors in texts, articles or descriptions caused by human or computer technology (AI) errors, inaccuracies or lack of information in scientific and medical studies.

We encourage all readers to investigate all information critically to ensure that the content is correct. UNO Vita does not claim the medical effects of the products we sell, but we refer to publicly available research in accordance with the right to freedom of speech. The information on this website is only for information purposes and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content should not be used as a basis for diagnoses or selecting treatment forms. All information and material on this website is offered "as it is" without any guarantees, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implicit guarantees of salarability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-violation. Uno Vita disclaims all liability for losses or damage that may occur as a result of the use of information or products from this website. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified health care provider before starting any new treatment, dietary change or use of supplements. Any use of products or information from this website is done at your own responsibility.

The use of grants and treatments takes place at your own responsibilities and should always be done in consultation with a physician. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Appliances that require medical expertise should only be used by people with relevant education. The effect of the products may vary from person to person. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Keep out of reach of children. Uno Vita AS does not claim that our products can cure illness, regardless of any research suggesting this.

Freedom of expression 
Uno Vita reserves the right to share publicly available research and information on health and wellness technologies, natural substances, vitamins and the like. We do this with reference to national and international laws on freedom of speech, including: UN World Declaration of Human Rights (1948): Article 19 ensures the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of speech, including the freedom to receive and disseminate information without regard to boundaries. The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966): Article 19 emphasizes the right to freedom of speech and the freedom to apply, receive and notify information and ideas through various media. Norwegian Constitution § 100: Ensures freedom of speech, with certain restrictions on the sake of children's protection, privacy, public order and security. US First Amendment: Protects freedom of speech against state intervention and provides one of the strongest protections for free expression.

Uno Vita reserves the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of speech in line with these principles. 

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