New study on the effect of Pranan Graphene protection against radiation
Six people participated in the study, all signed a document confirming that the measurements reproduced in the report are correct.
Before/after study by 6 people being exposed to 4 and 5g radiation (Plaza Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain) and put on the phone for 30 minutes without when the people were exposed electromagnetic radiation without Pranan protection. Blood samples were then taken by all for analyzes using dark field microscopy.
The process is repeated after 7 days, but with the difference that the people were protected at home and at the test site and used Pranan Grafén 5G-EMF protective units (Biospace, Phione and Phiwaves). The samples were analyzed before and after. The comparative analysis is performed by studying the following parameters for red blood cells: mobility, toxicity level, cell membrane status, cellular oxidation, oxygenation and acidity.
The pictures/video before clearly shows a clear improvement before and after on all participants:
Participant 1 before without Pranan (click here For video or watch below)
Participant 1 after with Pranan (click here for video)

Participant 2 before without pranan (click here for video)
Participant 2 after with pranan (click here for video)
Participant 3 before without pranan (click here for video)
Participant 3 after with pranan (click here for video)
Other pranan video and resterne test results are available here!
The study is currently in Spanish available here!
Other studies in English, click here!
UNO Vita AS is the one -distributor of Pranan in Scandinavia
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