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Spinor and Verdana Geo technologies (EMF protection)

Jan Fredrik Poleszynski |


In a world where technological development leads to ever-increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from electronic devices and infrastructure such as mobile phones, base stations, Wi-Fi networks, wind generators, and power grids, there has been a growing concern around the possible health effects of this The radiation. Electromagnetic fields can interact with human bioshot and disrupt cellular functions, leading to negative effects such as chronic fatigue, sleep problems, impaired immune systems and in some cases more severe health problems such as cancer. In addition to the technological EMF sources, there are also natural sources of harmful energy fields in the form of geopathic stress zones and geodynamic zones. These are natural underground disorders in the Earth's electromagnetic fields that can be reinforced by technological installation and increase the risk of health problems.


Spinor and Verdana Geo technologies protect against electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and torsion fields, which are linked to health effects such as fatigue, sleep disorders and immune problems. The technologies use principles from quantum physics and torsion field theory to restructure harmful fields and improve environments. Spinor focuses on personal protection against radiation from devices such as mobile phones, while Verdana Geo neutralizes torsion fields in larger areas, such as home and workplaces. The combination of these technologies provides protection against both technological and natural EMF sources.

The technologies Spinor and Verdana Geo have been developed to provide protection against these effects by using principles from torsional field theory, quantum physics and biophysics. By transforming harmful torsion fields and electromagnetic radiation into more stable and harmless forms, these technologies offer solutions for both individual protection and harmonization of entire environments.

Electromagnetic fields and torsion fields

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)

Electromagnetic fields are created by all electrical appliances and wireless communication devices, such as mobile phones, computers and Wi-Fi routers. The invisible energy fields formed around such units are a constant part of modern life, but the possible health risks related to long -term exposure to EMF are constantly subject to research. Concerns include headaches, sleep disorders, fatigue, and even more severe conditions such as tumors or DNA damage. Already in 1996, the World Health Organization (WHO) established a project to investigate the effects of the EMF, and studies have since documented negative biological effects in exposure.


Torsion fields are energy fields that occur as a result of rotational movement, and they have unique properties that set them apart from electromagnetic fields. Research conducted in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine and Russia, has proposed that torsional fields may affect biological systems by disrupting DNA and cellular communication. Torsion fields can exist in both natural geopathic zones and as a result of technological installation, and they can propagate over large distances via underground water currents and other geodynamic features of the earth's structure. This can have harmful effects on humans and animals staying in such areas.

Geopathic stress zones and technological reinforcement of torsion field

Geopathic stress zones refer to natural disorders in the earth's electromagnetic fields, often caused by underground water currents, mineral deposits, or geological faults. When these zones are combined with modern technological structures, such as base stations for mobile phones or wind turbines, severe torsion fields can occur that aggravate the natural disorders and increase the health problems for both humans and animals staying in these areas.

Examples of health effects in geopathic zones

A young woman who moved into an apartment built over a geodynamic zone experienced insomnia, chronic fatigue and hair loss. Her doctor thought it was due to stress, but later it was discovered that the apartment was in a place with strong left -stringing torsional fields (left -wing TF).

A woman in France experienced three spontaneous abortions after moving to a house that lay in a geopathic stress zone. This area was affected by intersecting geodynamic zones that caused a strong torsion field.

On a farm in Brittany, France, cows began to get sick, and the milk quality was significantly reduced. It turned out that the farm was at intersecting geodynamic zones, and the torsion field was further reinforced by mobile phone antennas installed nearby.

Spinor technology: restructuring of torsion field

Spinor technology is developed in Ukraine and uses torsional field theory to protect humans and animals from the harmful effects of EMF. Using specific geometric designs and materials, spinor restructures harmful torsion fields created by electronic devices and base stations for stable, harmless patterns. This protects biological systems from the negative effects from the left rotating torsional field that occurs by electromagnetic radiation.

Mechanism of action for spinor technology

Information resignation: Spinor units change the harmful information patterns carried in torsion fields, creating more stable fields that do not interfere with the body's biofelt.

Harmonization of the biofelt: Technology helps the body restore natural cellular communication and metabolic processes by reducing stress caused by distorted electromagnetic radiation.

Protection of the immune system: Studies show that the use of spinor technology helps to improve the immune response, including an increase in lymphocytes and normalization of immunoglobulins (IG A, IG M, G).

Spinor devices can be used on personal devices such as mobile phones and laptops, as well as in environments with high levels of electromagnetic radiation. Technology has been shown to improve user health, including reduced fatigue, improved sleep quality and reduced risk of diseases.

