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Mix de cães - 100 gramas de suporte nutricional para cães

kr 243 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Dog Mix - 100 grams
Nutritional Support for Dogs

Man's best friend requires specific nutritional needs. Life Extension's Dog Mix delivers the essential nutrients that dogs need for a healthy life. This supplement is gluten-free and non-GMO.

What is Dog Mix?
Dogs have unique nutritional needs, requiring a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Many commercial dog foods fall short in providing these essential nutrients. Dog Mix is designed to supplement your dog's diet, ensuring they get the optimal nutrients required for their overall well-being.

Key Benefits of Dog Mix

  • Promotes intestinal, metabolic, and immune health with the inclusion of probiotics.
  • Helps maintain physical well-being while supporting healthy brain and kidney function through clinically studied ingredients.
  • Contains carnitine to sustain healthy energy levels and optimal body composition.

Premium-Quality Ingredients for All
We believe in providing high-quality nutritional supplements made from premium ingredients for all customers—including our furry friends. Our pet supplements meet the same high standards as our other products, ensuring that your pet receives top-notch nutritional support.

Why Choose Life Extension?
The Best Supplements Backed by Science
We are committed to providing you with nutritional products that are both high-quality and scientifically validated. For over 40 years, we've delivered top-notch products formulated with the finest ingredients.

Your Health Matters to Us
We strive to empower you to lead a healthier life. Whether by sourcing sustainable ingredients or supporting cutting-edge anti-aging research, we prioritize your health and wellness.

Highly Recommended
An impressive 98% of our customers recommend us to family and friends. We take great pride in this statistic, as it shows we're making a difference in people’s lives.

Product Transparency
We dedicate ourselves to research, bringing you premium and scientifically-validated formulations.

Product Details
Animals have unique physiological and structural systems, requiring specialized nutrition to remain in optimal health. Despite the growth of the pet food industry, the question remains: are these products delivering sufficient quality nutrients?

Dogs, the domesticated descendants of the Canis genus, require a balanced diet similar to humans for long-term health and well-being. Unfortunately, many commercial dog foods lack the essential nutrients that dogs need.

Like humans, dogs can also suffer from nutrient deficiencies if their diet is suboptimal. This is where supplementation can help. For example, Carnitine, synthesized from amino acids lysine and methionine, is essential for energy metabolism. It supports healthy energy levels, body composition, and heart health. Lipoic acid offers mitochondrial support and may aid in healthy brain aging. Vitamin E has also been shown to be beneficial for active dogs.

So, how can you ensure your pet gets premium nutrition? Besides high-quality commercial foods, nutritional supplements like our Dog Mix are the best way to ensure your pets get the vitamins and minerals they need for longevity and health.

Targeted Nutrition Solution
Just two scoops of Dog Mix per day provide the essential vitamins your pet needs to stay healthy and strong. This product contains a variety of high-grade nutrients often reserved for expensive human supplements, including flavonoids, amino acids, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and more. Probiotics are also included to enhance intestinal, metabolic, and immune health.

Many commercial pet foods lack the range of vitamins, amino acids, phytonutrients, and advanced antioxidants found in Dog Mix. Rely on our pet supplements to provide the premium-grade nutrients you've come to expect from all our products.

Fatos suplementares
Tamanho da porção: 1 colher de medição (aproximadamente 1.667 g)
Serviços por contêiner: aproximadamente 60

Quantidade por porção
Vitamina C: 50 mg
Vitamina E: 16,8 mg

Super nutrição
Estroat de alecrim, tomilho e sálvia: 30 mg

Vitaminas essenciais
Tiamin: 2 mg
Riboflavina: 5 mg
Niacina: 4 mg
Pantoterycy: 2 mg
Vitamina B6: 2 mg
Vitamina B12: 10 mcg
Ácido fólico: 500 mcg

Síntese de proteínas e balanço hídrico
Trimetilgyklin (tmg) (como betainanydros): 250 mg

Concentrado probiótico: 3 mg [L. Acidophilus, L. plantarum, B. bifidum, B. lactis (fornecendo 250 milhões de UCF †)]

Carotenóides mistas
Vitamina A Betatene®1: 20 mcg
Tomate (fruta): 2 mg

Metabolismo e vida de glicose
Ácido alfaliposico: 5 mg

L-carnitina (como L-carnitina L-tensão): 50 mg

Ácidos graxos essenciais
Feal de semente de linho (Linum usitatissimum) (sementes): 1100 mg
† Unidades de formação colonial no momento da produção
Ingredients: Flaxsee meal, betainanhydrous, L-carnitin L-tension, ascorbic acid, chisel acid, D-alfa-tokopherol-Succinat, rosemary extract, sage extract, thyme extract, riboflavin, alfalic acid, diksic acid, diksic acid, diksic acid , ácido diksico, ácido diksico, ácido diksico, aroten, luteína, zeaxantin)], probióticos (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, B. bifidum, B. lactis), niacina, pantotenato de d-kalsium, piridoxina hcl, tiamina hcl, Tomate, maltodekstrina, metilkobalamina.

Contém peixes (tilápia).
1 - O Betatene® é uma marca registrada da BASF SE.

Dose e uso
Para cães pesando 20 a 30 libras, misture uma colher de medição por dia na comida ou trate do seu animal de estimação. Ajuste a quantidade de acordo com o peso. Armazene na geladeira após a abertura. A densidade pode variar.

Este produto não se destina a substituir o tratamento veterinário. Qualquer animal que não responda à terapia nutricional deve ser examinado por um veterinário licenciado e competente. Sempre informe seu veterinário se o animal tomar um suplemento.

Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças
Não exceder a dose recomendada
Não compre se a vedação externa estiver quebrada ou danificada.

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