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HistA-Aid nanoemulsificado

kr 477 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Nanoemulsified Hista-Aid
Nanoemulsified Hista-Aid This elegant formula can provide support for seasonal sufferers through an innovative blend of flavonoids, Vitamin C and Diindolylmethane (DIM).

Support for seasonal sufferers For you, if you are looking for a product that can offer support for seasonal sufferers The active ingredients in Nanoemulsified Hista-Aid™ can: Offer support for seasonal sufferers Help inhibit excess histamine release Support the body’s own master antioxidant switch Assist the body’s ability to break down histamine This elegant formula can provide support for seasonal sufferers through an innovative blend of flavonoids, Vitamin C, antioxidants and Diindolylmethane (DIM).

Health Benefits at a Glance:
Vitamin C can support normal immune system function and diamine oxidase (DAO), an enzyme that metabolizes and inactivates excess histamine. Flavonoids can inhibit histamine release from mast cells.

Why it Works:
Because the uptake of the molecules in this formula can be limited by breakdown in the digestive tract, or in the case of Vitamin C, by gastrointestinal saturation, Dr. Shade developed our Nanoemulsified Hista-Aid™. Liposomal delivery systems have been shown to lead to more immediate effects and more stable plasma concentrations. In addition to exceptional absorption rates, small liposomal and nanoemulsified particles enhance lymphatic circulation, helping to bypass digestive enzymes and breakdown in the liver. Mast cells play a powerful role in allergies. Flavonoids are polyphenolic plant compounds that can inhibit mast cell activity and resulting histamine release. Two of the most effective flavonoids are quercetin and luteolin. A centerpiece of this innovative formula is its novel focus on Nrf2, our body’s master antioxidant switch, which regulates over 200 genes involved in detoxification. Both DIM (Diindolylmethane) and quercetin, which this formula also contains, have been shown to help support Nrf2 activity.

The Science Behind the Product:
Quicksilver Delivery Systems® utilizes modern science to unleash the curative power of nature. With the world’s most advanced phospholipid delivery systems, Quicksilver Scientific supplements can help to nourish your cells with phosphatidylcholine as they deliver their core effective ingredients faster and more efficiently.

How to Use:

  • Take 4 pumps as needed. Hold in mouth 30 seconds before swallowing. May be repeated up to 8 pumps. May be mixed into water. Best taken on an empty stomach at least 10 minutes before meals. Use within 60 days of opening.

Tamanho da porta: 2 ml (4 bombas)
Porções por contêiner: 25
Conteúdo por parte:
Quali ™ -C Vitamina C (de Corbat de sódio europeu) 170 mg
Sódio 22 mg
Di -hidrato de qucetina 16 mg
Extrato de lutolina 20 mg
Próprios fosfolipídios mistos (de sementes purificadas de girassol)
Diindolilmetano 120 mg

Outros ingredientes: Glicerina, água, etanol, vitamina E (como tokofersolano e tokofolas mistas naturais), triglicerídeos da cadeia média e óleos cítricos naturais.

Dosagem e uso: Pegue 4 bombas conforme necessário. Segure a boca por 30 segundos antes de engolir. Pode ser repetido até 8 vezes para casos avançados. Pode ser misturado em água. Melhor com o estômago vazio pelo menos 10 minutos antes das refeições.

Armazenar em temperatura ambiente.
Não armazene na geladeira. Use dentro de 60 dias após a abertura.

Aviso: Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Não compre se o selo externo estiver quebrado ou danificado. Se você passar por tratamento para uma condição médica ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando, entre em contato com seu terapeuta médico primeiro. Um suplemento alimentar não deve ser usado como substituto para uma dieta variada e equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.

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