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Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP): A basic supplement everyone benefits from?

Jan Fredrik Poleszynski |


Modified citruspectin (MCP) is a specialized form of pectin, a complex carbohydrate naturally found in the cell walls of fruits and vegetables, especially in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit. Through a specific modification process, the molecular weight and degree of esterification in pectin are reduced, making MCP more easily absorbable in the body. This modification provides MCP unique therapeutic properties that have made it a focus area in research and clinical practice.

Pektin is known in its natural form for its prebiotic properties and its ability to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Modified citruspectin stands out by being far more bioavailable, giving it a variety of health benefits related to detoxification, immunomodulation, cancerous properties, as well as the protection of the heart, brain, intestine, kidneys and liver. MCP's ability to inhibit Galectin-3, a protein that plays a role in inflammation, fibrosis and tumor growth, is one of the most important mechanisms behind its therapeutic effects.

Benefits and effects

Detoxification of heavy metals

MCP acts as a natural celator that helps the body remove harmful heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Studies show that MCP increases the secretion of lead in children with elevated levels without affecting essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. In addition, MCP has been shown to contribute to the elimination of uranium, which is particularly relevant to people exposed to environmental toxins from industry and agriculture.

The mechanism behind this detoxification is MCP's ability to bind selectively to toxic metals in the gut and hinder their reabsorption, which facilitates safe secretion through stools and urine. This process makes the MCP an effective and gentle alternative to synthetic celators, which can often lead to the loss of essential nutrients.

Cancerous properties

MCP has been studied for its cancerous properties, especially in relation to prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and gastrointestinal cancer. Research shows that MCP inhibits tumor growth, reduces metastases and increases the sensitivity of chemotherapy.

In a study, it was shown that MCP could reduce PSA levels in patients with prostate cancer, indicating a slower disease progression. Another preclinical study showed that MCP inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells in animal models. MCP has also been shown to block galectin-3, which is involved in tumor cell adhesion and metastasis.

Support for the immune system

MCP has immunomodulatory effects that contribute to a balanced immune response. Studies show that MCP can increase the activity of natural killing cells (NK cells) and strengthen the body's defense against infections. In addition, MCP has been shown to reduce systemic inflammation, which may be beneficial for people with autoimmune conditions.

A preclinical study showed that MCP could reduce inflammatory markers associated with sepsis -induced kidney damage, as well as reduce oxidative stress and neuroin flammation in diabetes.

Cardiovascular diseases

MCP has been shown to have protective effects on the heart and blood vessels, mainly through its ability to inhibit galectin-3, a key factor in the development of cardiac fibrosis and atherosclerosis. A study published in European Heart Journal showed that MCP reduced inflammation and fibrotic changes in the myocardial tissue, which improved heart function.

In addition, MCP has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Technical specifications

MCP is produced by enzymatic or pH-modified degradation of natural pectin from citrus fruits. This results in a low molecular weight (<15 kda) and a high proportion of galacturonic acid (> 85 %), ensuring maximum bioavailability and efficiency.

Disclaimer and reservation

The use of MCP should be done in consultation with qualified health professionals. Keep out of reach of children. Uno Vita AS does not claim that MCP can cure illness.

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Uno Vita reserves the right to share publicly available research on health and wellness technologies in accordance with:

  • UN Human Rights (1948), Article 19: The Right to Freedom of Statement and Freedom of Expression.

  • The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (1966), Article 19: The freedom to apply, receive and disseminate information.

  • Norwegian Constitution § 100: Protection of freedom of speech.

  • US First Amendment: Protection of freedom of speech against state intervention.


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