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Cápsulas Realine® - Vitamina B Plus (120)

kr 1.093 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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ReAline® Capsules - B-Vitamin Plus
Water Soluble Product Size: 120 capsules
L-methionine & L-taurine are sulfur-based amino acids
L-Methionine is a precursor to glutathione, the body’s own antioxidants
Our ReAline formula may replace several supplements that you have been taking:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine from Saccharomyces Boulardi) (natural source) – 4mg
Vitamin B2 ( as Riboflavin 5 phosphate) – 4 mg
Niacin (from Saccharomyces Cells) - 10 mg
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine 5 phosphate – 4 mg
Folic acid (as Quatrefolic®) – 200 mcg
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) – 250 mcg
Biotin (from Saccharomyces Cells) - 50 mcg
L-Methionine (natural source) – 500mg
L-Taurine (natural source) – 200mg
Pantothenic Acid (from Saccharomyces Cells) - 6 mg
Other Ingredients: non-GMO Vegetable cellulose (capsule shell), Cellulose, Vegetable Stearate, Silica

ReAline is a specific formula that provides the perfect building blocks to enhance and assist the body's natural detoxification processes. Instead of forcing the body with purges or IV chelation, ReAline has l-methionine, which is the building block for glutathione, the body's most important antioxidant. That way the body can detox when it wants to not when it’s forced to.

L-methionine and l-taurine are sulfur amino acids, which help with the liver's sulfation detox pathways. The B vitamins work synergistically with magnesium and methionine. All four are methylated to help liver methylated detoxification pathways. The introduction of methylated B’s became even more important as the MTHFR gene mutations were identified. I contend that gene mutations are expressed partly because of magnesium and other nutrient deficiencies.

The B vitamins are essential to support our neurological health. This became even more obvious when we found deficient B12, B6, and folate in the autism spectrum and also in the elderly. But there is much more to them. They are cofactors in thousands of biochemical processes. B vitamins work together; they help cells burn fats and glucose for energy, they promote cell growth and division, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone, support and increase the rate of metabolism, enhance immune and nervous system function, which includes easing stress and improving mood probably triggered by an increased production of serotonin.

ReAline is a methylated B and is in the active form that the body requires. To acquire the B vitamins that are not included in ReAline, use lots of Brewer's yeast on your organic popcorn!

Methionine has 4 major roles in the ReAline formula. Methionine is a building block in the manufacture of all our proteins including: structural, contractile, blood proteins, antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. It is a methyl donor, needed for the production of neurotransmitters; a sulfur donor; and a precursor in the synthesis of other amino acids. Methionine is a critical component of tissue development, growth and tissue repair for all humans at any age.

Taurine is a precursor to GABA; reduces elevated levels of cortisol in the body; helps burn fat; improves insulin sensitivity; increases testosterone production; acts as an antioxidant; enhances heart and brain function and improves sleep. It also provides sulfur molecules to the liver for its sulfation detox pathways.

Even though sulfur is the third most common mineral in the body (after calcium and phosphorous), sulfur’s importance is not commonly acknowledged. However, it is a key component in balanced DNA and protein replication. Sulfur is important for the production of mucous and for detoxification. Obtaining sulfur from methionine and taurine is more metabolically sound than taking sulfur supplements because the body can gauge how much it requires in any given moment.

We highly recommend using ReAline along with our other formulas as part of Dr. Dean's Total Body ReSet™.

Take 1 capsule with a meal two times a day.

Realine é metilada B em forma ativa. Se você vai obter as vitaminas do B que não estão incluídas na Realine, use muito fermento de cerveja na sua pipoca orgânica!
A metionina tem quatro papéis principais na fórmula realina. A metionina é um bloco de construção na produção de todas as proteínas, incluindo proteínas estruturais, contráteis, sanguíneo, anticorpos, hormônios e enzimas. É um metildonor, necessário para a produção de neurotransmissores e um doador de enxofre. A metionina também é um precursor na síntese de outros aminoácidos. Este aminoácido é uma parte central do desenvolvimento, crescimento e reparo de tecidos para todas as pessoas de todas as idades.

Taurin é um precursor do GABA. Reduz níveis elevados de cortisol no corpo, ajuda a queimar gordura, melhora a sensibilidade à insulina, aumenta a produção de testosterona, atua como um antioxidante, fortalece a função do coração e do cérebro e melhora o sono. Também contribui com moléculas de enxofre para o fígado de suas vias de desintoxicação de sulfato.
Embora o enxofre seja o terceiro mineral mais comum no corpo (após cálcio e fósforo), o significado do enxofre não é amplamente reconhecido. No entanto, existe um componente essencial na replicação do DNA e da proteína equilibrada. O enxofre é importante para a produção de muco e desintoxicação. Obter enxofre da metionina e taurina é mais metabólico apropriado do que tomar suplementos de enxofre. Recomendamos fortemente o uso da Realine com nossas outras fórmulas como parte do Total Body Reset ™ do Dr. Dean.

Leve 1 cápsula para uma refeição duas vezes por dia. Permitido para adultos com mais de 18 anos. Todo o uso de subsídios ocorre por sua própria responsabilidade e deve ser feita em consulta com um médico. A dose diária recomendada não deve ser excedida. Os suplementos não devem substituir uma dieta variada. Deve ser mantido fora do alcance das crianças. Reservas. O UNO Vita não afirma que os produtos que comercializamos podem curar doenças.

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