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Magnésio de liberação de extensão

kr 200 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Extend-Release Magnesium - 60 vegetarian capsules 
Heart & bone health, prolonged absorption

Optimize the cardiovascular and bone health benefits of a magnesium supplement with the immediate and prolonged uptake of Extend-Release Magnesium’s six-hour formula.

Magnesium Where and When You Need It Most
Life Extension customers have long been aware of the manifold health benefits of magnesium. Introducing Extend-Release Magnesium, our most advanced magnesium supplement to date. This unique formulation incorporates two types of magnesium, designed for both immediate and extended release. This ensures optimized absorption and prolonged benefits, providing you with the comprehensive health advantages that magnesium has to offer.

Cardiovascular Health
Magnesium plays a crucial role in cardiovascular well-being by relaxing the smooth muscles within blood vessels, thereby promoting better blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Additionally, magnesium is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and nitric oxide, both of which contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. A well-balanced magnesium level can help mitigate the risks of heart disease, arrhythmias, and hypertension.

Bone Health
Beyond cardiovascular benefits, magnesium is essential for maintaining optimal bone health. It positively influences the bone mineral matrix and enhances the body's ability to metabolize crucial minerals like calcium. Strong bones require a symphony of minerals, including both calcium and magnesium, to maintain their strength and resilience. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to osteoporosis, making it a vital mineral for bone preservation.

Whole Body Health
Magnesium is a multifaceted mineral that impacts various aspects of your overall health. It helps improve metabolic profiles, positively affects insulin resistance, and improves serum lipid levels. Furthermore, magnesium supports a healthy inflammatory response, fortifies endothelial functions, and offers protection against oxidative stress. Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of adequate magnesium levels for reducing the risk of chronic diseases, enhancing mood, and improving energy levels.

Experience comprehensive wellness with Extend-Release Magnesium from Life Extension. Don't miss out on the numerous health benefits that this versatile mineral can provide.

Fatos suplementares
Cápsula vegetal de tamanho 1

Quantidade por porção

  • Magnésio (como Zümxr® Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium sitrat) 250 mg
  • Outros ingredientes: celulose vegetal (cápsula), fibra de arroz, etillululose, celulose microcristalina, triglicerídeos médios, ácido esteárico, ácido oleico, dióxido de sílica. Não-GMO
  • O Zümxr® é uma marca registrada e protegida por patentes.

Dose e uso
Pegue uma (1) cápsula uma ou duas vezes ao dia ou recomendada por um profissional de saúde.


Se tomada em doses altas, o magnésio pode ter um efeito laxante. Se isso acontecer, compartilhe a dose, reduza a ingestão ou encerre o uso do produto.

Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças
Não exceder a dose recomendada
Não compre se o selo externo estiver quebrado ou danificado.
Ao usar suplementos, consulte seu médico se você passar por um tratamento para uma condição médica ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando.

Reservas: Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença. É importante consultar um trabalhador de saúde antes do uso, especialmente se você tiver uma condição médica ou usar outros medicamentos.

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