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Neorythm - one scientific breakthrough

Uno Vita AS |

Neorhythm. Breakthrough in brain science.
Sleep better, stress down and increase the energy with this next generation gesture-controlled headband.

PEMF Elf (extremely low frequencies) biological influences
The frequencies below are the combination of tested frequencies in PEMF scientific research and proven effective, as well as the universal harmonic series that the GM scale model covers.
For example, many successful tests are performed with the 50 Hz frequency. It is one of the most advantageous and investigated frequencies in Europe. Still, after the GM scale, the nearest harmonic frequency is 48 Hz or 50.57 Hz (the 48 Hz we assumed they work better). We included these two in our frequency range.
Advice for those who love experimentation
Since each human organism is unique, they correspond to the effective frequencies only one median.
For each individual, the optimally effective frequency can vary. The frequencies also vary within the same individual to another time (bio -rhythm, more or less stressful days, personal problems, etc). Therefore, we recommend you experiment with nearby frequencies if the proposed median does not satisfy you. If you are struggling with anxiety, you may want to try 8 Hz first. And if you are not completely satisfied, use the lower or higher (9 Hz or 7 Hz) frequencies. Second, sometimes efficiency is increased by a higher or lower harmonious. This simply means using a frequency that is half of the selected frequency (first subharmonic). Or the one that is two or four times higher (first and third harmonious). If there is an acute problem (such as a panic attack or anxiety outbreak), you can first use a third harmonious (eg 32 Hz) for five minutes, then go to the first harmonic (in this case 16 Hz) in another 5 - 10 minutes, and finish with the basic (eg: 8Hz) frequency (for 30 minutes or so). If you want to elaborate on the relaxation, you can go to the first subharmonic, in our example, with 4 Hz, after 15 minutes.


1, 2, 3, 4 Hz => Promote Delta waves to improve deep sleep and deep relaxation. We also recommend this to fight anxiety, panic and other stressful emotional situations. 4 Hz is also beneficial for improving meditation and relaxation.
Positions: The head (forehead or top of the head), especially for meditation; Solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel) to overcome stressful emotional conditions.

2 Hz: Found to help nerve generation.
Position: The head or somewhere else where there are problems with nerves, such as in neuropathy. You should contact your doctor to know which and where the nerves in question are plagued. For example, with foot neuropathy (weird feelings by touch), the nerves of the feet and legs can be quite normal. But the problem lies in the spinal cord. If it is medically known where the spinal cord nerve is damaged, you can affect this site with neorythm for approx. 20 - 30 minutes per day. However, this influence cannot be a substitute for medical treatment; It only means caring support.
5, 6, 7 Hz: Meditation, Appreasement, introspection, memory improvement (Roberts et al. 2018), better learning. First try with 6 and then, if you are not satisfied, turn to 5 or 7, as recommended in the introduction.
Position: The head, the best is the frontal region (forehead), but other regions can also serve you. Just an experiment. Some deep states of mind can be achieved by stimulating Medulla Oblongata, which means you should set the neorhythm unit with the center at the bottom of the skull. To increase calm, use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

7.83 Hz: Schumann's Ground Frequency. Interestingly, it is off the GM harmonic scale, so if it does not work well, just go to the other harmonic (14.3 Hz) or to 8 Hz which is very close.
Position: anywhere on the head to improve the general well -being. You can also experiment with positions where you put the Neorhythm device just above the troublesome place at any part of the body. If you have a sick or bothered organ, follow your doctor's recommendations; However, neorhythm can continue to support regeneration and the body's self -healing capacity. For relaxation, tranquility and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of a head position, you can use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).
8Hz: Pain inhibition (Maestu, C.E. Pain), meditation, relaxation.
Position: Over the painful part of the body. Better more times per 20 minutes than just once in a long time. If possible (hand, foot, neck, leg, arm, shoulder ...), try putting the painful body part into the neorhythm unit. For meditation and relaxation, try with different positions on the head. We would recommend the positions already proposed for meditation. As an alternative, you can use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

