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Glutatión pro liposomal

kr 564 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Glutathione Pro Liposomal (200 mg - 60 capsules)

Unleash the Power Within: Glutathione Pro Liposomal - Your Ultimate Cellular Defense
Ready to unlock the secrets to optimal health and well-being? Look no further than Glutathione Pro Liposomal, a revolutionary dietary supplement harnessing the power of the "master antioxidant," glutathione. This meticulously crafted formula empowers your body's natural defenses at the cellular level, promoting vitality and longevity.

Delve Deeper: The Science Behind Glutathione
What is Glutathione?

Glutathione, a naturally occurring tripeptide found within every cell, is more than just an antioxidant. It's a maestro, conducting a complex symphony of vital functions:

  • Cellular Protection: Glutathione combats free radicals, the harmful byproducts of cellular processes, safeguarding your DNA and promoting healthy cell function.
  • Detoxification Champion: Its unique structure binds to toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances, facilitating their elimination from your body.
  • Immune System Guardian: By enhancing the activity of T-cells and natural killer cells, glutathione strengthens your body's first line of defense against infections and disease.
  • Anti-Aging Ally: Oxidative stress is a key contributor to aging. Glutathione's potent antioxidant power helps slow down the aging process and may support cognitive functions like memory and focus.
  • Chronic Condition Management: Glutathione's ability to combat oxidative stress makes it beneficial in managing conditions like liver disease, heart disease, and chronic inflammation.

Targeted Support for Your Specific Needs:

  • Liver Health Powerhouse: Glutathione is crucial for liver detoxification and plays a significant role in managing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • Neurological Support: Studies suggest glutathione may alleviate symptoms of Parkinson's disease and potentially offer protection against Alzheimer's.
  • Anti-inflammatory & Autoimmune Aid: By controlling oxidative stress and inflammation, glutathione can contribute to managing conditions like ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Glutathione Pro Liposomal: The Superior Choice

  • High Dose & Pure Form: Each capsule delivers a substantial 200mg dose of the active, reduced form of glutathione, free from fillers and unnecessary additives.
  • Unmatched Absorption: Our innovative Pro Liposomal Formula utilizes phospholipids from organic sunflower lecithin and chitosan to create neutrally charged liposomes (LongLifeLipoTech™). This advanced technology ensures up to 20 times greater absorption compared to regular supplements, maximizing the benefits of glutathione.
  • Taste-Free Convenience: Enjoy the benefits of a dry powder formula, eliminating the unpleasant taste often associated with liquid liposomal products.
  • Made in the EU: Produced under stringent quality controls in the Netherlands, you can be confident you're receiving a premium-grade supplement.

Embrace a Healthier You with Glutathione Pro Liposomal:
Invest in your well-being with Glutathione Pro Liposomal. Experience the profound impact of enhanced detoxification, superior antioxidant protection, and a robust immune system. Embrace a vibrant life, empowered by the science of cellular health.

Science-Backed, Nature-Inspired. Embrace the Glutathione Advantage. 

Información suplementaria
Tamaño de porción: 1 cápsula
Número de porciones por contenedor: 60
Glutación, (forma reducida) 200 mg *
Mezcla liposomal pro 150 mg *
Valor diario (DV) no establecido.

Otros ingredientes: Mezcla Liposomal PRO (LongLifelipotech ™): fosfolípidos de selecitina de girasol orgánica y quitosano de conchas de mariscos, HPMC (cápsulas veganas).

Sin aditivos.
No contiene: gluten, lactosa, OGM, soja, conservantes, colores y sabores sintéticos, rellenos.

Uso recomendado: 
Como suplemento dietético, tome de 1 a 2 cápsulas dos veces al día (con mucha agua), junto con alimentos o según lo indique un proveedor de atención médica.

Almacenamiento:Guardar en un lugar fresco y seco.

Los suplementos no deben usarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y saludable.
Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños.
No exceda la dosis diaria recomendada.
Estas afirmaciones no han sido evaluadas por la Autoridad de Seguridad Alimentaria Noruega.

Permitido para el uso de adultos.
Todo el uso de subvenciones tiene lugar bajo su propia responsabilidad y debe hacerse en consulta con un médico.
No se debe exceder la dosis diaria recomendada.
El efecto de este producto puede variar de persona a persona.
Los suplementos no deben reemplazar una dieta variada.
Debe mantenerse fuera del alcance de los niños.

Dósis recomendada:
A menos que se especifique lo contrario, se recomienda la unidad de dosificación 1 declarada (tableta, cápsula, cucharadita, bolsa, caída o salpicaduras) cada dos días.

UNO Vita, como no afirma que los productos que comercializamos pueden curar la enfermedad.

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