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Sulfato de glucosamina 750 mg

kr 229 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Glucosamine Sulfate 750 mg, 60 Capsules
Supports Knee Comfort and Joint Health

Glucosamine sulfate is a naturally occurring compound found in joint cartilage and is commonly taken as a supplement to address joint pain and stiffness, often caused by osteoarthritis. This condition is characterized by the wearing down of cartilage over time. Integrating glucosamine sulfate into your health regimen can benefit joint health and movement in several ways:

What is Glucosamine Sulfate?
Glucosamine is an amino sugar essential for maintaining the connective tissues between bones in your joints, thus supporting knee function and overall joint health. Glucosamine sulfate is the specific form most often used in clinical studies and is naturally found in cartilage. This form supports the cushioning tissue in your joints, facilitating comfortable freedom of movement.

Potential Benefits of Glucosamine Sulfate
Reduces joint inflammation, aiding in the relief of pain and swelling. For example, one study found that a daily intake of 1,500 mg of glucosamine sulfate combined with 1,200 mg of chondroitin sulfate for 28 days reduced the levels of the inflammation marker C-reactive protein by 23% compared to a placebo.

May slow the progression of osteoarthritis by providing cartilage protection. Research indicates that glucosamine sulfate supplementation for up to three years can prevent or delay the narrowing of joint space, which is a sign of cartilage loss.

Enhances joint function and mobility, making daily activities like walking and climbing stairs easier. Some studies suggest a positive effect on mobility when glucosamine sulfate is taken for at least six months.

Glucosamine Sulfate Benefits

  • Clinically proven to enhance knee comfort
  • Supports overall joint health
  • Helps maintain youthful mobility

Glucosamine Goes Solo
While glucosamine is traditionally paired with chondroitin for joint health, we offer this essential nutrient as a stand-alone, gluten-free, and non-GMO supplement for those looking to focus on glucosamine supplementation.

Product Details
Clinical studies have underscored the effectiveness of glucosamine in supporting healthy cartilage and joint function. Glucosamine is often paired with chondroitin due to their synergistic effects in maintaining joint structure and comfort. To accommodate diverse needs, we offer glucosamine sulfate as a stand-alone supplement.

Fatos suplementares
Tamanho da porta: 1 cápsula

Conteúdo por porção

  • Potássio (do cloreto de potássio): 140 mg
  • Sulfato de glucosamina (de sulfato de glucosamina 2kCl): 750 mg
  • Outros ingredientes:
  • Gelatina (cápsula), vela, sílica.
  • Não-GMO
  • Contém moluscos (camarão, caranguejo).

Dose e uso
Pegue uma (1) cápsula diariamente com comida ou, conforme recomendado por um profissional de saúde.

Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças
Não exceder a dose recomendada
Não compre se a vedação externa estiver quebrada ou danificada
Consulte seu médico se você passar por tratamento para uma condição médica ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando.
Para relatar efeitos colaterais graves ou para obter informações sobre o produto, entre em contato com 1-866-280-2852.

Permitido para adultos com mais de 18 anos. Todo o uso de subsídios ocorre por sua própria responsabilidade e deve ser feita em consulta com um médico. A dose diária recomendada não deve ser excedida. Os suplementos não devem substituir uma dieta variada. Deve ser mantido fora do alcance das crianças.
Dosagem recomendada: se não for especificada, a dose recomendada 1 unidade declarada (comprimido, cápsula, colher de chá, bolsa, gota ou splash) é todos os dias.
Reservas: O UNO Vita não afirma que os produtos que comercializamos podem curar doenças.

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