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PHIWAVES nano diamond 5G (Jewel)

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PHIWAVES 5G nano diamond Jewel (hand made)
A state-of-the-art device manufactured with graphene and laser technology, improving its performance and protection range. All we have to do is carry it with us. It protects us from the electromagnetic radiation we come into contact with through wireless networks, computers, mobile masts, radars, 5G, etc


  • It protects us from the electromagnetic radiation given off from wireless networks (Wi-Fi,...), computers, microwaves, electricity lines, mobile masts, radars, satellites, scanners, 5G, etc.
  • It protects us from electromagnetic contamination when we travel on airplanes, trains, electric cars, etc.
  • It also protects us from disruptions that occur through shifts in the earth's electromagnetic field.
  • Unlimited service life, as long as the internal structure is not damaged.
  • They are passive transducers and do not filter or store radiation.
  • Does not require any maintenance.
  • Incorporates NANO DIAMOND and LASER TECHNOLOGY, making it particularly effective in protection from radiation.

You just need to stick it to the back of the mobile or use it as a pendant. The device automatically starts working when it comes into contact with electromagnetic radiation.

Operating range: 100 cm. approx
Dimensions: 3,6 (diameter) x 4 cm.
Weight: 30 grs. aprox.
Service life: Continues to work if kept in perfect condition of use.


  • PRANAN devices are certified by Tüv Rheinland according to European Directive 2001/95/EC, guaranteeing compliance with all safety requirements. 
  • Technology patented with the title “Electromagnetic radiation protection” no. CC P: ES 2401873 A1. International Patent Classification: H01Q 17/00 (2006.01) A61N 1/16 (2006.01).
  • Quality Certificate from Tüv Rheinland according to ISO:9001, with registration no.: 0.01.13341.
  • Certificate issued by Tüv Rheinland according to Directive 1999/5/EC, Annex II of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment.
  • Certified with the CE marking by Tüv Rheinland).

Pranan Technology is primarily based on developing methods and systems aimed to identify and decode electromagnetic radiations potentially harmful to human health.
To understand operation of processes used in Pranan devices first it must be accepted that living beings are biochemical and bioelectrical structures. So, each living cell behaves as an electrical dipole due to the difference in electrical potential of the cells membrane (ranging between -10 and -100 Mv). The physiological body, made of atoms, molecules and cells is also composed of a plasma biofield made of positively and negatively ionized particles.

Electromagnetic waves surrounding the enviroment, which for centuries have been part of the planet ecosystems balance, have been dramatically increased along the last hundred years by the emission of low (non-ionizing) medium and high frequency waves issued from manmade technologies that have not generally considered that necessary balance for human welfare on Earth.Pranan Technologies sets a new vision to overcome and transform the environmental changes caused by the overload of non-ionizing and over-ionizing electromagnetic waves.In the human body, the above referred changes can alter the correct functions of the nervous system and can therefore influence the energy field and biological efficiency of the organism.The characteristic sympoms of these disorders manifest in fatigue, apathy, insomnia, psychological and psychic blockages and so on.

Passive Converters
Pranan Technology uses passive converters systems, which act compensating disturbances generated by electromagnetic waves caused by non-ionizing radiation emitted from external sources, transforming the negative effects they produce at biological levels, in a counterbalanced way.

The device uses a technology that interacts with non-ionizing radiation sources without modifying it, inducing in a secondary way the re-emission of ultra weak electromagnetic waves, which transform the influence of non-ionizing radiation neutralizing the harmful effects they produce, enabling the return of the cells to an energy equilibrium position.

Pranan device acts re-emitting ultra weak electromagnetic signals that are recognized by the cells in our body. The body cells react externally to these signals perceiving them as own specific "commands" of communication and interaction of their vital functions.

The device re-emits "Ultra Weak Fields" causing "interference information" that enables mutual interaction, facilitating communication of compensated synchronic signals that restore cellular functions communicated by small electrical impulses.

Pranan Technology makes it possible to counterbalance radiation produced by mobile phones making it compatible with people using this technology, allowing the body to eliminate the effects caused by these disturbances, restoring the biological natural rhythms and regulation values.

