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Melatonina líquida de ação rápida citrus-vanilla (59ml)

kr 227 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Life Extension Fast-Acting Liquid Melatonin Citrus-VanillaFor Sleep & Cellular Health
For you, if you are looking for a fast-acting liquid melatonin formula

Melatonin can:
Promote high-quality sleep and balance your “body clock”
Offer antioxidant protection and support the immune system
Support cognitive health in advanced age
Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the human body that promotes high-quality sleep, fights free radicals, promotes cognitive health and more.

Health Benefits at a Glance:
A good night’s sleep is essential to bodily health, mental revitalization and overall physical well-being. However, many people have trouble falling asleep as well as staying asleep. Your sleep patterns are regulated by your circadian rhythm, which melatonin supports. Natural production of this hormone declines with age [3-5]. This can disturb your circadian rhythm and as a result thereof your quality of sleep [6-8]. Research now shows that it does not only support natural sleep but offers a range of other health benefits as well. These benefits include antioxidant support, DNA protection, immune system support, and support for cognitive health!

Why it Works:
Melatonin is a hormone which is naturally produced in the body. It is derived from tryptophan and is primarily known to offer support for the circadian rhythm, also known as your “body clock. Although it is mostly known for its sleep-promoting qualities, research now shows that it also has many other health benefits. These include support for the immune system, cognitive health, and even cell DNA.

Sleep support
The body’s own production of melatonin is reduced with the natural aging process. That’s why supplementation with this hormone can be a natural solution for people in advanced age that have trouble sleeping. Supplementing with this hormone can help people who are frequently exposed to sleep trouble and helping them balance their circadian rhythm.

Antioxidant protection & cell DNA support
Research shows that melatonin has strong antioxidant properties. It scavenges the body for some of the most common free radicals (hydroxyl and peroxyl) and it does so more efficiently than other antioxidants. Furthermore, it also supports other antioxidants [9], helping to raise overall antioxidant protection in the body in general. It is also important for supporting cellular DNA. This is because it helps inhibit a certain kind of free radical (peroxynitrite) [10] that attacks DNA strands inside the cells. This, therefore, helps inhibit oxidative damage to the cells.

Immune health
Melatonin helps to activate T-helper cells. T-helper cells regulate the immune response of other cells [12, 13]. This means that these cells help other cells respond to invasions of foreign molecules. By activating T-helper cells, melatonin thereby supports the immune system as a whole.

Cognitive health
Cognitive decline is a normal consequence of the natural aging process. But it is little known that the onset of age-related cognitive health issues might be correlated to the level of melatonin in the body [14-16]. This is because melatonin offers support to the brain’s own antioxidant protection system and helps inhibit factors in the brain that can spur on an age-induced cognitive decline, such as free radicals in the brain.

The Science Behind the Product:
Scientific research has in recent years demonstrated that there is more to melatonin than it merely being helpful in promoting high-quality sleep. What is also interesting about melatonin, is that it can be delivered in a variety of fashions, ranging from traditional capsule form with normal or extended release to liposomal delivery.

This melatonin product contains a high 3mg dose of melatonin per serving (1 ml) in the USA. In countries such as Norway the allowed dose is 1mg (som use 6 drops) in this case.

How to Use:
Take one (1) ml 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.1 ml is equivalent to approximately 20 drops.  Caution: Do not consume alcohol, drive or operate machinery after taking this product.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Anbefalt døgndose bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskudd bør ikke erstatte et variert kosthold. Bør oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn
Anbefalt dosering: Dosering anbefalt av norske helsemyndigheter (tillatt grense som kosttilskudd) er 1mg eller ca. 6 dråper av dette produktet.
Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom.

Fatos suplementares
Serviço tamanho 1 ml (na Noruega 0,33 ml)
Porções por contêiner cerca de 59

Quantidade por porção
Melatonina 3 mg (na Noruega 1 mg)
Outros ingredientes: glicerina, água purificada, sabores de laranja e baunilha, goma árabe, ácido cítrico.

Dose e uso
Pegue um (1) ml 30 a 60 minutos antes do tempo ou conforme recomendado por uma prática de saúde.
1 ml é equivalente a aproximadamente 20 gotas.
Cuidado. Não consuma álcool, dirija ou opere máquinas depois de tomar este produto.

Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Não exceda a dose recomendada.
Não compre se a vedação externa estiver quebrada ou danificada.
Se você estiver em tratamento para um condicionamento médico ou se estiver grávida ou em lactação, consulte primeiro seu médico.

Um suplemento alimentar não deve ser usado como substituto para uma dieta variada e equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Armazene bem fechado em um local frio e seco.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Johanne Marie Roaldstveit
Fast-Acting Liquid Melatonin

Virker bedre med en litt høyere dose.