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Glycemic Guard™ (30 capsules)
Help maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels after meals

Our best in class blend of Delphinol® maqui berry extract & Clovinol® clove extract helps the body maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels, especially after meals when glucose spikes can occur.

Product Details
Most people concerned about glucose check their fasting blood sugar levels. But glucose tolerance and healthy insulin sensitivity decrease with age, which can lead to blood sugar spikes after you eat. And since fasting blood sugar levels are the gold standard for measuring blood sugar health, after-dinner blood sugar concerns can go unnoticed for years.

Delphinol® maqui berry extract
Delphinol® is a standardized extract of the maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) packed with health-promoting anthocyanin and delphinidin compounds. Delphinol® delays the process by which food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. This affects post-meal glucose and insulin spikes.

In one study, 200 mg of Delphinol® taken 30 minutes before eating profoundly affected post-prandial (that’s after-eating) glucose and insulin levels. At 60 minutes after eating, the Delphinol® group measured a 15% difference in blood sugar levels and a 57% difference in insulin compared with the control group. In another study, 180 mg of Delphinol® taken before breakfast led to a statistically significant change in hemoglobin A1c levels (a key indicator when it comes to blood sugar health) after just 60 days.

Clovinol® clove bud extract
Clovinol® is a water-soluble extract of unopened clove buds (Syzygium aromaticum). It is rich in polyphenols, which promote healthy liver function. Research shows that clove extract inhibits a liver enzyme used in glycogenolysis, the natural process where the body breaks down glycogen to release glucose stored in the liver.

One study showed that 250 mg of Clovinol® once a day resulted in an up to 27% difference in post-prandial blood sugar levels compared with baseline after 30 days, with noticeable change observable in as little as 12 days.

If you've been monitoring your blood glucose levels, try Glycemic Guard™.

Informações suplementares da dieta

  • Cápsula vegetal tamanho 1 da parte
  • Quantidade por porção
  • Extrato de cravo clovinol® (botão de flor) [std. a 30% polifenóis] 250 mg
  • Delphinol® Maqui Bear (Aristotelia chilensis) Extrato (Fruit) [Std. a 35% de antocianinas, 25% delfinidinas] 200 mg

Outros ingredientes: celulose vegetal (cápsula), celulose microcristalina, sílica, ácido esteárico.

Delphinol® é uma marca registrada para MNL.
Clovinol® é uma marca registrada da Akay USA LLC.

Dose e uso
Pegue uma (1) cápsula diariamente ou recomendada por um profissional de saúde.

Se você tomar medicamentos que abaixam o açúcar no sangue, consulte seu médico antes de tomar este produto.

Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças
Não exceder a dose recomendada
Não compre se o selo externo estiver quebrado ou danificado.
Ao usar suplementos, consulte seu médico se você passar por um tratamento para uma condição médica ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando.

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