Specific effects from mobile phones and base stations

Base stations and mobile phones emit not only electromagnetic fields, but also torsion components that can cause serious health problems. Studies show that mobile phone use can reduce the number of active sperm by up to 30 % after a year and a half, and DNA damage from UMTS (3G) is registered 40 times lower than allowed exposure levels. Spinor technology protects users by neutralizing these harmful effects and reduces the risk of long-term damage from radiation.

Verdana Geo technology: Environmental protection and harmonization

Verdana Geo technology is designed to protect entire environments, such as home and jobs, from harmful EMF and torsion field. This technology neutralizes the harmful effects of geopathic stress zones and technologically induced torsion fields by installing devices in strategic locations, such as at mobile phone stations or wind turbines.

Mechanism of action for Verdana Geo technology

Neutralization of geopathic stress zones: By placing Verdana Geo units in intersecting geodynamic zones or by base stations, the harmful left-stringing torsion fields are neutralized.

Improvement of animal health: In farms where animals such as cows and pigs were affected by torsional fields from technological installations, health was significantly improved after the installation of Verdana Geo units. The milk quality of farms in Brittany, France, was normalized after the units were installed and the outbreaks of the disease among the animals decreased.

Combination of Spinor and Verdana Geo

When Spinor technology is combined with Verdana GEO units, it provides a comprehensive solution to neutralize both individual EMF sources and harmful torsion fields from technological structures such as base stations and wind power plants. In France, research has shown that by combining spinor with Verdana units, a significant reduction in torsion fields and an improvement in health in humans and animals living or working in areas affected by technological torsion fields was achieved.

Quantum Physics and Contribution: A theoretical Explanation

The spinor and Verdana Geo technologies are based on principles of quantum physics, especially the phenomenon of wave-particle duality and quantum filtering. Photons, which carry electromagnetic radiation, have both particle and wave properties, and can affect biological systems at the quantum level. When photons transfer torsion information, they can create a protective field around devices, and in some cases this protection can be transmitted to other devices nearby through quantum delivery.

This phenomenon has been observed in trials where a protected device, such as a mobile phone with spinor technology, transfers the protection to another device nearby that does not have a protective unit installed. This opens up new opportunities in the development of protective technology based on quantum principles.

Quantity Deleporting: A new limit for protective technology

One of the most exciting opportunities that has arisen from research on spinor technology is the phenomenon of quantum delepning. This means that the protective field from a unit can be transferred to other devices nearby, even if they do not have their own protective devices installed. This is done because of the photons' ability to carry torsional information via quantum filtering, which creates an effective protection that can be shared between multiple units. Research shows that a mobile phone with spinor device can protect other devices near torsion field through this mechanism.


Spinor and Verdana Geo technologies represent an innovative approach to protection against the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and torsion fields. With the support of quantum physics and spinor and Verdana Geo technologies, an advanced defense against electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and torsion fields, which is associated with both technological and natural radiation sources. These technologies use principles from quantum physics and torsion field theory to neutralize harmful fields from mobile phones, base stations and geopathic stress zones. By restructuring torsion fields to create more stable energy patterns, Spinor offers the individual level protection, while Verdana Geo ensures environmental protection in homes and jobs. The technology can also transform left -spinning torsion fields into more favorable right -wing fields.

It is important to understand that the research on torsional fields and the theoretical understanding of the theme, as well as quantum physics and the origin of our physical universe is by no means complete. The theories presented within our foremost science are just this, theories as we humans still could not detect basic explanations of what is matter? Is there really matter? Modern research can do and observe the effects of various phenomena such as technology and electromagnetic radiation. Based on the effects, for example, we can say with certainty that different shapes radiation have effects we can detect and document. Furthermore, the effects of protective technology can be detected such as spinor technology. The theories presented here are the best theories that can explain the phenomena we see around us at all times.


Pavlenko, A. (2019). Methods and Protection Devices Against Torsion Radiation: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. Acta Scientific.

Akimov, A.E. (1997). Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations. Russian Academy of Sciences.

Pavlenko, A. (2019). Methods and Protection Devices Against Torsion Radiation: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. Acta Scientific.

Rein, G. (1994). Biological Interactions With Non-Classical Electromagnetic Fields: DNA and Cell Research. Research Quantum Laboratory.

Sokolova, v.a. (1982). The Effect of Torsion Fields on Membrane Conductivity in Tissue Cells. Russian Biophysical Journal.


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