8, 9, 10.1, 11.3, 12, 13.5 Hz (alpha area): Fight anxiety, search the frequency that suits you best. You can gradually turn from the highest (13.5 Hz, to match your EEG anxiety level the most) to the lowest (8 Hz).
Position: On the head or on the solar plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel). If on the head, sometimes sometimes (depending on special psychological conditions), the pan position will serve best, other times the opposite (centered at the bottom of the skull). Just an experiment.
10.1 Hz: Supporting for the recovery of the physiological balance in
head lost in migraine, clearer cognitive function, better memory and more focus; Restore the circadian rhythm, help with smoking cessation. Also help with tremor, tissue regeneration (Pawluk K.).
Position: Mostly on the head. For better memory, try the pans. When recovery of circadian rhythm, we recommend the scalp of the skull orientation. For anxiety problems, the top of the head's orientation showed encouraging results. When it comes to regeneration of the tissue, the neorhythm apparatus puts over the troubled body part.
12 Hz: Supporting for the recovery of the physiological balance in
Head lost in migraine increases peripheral blood flow, (Pawluk K.).
Position: On the head. We would recommend the position where the neorhythm unit is placed over the top of the head. However, you can experiment with other positions and see which ones suit you best. Regarding the improved peripheral blood flow, place the neorhythm unit on the limb that needs more blood (shows it by being pale).
14.3 Hz: 1. Schumann's resonance harmonic => General well -being enhancing, physical self -healing capacities.
Position: anywhere on the head to improve the general well -being. You can also experiment with positions where you put the Neorhythm device just above the troublesome place at any part of the body. If you have a sick or bothered organ, follow your doctor's recommendations; However, neorhythm can continue to support regeneration and the body's self -healing capacity. For relaxation, tranquility and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of a head position, you can use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Higher frequencies
16Hz: Supporting for the recovery of the physiological balance in
Head lost in migraine, also found in helping cell regeneration.
Position: For the balance in the head, the position should be on the head. To help the regeneration of cells, place the neorhythm unit over the troubled body part.

18 Hz: Useful for fighting obesity (Pawluk K.).
Position: On the head. We would recommend the position at the bottom of the skull. You can experiment with switching between this position and position of the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).
20.25 Hz: Helps against anxiety (Pawluk K.) and supports meditation for well -being (against depressive modes). You can also try 10.1 Hz since this is its first harmonious.
Position: Use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel) at the top of the head.
24 Hz: Treat this as a first subharmonic with 48 Hz frequency (see effects below) and a first harmonic of 12 Hz (see effects above), it is close to NOK 20.25 Hz to support meditation for well -being (against depressive) modes. This is also a central frequency belonging to the beta-brain wave band. Therefore, through the so -called Entrainment (resonance -based influence), it will increase vigilance and vigilance. This frequency also proved to be successful in promoting regeneration.
Position: The top of the head or forehead. You can also use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel). When it comes to regeneration of the tissue, the neorhythm unit puts over the troubled body part.

27.3 Hz: 3. Schumann's resonance harmonic => General well-being reinforcing, physical self-healing capacity, as a high beta-brain wave frequency increases vigilance and vigilance.
Position: anywhere on the head to improve the general well -being. You can also experiment with positions where you put the Neorhythm device just above the troublesome place at any part of the body. If you have a sick or bothered organ, follow your doctor's recommendations; However, neorhythm can continue to support regeneration and the body's self -healing capacity. For relaxation, tranquility and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of a head position, you can use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).
33.8 Hz: 4. Schumann's resonance harmonic => improves general well -being, improves physical self -healing capacities.
Position: anywhere on the head to improve the general well -being. You can also experiment with positions where you put the Neorhythm device just above the troublesome place at any part of the body. If you have a sick or bothered organ, follow your doctor's recommendations; However, neorhythm can continue to support regeneration and the body's self -healing capacity. For relaxation, tranquility and a general feeling of psychological balance, instead of a head position, you can use the Solar Plexus position (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).
40 Hz: The most important gamma wave ribbon frequency is of great importance for consciousness, conscious control, memorization and maintenance of a normal psyche. It was also found to help with Alzheimer's disease.
Position: The top of the head or forehead.

Frequencies that support meditation to well -being
48 Hz or 50.57 Hz: These frequencies were found to support meditation and conditions that counteract depression. It can also help with other problems, such as muscle and skeletal problems (eg tightened tendons, muscles, etc.), help with eye problems (such as conjunctivitis, blood circulation, even glaucoma), heart problems, tissue regeneration, improve cerebral blood flow In stroke patients, can enhance alpha waves in the brain (subharmonic effect), but reduce delta and theta (for deep relaxation, sleep. Application around testis can increase the production of testosterone, (Pawluk K.)).
Position: For meditation that fights depression and and strengthens wakefulness, orientation on top of the head or forehead. For eye problems, the pans. To regenerate tissue, place the neorhythm unit over the troubled body part. For wellness meditation that counteracts depression, you can try the position of Solar Plexus (5 inches (12 cm) above the navel).

Human organisms have variable sensitivity to magnetic fields. On one extreme we have so -called electromagnetic hypersensitive persons who have high sensitivity even for low -intensity fields. Usually, these EM fields are of very high frequency (microwave region) and unreconcilable (chaotic) pulses of intensity.

