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Mitovit Hypoxic Training

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Mitovit® IHHT (Interval Hypoxia Training) Hypoxia Training
Take advantage of the benefits now!

The method of interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT), a special altitude training, is oxygen training to increase energy. The body is supplied with air with alternating high (hyperoxia) and little (hypoxia) oxygen. The process is a kind of training for the cells and has a rejuvenating effect on the mitochondria. Mitochondria are crucial for our energy supply and thus also for the entire metabolism. In addition to the increase in cell energy, there is also an improvement in stress resistance and the ability to regenerate and the stimulation of the immune system. MITOVIT® Interval Hypoxia Training is one of the most modern altitude training devices.

Effects of the therapy includes:
Shortening regeneration times, strengthening the immune system, increasing performance (physical and mental), activating fat metabolism, anti-aging, improving sleep quality

Can be used for:

  • Anti-aging
  • Sports and recovery
  • Improving oxygenation of tissue and cells
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Burnout
  • Fatigue (including CFS and ME)
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Blood pressure problems
  • Migraines / headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Obesity / insulin resistance
  • Normalization of the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism
  • Sleep disorders
  • Micronutrient deficiency
  • Improved aerobic capacity
  • Normalizing PSA levels
  • Autonome nerve system imbalance (ANS)
  • and much more….

Mitovit® IHHT Hypoxia Training
HHT treatment is a form of cell training in which damaged mitochondria are broken down and the production of new healthy mitochondria is stimulated. This has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of our body, because they need the energy from the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of our cells. IHHT breathing therapy stimulates the production of new mitochondria and makes it possible to destroy weakened mitochondria. Hypoxia therapy or hypoxia training complements our range of treatments for health, well-being and beauty from the inside out.

Mitovit® IHHT hypoxia training, also called interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT) is a cell training. It involves alternately inhaling oxygen-rich air (hyperoxic phase) and exhaling oxygen-depleted air (hypoxic phase) through a breathing mask. The therapy has been shown to optimize energy production in the cells. The targeted use of oxygen triggers a short-term lack of oxygen in the cells (hypoxia), which noticeably promotes the body's own adaptation and self-healing process. Meanwhile, the mitochondria in the cells also multiply, which leads to an improved energy supply and slows down the aging process. The weaker mitochondria are broken down by the cells during hypoxia training, making room for new mitochondria. This hypoxia training describes a gentle, non-invasive method of cell and body renewal. Hypoxia training has a positive effect on the entire body, starting with the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, respiration, lung function, immune system, hormones, metabolism, physical and mental performance, and weight regulation.

Nobel Prize in Medicine for Hypoxia Research
In 2019, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three scientists, William Kaelin, Gregg Semenza and Peter Ratcliffe. They have discovered molecular mechanisms that enable cells to measure oxygen levels and recognize when adaptive responses become necessary. Hypoxia, in particular, contributes to positive reactions that help the body supply all organs and organ systems with sufficient oxygen.

In his 2012 publication, Gregg Semenza documented the influence of hypoxia on mitochondrial function and showed that under hypoxic conditions, autophagy of weakened mitochondria is accelerated and the formation of new mitochondria is stimulated. Science now assumes that a large part of civilization and chronic diseases, in addition to an autonomic imbalance, are closely related to damaged mitochondria. The studies of the three Nobel Prize winners now explain the many positive
experiences of the users of the hypoxic training.

MITOVIT® is one of the most modern hypoxic training systems on the market. Although the training is carried out at rest, the effects of the altitude training known from competitive sports can be achieved through the targeted use of low-oxygen air.

Altitude training for everyone. Increasing vitality
Promoting health. Improving well-being

The effects of altitude training.

In endurance sports, altitude training (hypoxic training) has long been known as a measure to improve performance and has therefore been used successfully by many competitive athletes for decades.

What changes with increasing altitude?

With increasing altitude the air pressure decreases. This results from a reduced number of oxygen molecules in the breathing air. A cubic meter of breathing air at altitude has a lower proportion of oxygen than at sea level. This means that with increasing altitude, the oxygen content in the breathing air gradually decreases, and in simple terms, the air becomes thinner. With increasing altitude, the organism receives less and less oxygen per breath. The body therefore tries to keep up with this by faster breathing and an increased pulse rate in order to supply all cells with sufficient oxygen.

Why is altitude training effective?
In height training, the body primarily adapts to the oxygen-depleted air (hypoxia) through the increased production of red blood cells (erythrocytes). With an increased number of red blood cells, more oxygen can be transported through the body, the muscles and ultimately into the cells. This results in a significant increase in performance.

Is altitude training intended only for competitive athletes?
The use of altitude training has long since ceased to be exclusive for competitive sports. Many doctors, nonmedical practitioners, therapists, fitness studios and health-conscious people use the profitable effects of high altitude training for their own benefit or for the benefit of their patients. Height training is said to have a multitude of health-promoting properties, especially in the therapeutic field. In addition to improving the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, it should also lead to faster regeneration of the mitochondria, lower blood pressure and stimulate the fat metabolism, thus accelerating weight reduction.

