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Ritm -ulm - waistcoat

kr 1.592 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Ritm -ulm - waistcoat - XL-XXL 54-58 Black is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.

Ritm-ulm Waistcoat is an innovative and non-invasive technology that provides very effective protection against both electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) radiation radiated by various electronic devices and modern technological devices. In addition to shielding the body from external radiation, Waistcoat has the unique ability to reflect the user's own electromagnetic radiation within the infrared and extremely high -frequency spectrum. This helps to normalize the body's energy exchange and support natural recovery processes, making Waistcoat an important tool for those who want to improve their general health and well -being in today's radiation -loaded environment.

Benefits of Ritm-ulm Waistcoat

  1. Protection against electromagnetic radiation: The vest is specially designed to protect the upper body from harmful electromagnetic and electrostatic radiation, which can cause imbalances in the body's natural bioelectric system. This protection can be decisive in an environment where many people are exposed to radiation from Wi-Fi, mobile phones, and other sources of RF radiation.

  2. Improved heat exchange and comfort: Waistcoat reduces the body's heat loss by reflecting infrared heat radiation back to the user. This helps maintain a normal body temperature and improve the body's natural heat exchange, especially favorably during periods of stress or increased physical activity.

  3. Reflection of the body's own radiation: A unique feature of Waistcoat is its ability to reflect the user's own electromagnetic radiation at extremely high -frequency levels. This reflection supports the balance of the body's energy system and can promote health at a cell and tissue levels by improving the natural energy stitch.

  4. Stress reduction and muscle relaxation: Waistcoat is effective in helping to regulate psycho-emotional disorders, which can improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety and increase the body's resistance to daily stress. It also helps to relieve muscle tension, making it ideal for people with muscle or stress-related ailments.

  5. Personal ease of use and versatility: The product is light, comfortable, and can be used while walking, sitting, lying or sleeping. Waistcoat is specially designed for individual use and can easily be taken with anywhere, making it a practical tool for daily protection against radiation.

Technical specifications

  • Materials: Waistcoat is made of multi -layered metalized film, covered with a mixture of natural materials such as wool and cotton. These materials provide both radiation protection and thermal comfort.
  • Wireless/RF shielding: 8 - 40 GHz, covering the most common frequencies of wireless technology, including Wi -Fi and mobile phone signals.
  • Size and weight: Waistcoat is designed to be light and portable, making it easy to use both at home and on the go.

How it works Ritm-ulm waistcoat works by reflecting the body's own electromagnetic radiation. This gives the body the opportunity to regulate its energy exchange in a more balanced way, which can promote better health and recovery. By redistributing the surface charge of the body, Waistcoat also reduces muscle tension and contributes to better circulation.

Application Waistcoat is especially useful for people who work or live in high radiation environments, such as offices with many electronic units or homes with a lot of wireless technology. It can also be used by people seeking to improve their general health, either through stress reduction, better sleep or muscle relaxation.

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  • The UN World Declaration of Human Rights (1948): Article 19 ensures the right to freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.
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