On the other hand, we have some of the population that can be predominant for magnetic field treatment. However, both extremes and the golden middle ground can benefit from very regular vibrant magnetic pulses offered by the neorhythm unit. A rhythmic pulsation of the magnetic field can reassure and support a hypersensitive person; On the other hand, through a long -term application, it can provoke the necessary and desired changes in a slightly sensitive organism. Since the sensitivity varies, we have prepared three different intensities, where you can start experimenting. They are 0.25 mt, 0.5 mt and 2.5 mt respectively. These are the intensities of the head or other places where the direct contact between the skin and the unit is established. If there is a need to experiment even with lower intensities, you can ever move the device further away from the body and look for optimal effects at the selected frequency or program. With the experimentation, you must take into account that the intensity falls with the square at the distance. In practice, this means that even with the highest intensity (2.5 mt), it becomes as low as the geomagnetic field at a distance of just 6 cm and a hundred times lower (2.5 µt) than the lowest neorhythm intensity (0 , 25 mt = 250) µt) at a distance of 150 cm. For example, if someone uses the sleep enhancement program, it can annoy him/her when the device has the device directly under the head. Therefore, he/she can put the unit on the edge of the bed. If it is 30 cm away and the intensity of the magnetic field flux on the unit is 2.5 mt. While the pulsed magnetic flux affecting the head will only be 0.18 %, ie to 0.0045 mt (4.5 µt). Since the geomagnetic field (although it is largely static, not as dynamic as PEMF produced by the neorhythm unit) has an average intensity of 25 µt to 65 µt, it should apply PEMF-sleeping field to have a sufficiently modest power to disable Annoying effects. At the same time, it is able to provoke sleep by its resonant rhythmic pulsation with very sensitive people. Therefore, with the Neorhythm unit you can play with a large number of intensities from virtually zero fields up to 2.5 mt. Three of these intensities are already built and free to choose from the device itself. The others can be achieved by moving the device away. At the beginning of getting used to the Neorhythm device, you can begin with the highest intensity after the programmed application. If you feel a little disturbed or annoyed, we will suggest switching to a lower field intensity (either 0.5 mt or 0.25 mt). If you still have a feeling that the device is causing irritations, try to distance it to half a meter. In other words, distances it from the body and observe the results. If there is no effect, try to move the closer body (head). At a specific time that can even vary from day to day or through weeks, you can find your optimal stimulation point.

See PEMF and depression
Disclaimer: Neorhythm is not a replacement for professional health or advice. We are not responsible for health problems that can follow from recommendations, activities or other information or events you learn or experience through the use of neorhythm. For all products or services recommended on this website, you should read carefully all product packaging and instructions you buy or intend to buy. You accept that you use neorhythm at your own risk. Information provided on this website and the use of any product or service from our website of you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the doctors or health professionals associated with our site. Information and statements regarding equipment mentioned here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness.

Neorhythm has more magnetic field producing coils than any other similar unit: 5. These coils correct separately and in harmony with specific areas of the brain (prefrontal cortex, temporal patches, the cerebellum, the parietal tag, the occipi cord) as well as different parts of the brain. The body to help with cellular recovery and regrowth. Neorhythm covers the largest and most precise stimulation area On the market today.

Neorhythm is the last innovation within the rapidly evolving field neuroscience, that uses a non-invasive magnetic method of neuromodulation to target specific areas of the brain to help the user reach a desired state of mind such as sleep, deep meditation or focus, as well as targeted specific body parts To increase oxygenation in the tissue to help with recovery.

Neural oscillations, also known as brain waves, are reflections of repetitive electrochemical activity in the brain and central nervous system. They are similar to acoustic and optical waves as they also have a specific frequency and amplitude. Every activity ours is reflected in the form of brainwav with a dominant frequency and supplied frequencies.

Our brain and body have an amazing ability to adapt to external frequencies. Neorhythm sends these frequencies using medium intensity magnetic fields and your body adapts to them. This results in a Perfect mental environment for sleep, meditation and focus, and a natural, drug -free way to help your body with recovery and regrowth.

Each of the 3 stimulation programs uses scientifically specific frequencies, based on dozens of scientific studies in vibrant electromagnetic therapy (PEMF) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (RTMS) worldwide, and many years of research.

Neorhythm sends these frequencies using medium intensity magnetic fields and the brain adapts to them, And creates a perfect mental environment for sleep, meditation, relaxation, focus, revitalization or help you live with chronic or acute pain.

Receaching 1000 backers will enable us to adjust stimulation frequencies that may help to live with Specific Sleep Disorders - and alleviate them more efficiently.

We invite you to learn more below about Li/HI RTMS and contribute what you can to make Neorhythm happen. Informed and engaged, we are all in this together!

Use OMNIPEMF products as directed in the instructions on our website (official page: or in the user guide.

Uno Vita AS
Exclusive in Scandinavia, contact us for cooperation, resale and or more information
+47 22 091880
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