Do I have to go to the mountains for altitude training?
Thanks to 21st century technology, this is no longer an absolute necessary. MITOVIT® Hypoxic Training allows you to simulate altitude training at any time, relaxed and at rest. At intervals, low-oxygen and normal air or oxygen-rich air is breathed via a breathing mask. MITOVIT® is one of the most advanced hypoxic training systems on the market. It is easy to use, allows quick visual control of the training progress and offers you an integrated real-time HRV measurement with parasympathetic activity display.

MITOVIT® – The Training System

  • Best housing insulation
  • Allows quiet atmosphere and
  • Optimal relaxation during
  • Hypoxic training session
  • Determines the optimal training conditions with the help of the fully automatic hypoxia test
  • Automatic adjustment of oxygen delivery in biofeedback mode to achieve optimal training range
  • Highest safety due to two synchronized pulse oximeters
  • More efficient training due to the unique adaptive hyperoxia
  • Clearly visualizes whether the training is within the ideal range
  • Very mild hypoxia from 18 % O2 for sensitive persons
  • Highest reliability due to pure cable connections
  • Stores the individual training
  • Settings to make 100% delegation possible
  • Intuitive user interface with
  • Capacitive touch display for
  • Quick and easy operation
  • Visualizes the altitude meters and the corresponding oxygen concentration for increased compliance
  • Manufacturing according to the latest standards
  • Made in Germany

Due to its intuitive operation, MITOVIT® hypoxic training can be delegated 100%.

MITOVIT® – The training system product Specifications

  • 15.6 Inch Full HD Touch Screen Monitor
  • 2 soft, very comfortable portable pulse oximeters
  • 10 breathing masks
  • 10 Bacteria/virus filter
  • 1 Device protection filter
  • 1 breathing hose
  • 1 chest strap, ECG accurate

Marketing initial equipment fully automatic hypoxia test for a safe start of training individualizable hypoxia test: SpO2 target value adjustable between 77 % - 93 % three training modes: manual setting or selectable as biofeedback program:
• hypoxia – normoxia
• hypoxia – hyperoxia
• hypoxia – adaptive hyperoxia
Optional: Start with hyperoxia

Oxygen concentration settings
• hypoxia: from 18 - 9 % oxygen
• normoxia: 21 % oxygen
• hyperoxia: 30 % oxygen
SpO2 target value biofeedback mode: adjustable between 75% and 93%
SpO2 safety value biofeedback mode: adjustable between 73% and 92%
O2 safety value Biofeedback mode: automatically 1.0 % below the determined
O2 value of the hypoxia test

Intuitive software

  • Integrated real-time professional HRV with display of parasympathetic activity
  • High relaxation comfort thanks to low noise level
  • Humidified breathing air for comfortable breathing
  • Integrated oxygen concentrator, no exchange of oxygen cylinders necessary
  • Continuous recording of measurement data
  • Capacity of unlimited storage of patients possible
  • Capacity of unlimited storage of training sessions possible
  • Automatic backup of the measurement data
  • Export of training reports via USB stick
  • Database backup via USB stick
  • Simultaneous recording of SpO2 via two pulse oximeters for maximum patient safety
  • Size approx. (W x H x D): 45 cm, 106 cm, 37 cm
  • Weight: approx. 60 kg

Training during relaxation
The MITOVIT® hypoxic training takes place completely relaxed, preferably in a semi-recumbent position. Low-oxygen and oxygen-rich/normoxic air is breathed at intervals via a breathing mask.
Oxygen saturation is measured in parallel via two pulse oximeters to ensure the greatest possible safety at all times. General hypoxia tolerance varies greatly from person to person. Therefore, before the first hypoxic training, the fully automated hypoxia test integrated in the MITOVIT® system should be performed to determine the oxygen concentration individually for the person. The breathing mask offers optimal wearing comfort and is easy to put on. The two pulse oximeters should be attached to the same hand. These are extra soft and comfortable to wear. Due to the long cable, there is great freedom of movement during training. The graphic below shows the visualization of the hypoxia test. In the third hypoxia phase, the oxygen concentration of 12.5% was used to reach an 85% oxygen saturation. Subsequently, the process continues in biofeedback mode.

Fully automatic hypoxia test
By default, the hypoxia test is started with an oxygen concentration of 15%. The oxygen content is then reduced by 0.5% every 2 1/2 minutes. This continues until an oxygen saturation in the blood of 85% or the set value between 77% - 93% SpO2 is reached. MITOVIT® stores this value in the background and performs a biofeedback session for the remaining time. In the fully automatic hypoxia test, MITOVIT® gets to know the person and stores the individual values determined for him, so that the subsequent training sessions can be optimized fully automatically.

Intuitive user interface
MITOVIT® offers you an intuitive user interface so that you or your practice personnel can easily operate the system and make the correct settings.

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