The devices incorporate technology patented and developed by Pranan Technologies. This technology has been analysed at various research centres and universities. To date, it is indeed the only technology that has been proven effective by research centres and universities with internationally approved research protocols. Below are the scientific reports, as well as the presentations made at the Pamplona College of Physicians. 

The University of Granada Biomedical Research Centre (Research Group CTS-101: “Intercellular Communications”) carried out biochemical studies on the effectiveness of Pranan technology to neutralise the effects low intensity radiation in the human organism has on our body. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application efficiency of the technology developed and patented by Pranan Technologies and incorporated in a number of devices. The study concludes that our technology provides excellent direct protection for humans against injury by low-intensity radiation (mobile phones, Wi-Fi, cordless telephones, telephone antennas) without causing any harmful side effects, which provides for improved physiological condition in the subjects. biochemical study on pdf SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION:1st part2nd part3rd part
Tomas Ortiz Alonso, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at the School of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, coordinated a bio-electrical study to test the effectiveness of Pranan technology to neutralise the effects of electromagnetic fields on cerebral bioelectrical activity. The study concludes that the effect of this technology is of such magnitude in terms of neuro-functional coherence and provides significant differences in a large majority of areas of the brain that its effectiveness can be justified as a means of modifying certain cerebral oscillations due to electromagnetic fields. bioelectric study on pdf SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION: 1st part2nd part3rd part 
Pranan technology has also been tested using Dr. K. Korotkov’s GDV-EPC bio-electrography, a technology developed at St. Petersburg State University (Russia). Analysis of the data obtained in that research concludes that when using mobile telephony, devices incorporating Pranan technology protect the human energy field and the meridian system and in fact goes beyond protection to actually improving the person’s energy balance. bio-electrographic study on pdf

The technology developed and patented by Pranan Technologies and incorporated in devices to ensure protection against electromagnetic radiation has been the object of numerous studies and analysis by different technology centres and universities.

Fidel Franco Gonzalez, Professor of the Department of Applied Physics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), carried out a research project on the physical-mathematical functioning of Pranan technology. In his working hypothesis, he concluded that this technology is able to capture ambient energy and filter it so that it is received by the person in the form of very low-frequency, non-hertz waves, thus contributing to a better balance versus external fields that tend to destabilise it. upc study report on pdf 
The Nanogune Technology Centre, specialists in nanoscience research, analysed one of the technology circuits developed by Pranan Technologies using Raman spectroscopy and X-rays, in order to identify the use of graphene oxide in the circuit. In its final report, Nanogune refers to the identification and existence of graphene oxide in the technology developed by Pranan Technologies. nanogune report on pdf 

Pranan Technologies has achieved a scientific milestone by becoming the only company to have published the results of research studies that demonstrate its effectiveness as an efficient protector against electromagnetic radiation in a scientific journal.

The European Journal of Integrative Medicine has published the research studies conducted out by the University of Granada Centre for Biomedical Research (Research Group CTS-101: “Intercellular Communications”) on the efficacy of technology developed and patented by Pranan Technologies for neutralising the harmful effects on the body of electromagnetic radiation (mobile phones, Wi-Fi, cordless telephones, telephone antennas). Acceptance for publication was achieved after several months’ analysis, study, and ‘peer review’ (method used to validate written papers for the purpose of assessing their quality, originality, feasibility, and scientific rigour prior to publication) by the publishers and editorial board of the “European Journal of Integrative Medicine”, in which they featured outstanding scientists and University professors at prestigious institutions such as the Georgetown University School of Medicine (USA), the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), the Sydney University of Technology (Australia), or the University of Southampton (UK), among many others. scientific paper on pdf

OTHER PUBLICATIONS. DSALUDIn issue no. 155, the scientific journal “Discovery Salud” publishes an extensive article entitled “Effective anti-radiation device developed”. The article analyses the problem of electromagnetic pollution and proposes Pranan technology as one of the solutions to protect people against electromagnetic radiation. dsalud article on pdf

The specialist journal “International Journal of Advanced Complementary and Traditional Medicine” has chosen to publish an article entitled “Technology for protection against ambient electromagnetic fields” written and developed by U.S. biophysicist and scientist James L. Oschman. The research explores the mechanisms which make Pranan devices effective means of protecting the body from electromagnetic radiation.pdf scientific publication
Read more about Pranan EMF protection technology her!

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