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Célula sem agência de geroprotect (antienvelhecimento)

kr 570 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Anti-aging cellular rejuvenation & energy

Our GEROPROTECT® Ageless Cell™ uses anti-aging nutrients identified by artificial intelligence to help rejuvenate near-senescent cells and promote cellular rejuvenation and energy. 

What Is Geroprotect Ageless Cell?
Ageless Cell™ is the first supplement in our GEROPROTECT® line. It is a novel formula designed to inhibit cellular senescence, a natural part of the aging process where cells no longer function optimally. Ageless Cell™ helps rejuvenate near-senescent cells and encourages the body’s healthy process for dealing with senescent ones. GEROPROTECT® Ageless Cell™ was formulated by a partnership between Life Extension® and Insilico Medicine, Inc.

GEROPROTECT® Ageless Cell™ Benefits

  • Helps rejuvenate near-senescent cells
  • Promotes organ vitality
  • Promotes youthful cellular metabolism
  • Supports a healthy inflammatory response

What is Cellular Senescence?
Cellular senescence is a natural part of the aging process. When previously healthy cells become senescent, they no longer function optimally. Some of the factors that make us “feel old” can be attributed to the effects of cellular senescence. So by inhibiting this natural part of aging at the cellular level, Ageless Cell™ supports youthful cellular function.

Product Details
When we fight back against cellular senescence, we’re doing our part to encourage cellular energy production, promote organ vitality, support a healthy inflammatory response and more. So by inhibiting this natural part of aging at the cellular level, Ageless Cell™ supports youthful cellular function. Turning back the clock.  The Ageless Cell™ formula was created through a partnership with Insilico Medicine, Inc., a medical technology company who created a database of 200+ geroprotectors predicted to extend life span, some of which have been shown to extend life span in pre-clinical models. Then, a proprietary algorithm based on artificial intelligence computing techniques scored these compounds’ impact on pathways associated with normal aging. Without Insilico’s A.I., this process could have taken decades.

Insilico Medicine’s computerized A.I. analysis identified N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the potent green tea polyphenol EGCG, gamma-tocotrienol and myricetin, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in berries, fruits and herbs, as powerful "geroprotector" nutrients which can help protect the body from the effects of cellular senescence. These compounds were then scientifically tested and demonstrated efficacy at inhibiting signs of cellular senescence.

The first in our GEROPROTECT® line
We then combined these innovative geroprotective ingredients into a single formula called Ageless Cell™. It is the first in our GEROPROTECT® product line, which features a variety of innovative formulas designed to help your body address the natural effects of the aging process. Ageless Cell™ is the cellular longevity supplement you’ve been waiting for.

Fatos suplementares
Cápsula de gel macio tamanho 1
Conteúdo por porção
Vitamina E (como D-Alpha Tokoferol) 13,4 mg
N-acetil-l-cisteína 450 mg
Extrato livre de cafeína do chá verde (lâmina) [std. a 45% EGCG] 223 mg
Myricetin [do extrato Myrica Cerifera (casca e folha)] 50 mg
Gamma toCotrienol (do complexo natural de ToCotrienol / Tokoferol) 25 mg

Outros ingredientes: triglicerídeos com cadeia média, gelatina, glicerina, cera de abelha, óleo de palma, água limpa, selecitina de girassol, mica, óxido de ferro. Não-GMO

Dose e uso
Pegue um (1) softgel diariamente ou recomendado por um profissional de saúde.

A dose recomendada não deve ser excedida

Não compre se a vedação externa estiver quebrada ou danificada.

Ao usar suplementos, entre em contato com o seu médico se você passar por um tratamento para uma condição médica ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando.

Permitido para adultos com mais de 18 anos. Todo o uso de subsídios ocorre por sua própria responsabilidade e deve ser feita em consulta com um médico. A dose diária recomendada não deve ser excedida. Os suplementos não devem substituir uma dieta variada. Deve ser mantido fora do alcance das crianças

Dosagem recomendada: Se não for especificado, é recomendado dose 1 unidade declarada (comprimido, capsle, colher de chá, bolsa, gota ou splash) todos os dias

Reserva. O UNO Vita não afirma que os produtos que comercializamos podem curar doenças. 

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