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About carbogen therapy and oxidative stress in cancer treatment

Jan Fredrik Poleszynski |

About carbogen therapy and oxidative stress in cancer treatment

Introduction to Carbogen and co2-therapy

Carbogen therapy, a mixture of 95 % oxygen and 5 % carbon dioxide (CO2), is a therapeutic method that promotes oxygen supply to tissue by exploiting Bohr effect. This process means that CO2 Lowering the hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen, so oxygen is released more effectively to tissue. This is especially useful in wood with low oxygen saturation, such as cancerous tumors and damaged tissue.

Carbogen is often used in combination with other cancer treatments such as radiation, increasing the oxygen content of cancer cells, which improves treatment outcome. At the same time has pure co2-Ithalation therapy was shown to improve oxygen utilization at cell -level by stimulating deeper breathing and improving blood flow. Carbogen can use with a number of other anti -cancer therapies where you seek and get the best oxygen saturation of the tissue. Combinations with HBOT etc. may be relevant.

Physiological benefits of carbogen therapy

  1. Improved oxygen supply via the BOHR effect: Increased co2 leads to a displacement of oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, providing increased oxygen delivery to areas with low oxygen supply such as hypoxic tumors or damaged tissue. This can be crucial in the treatment of serious diseases such as cancer and stroke, where oxygen is a key factor in tissue healing and combating cell damage.

  2. Improved blood circulation: Co2 promotes the expansion of the blood vessels (vasodilating), which improves blood circulation in areas with reduced blood flow, such as in the case of diseases that Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ischemia and sudden hearing loss. This increases oxygen saturation in cells and tissues suffering from oxygen deficiency.

  3. Neurological and respiratory benefits:
    • Neurological protection: Increased cerebral blood flow as a result of carbogen therapy may have neurobic protective effects in conditions such as stroke and traumatic brain damage. This helps to reduce damage and support tissue recovery.
    • Respiratory improvement: In diseases such as COPD and asthma, carbogen stimulates deeper breathing, improves oxygen uptake and reduces shortness of breath.

  4. Adjuvans in cancer treatment: Carbogen therapy is often used in combination with radiotherapy. Tumors that thrive in hypoxic environments are usually more resistant to radiation. By improving oxygen saturation with carbogen therapy, the production of Reactive oxygen compounds (ROS), which makes cancer cells less resistant during radiation therapy or other anti -cancer therapy that promotes the formation of praise in cancer cells.

Protocols for carbogen therapy

  1. Sudden hearing loss:
    • Protocol: 15-30 minutes, 2-3 times daily for 7-10 days.
    • Mechanism: Increased blood flow to the inner ear helps to regenerate damaged hair cells and can restore hearing.

  2. Cancer:
    • Protocol: 5-10 minutes before each radiation therapy throughout the course of treatment.
    • Mechanism: Increased oxygen supply to cancer cells improves the effect of radiation by increasing ROS production.

  3. COPD and respiratory diseases:
    • Protocol: 5-15 minutes once twice daily, depending on the symptoms.
    • Mechanism: Improved oxygen supply and reduced shortness of breath by stimulating deeper breathing.

  4. Neurological conditions (stroke, traumatic brain damage):
    • Protocol: 15-20 minutes daily for several weeks as part of a rehabilitation program.
    • Mechanism: Increased oxygenation of the brain protects nerve cells and contributes to the recovery of damaged brain tissue.

Natural substances that promote oxidative stress in cancer cells

Several natural substances have been shown to either increase the production of praise in cancer cells or to weaken their antioxidant defense, making them vulnerable to oxidative stress and cell death (apoptosis) and:::

  1. Chumine:
    • Source: Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)
    • Effect: Promotes ROS production and reduces glutation levels, an important antioxidant in cancer cells.

  2. Quercetin:
    • Source: Onions, apples, berries, green tea
    • Effect: Increases ROS levels and inhibits heat shock proteins that protect cancer cells.

  3. EGCG (epigallocathekingallat):
    • Source: Green tea
    • Effect: Promotes ROS production and reduces the ability of cancer cells to repair oxidative damage.

  4. Resveratrol:
    • Source: Red wine, grapes, berries
    • Effect: Works as a pro oxidant in cancer cells and increases praise, which promotes apoptosis.

  5. High -dosed vitamin C:
    • Effect: Works as a pro oxidant by producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in cancer cells, which lack catalase, unlike normal cells. This leads to ROS-induced cell death.
      If you do not use a sufficiently high dose, vitamin C can have the opposite effect (protecting cancer cells from oxidation). Intravenous vitamin C will be the safest, although it is possible to achieve high serum/tissue concentrations using professional liposomal vitamin C products often, often in combination with vitamin C powder in water.

  6. Sulforafan:
    • Source: Broccoli and cross -blossomed vegetables
    • Effect: Promotes praise and inhibits the ability of cancer cells to neutralize oxidative stress.

  7. Tymokinon:
    • Source: Black seed oil (Nigella sativa)
    • Effect: Increases praise and reduces glutation levels, leading to apoptosis.

Combination treatments with oxidative stress

Carbogen therapy can be combined with other oxidative stress-inducing therapies to improve the effect:

  1. Carbogen + Radiation Treatment: Increased oxygenation from carbogen improves the ability of the radiation to generate praise and damage cancer cells.

  2. Carbogen + Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): Increased oxygen supply improves ROS production in photodynamic therapy, which increases the sensitivity of the cancer cells for light-activated cell death.

  3. Nicotinamide + carbogen: Nicotinamide inhibits the ability of the cancer cells to repair DNA damage from ROS. The combination with carbogen makes tumors even more vulnerable.

Security and contraindications

Carbogen- and co2-Therapies are safe when administered correctly, but should be carefully monitored, especially for patients with respiratory problems or anxiety. Some may experience discomfort with increased co2-levels. In home -based co2-Therapies should be closely monitored protocols.


Carbogen therapy, combined with oxidative stress-inducing treatments such as radiation, photodynamic therapy and natural substances such as churcumin, nicotinamide and high-dosed vitamin C, represents an advanced approach to cancer treatment. By increasing oxygen levels in hypoxic tumors, carbogen improves ROS production, making cancer cells more vulnerable to apoptosis. The combination of such treatments maximizes their effect and reduces damage to healthy cells. The above are examples and not intended to be a treatment proposal, all cancer treatment in Norway should and must be performed by an approved oncologist. 

Properly used, these treatments can lead to improved clinical results by preventing cancer cells from resisting oxidative stress. At the same time, natural pro-oxidants such as cumin, quercetin, EGCG and resveratrol can reinforce the effects by increasing the ROS levels in cancer cells, making them even more receptive to apoptosis. Combination therapies that they represent a promising path in cancer treatment.


  1. Neurolaunch - Carbogen Therapy
  2. Taylor & Francis - Carbogen in Cancer Treatment
  3. Dr. Sircus - CO2 Inhalation Therapy
  4. Pubmed - Ros and Curcumin
  5. National Institutes of Health - Resveratrol and Cancer
  6. European Journal of Cancer Prevention - EGCG in Cancer
  7. Journal of Oncology - Thymoquinone in Cancer

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